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Forked from artizirk/Arch Linux btrfs
Last active September 16, 2024 18:40
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Arch Linux installation on btrfs subvolumes

Arch Linux btrfs install

NOTE: Last update to this gist was on Jun 2, 2018. Most of the things here are out of date (e.g consider using zstd for transparent compression instead of lzo), so do your own research as well. Take care!

0. Prerequisites

  • Plenty of storage - snapshots will take (sort of) a lot of space
  • Latest Arch Linux install iso because those have newer kernels and more bugfixes in btrfs.
  • Have previous experience with installing Arch (like you can install arch with a blind fold).
  • Read everything through

1. Parititions

Pick a partition scheme fitting your needs, GPT for UEFI and MBR for BIOS based systems.

We really need two of them, one for /boot and the other one will be a btrfs partition with subvolumes. Or whatever you desire, e.g swap partition. You know what to do

  1. /dev/sda1 - this will be /boot with vfat filesystem because UEFI or syslinux for legacy BIOS boot mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1

  2. /dev/sda2 - btrfs with bunch of subvolumes mkfs.btrfs /dev/sda2

2. btrfs subvolumes

We will create few of them to support easy snapshoting with Snapper

1. Mount the root btrfs volume

mount /dev/sda2 /mnt

2. Create subvolume for root, home, var and one for snapshots

btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@root
btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@var
btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@home
btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@snapshots

3. Mount them.

umount /mnt
mount -o noatime,compress=lzo,space_cache,subvol=@root /dev/sda2 /mnt
mkdir /mnt/{boot,var,home,.snapshots}
mount -o noatime,compress=lzo,space_cache,subvol=@var /dev/sda2 /mnt/var
mount -o noatime,compress=lzo,space_cache,subvol=@home /dev/sda2 /mnt/home
mount -o noatime,compress=lzo,space_cache,subvol=@snapshots /dev/sda2 /mnt/.snapshots

pacstrap and other normal things you do when installing arch

I personally install using systemd-nspawn, e.g systemd-nspawn --directory=/mnt --boot. However, fstab and bootloader must be installed using arch-chroot.

Make sure that fstab is okay after you finish. Do not forget to use subvol=@foo and get rid of subvolid= flags

Snapshot time

You can create snapshots like so
btrfs subvolume snapshot -r / "/.snapshots/@root-$(date +%F-%R)"

And to restore from snapshot you just delete the currently used @root and replace it with a earlier snapshot

mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
btrfs subvolume delete /mnt/@root
brtfs subvolume snapshot /mnt/@snapshots/@root-2015-08-10-20:19 /mnt/@root

and then just reboot :)

you will probably want to use Snapper or something like that to manage your snapshots.

Random notes (by @artizirk)

  1. syslinux sould be capable of booting a btrfs volume but afaik it is just talk, I havent found anyone in the internet who has a working syslinux btrfs boot without seperate /boot parition. Only GRUB is capable of booting from bare btrfs file system.
  2. /boot is not snapshottable with this setup, someone somewhere sugested to create a systemd service to copy files from btrfs /boot to your seperate FAT32 ESP partition when files change in /boot folder. I havent tried that yet.

btrfs-specific notes (by @mikroskeem)

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plum commented Sep 28, 2019

Thanks, it was good for me as a practical guide, as a newcomer to btrfs, but not arch.
I found i had to use mkfs.btrfs -f /dev/sda2 , in order to overwrite an existing fs because I had partitioned with cgisk, using 8300 linux filesytem - as according to the advice I had found.

A point for other followers: I had to use mkfs.btrfs -f -L 'arch' /dev/sda2 in order to configure my efi bootloader (i.e. sytemd bootctl) to load using label rather than UUID. A GPT partition label alone doesn't work with the bootloader to a btrfs subvolume

In answer to Randon Note (2): pacman-boot-backup-hook available in aur will do that for you. Also in aur, systemd-boot-pacman-hook will upgrade for systemd bootloader for you, and also, check ou hooks snap-pac and snap-pac-grub to make snapper snapshots after any pacman installation (and work with yay too).

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