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Last active July 7, 2024 09:37
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gccemacs on OSX

gccemacs on OS X

Read this first:


1) GCC with libgccjit enabled

For that you need to compile gcc (duh). I edited Homebrew's gcc formula:

diff --git a/Formula/gcc.rb b/Formula/gcc.rb
index 1bd636d496..03ad124218 100644
--- a/Formula/gcc.rb
+++ b/Formula/gcc.rb
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class Gcc < Formula
     #  - Ada, which requires a pre-existing GCC Ada compiler to bootstrap
     #  - Go, currently not supported on macOS
     #  - BRIG
-    languages = %w[c c++ objc obj-c++ fortran]
+    languages = %w[c c++ objc obj-c++ fortran jit]

     osmajor = `uname -r`.split(".").first
     pkgversion = "Homebrew GCC #{pkg_version} #{build.used_options*" "}".strip
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ class Gcc < Formula
+      --enable-host-shared

     # Xcode 10 dropped 32-bit support

(easy way to apply this is to cd into /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core and run pbpaste | git apply - after copying the diff into clipboard 😄)

(or whereever is your Homebrew library set up)

2) Bunch of dependencies

  • giflib
  • jpeg
  • libtiff
  • gnutls

And XQuartz, because GCC is not able to parse Objective-C dialect changes what Apple has done for now and thus Apple Cocoa support is not available. (See:

3) Source

Clone and checkout feature/native-comp branch

2) Building

Here's the script I used (note to adjust package versions if needed):


    # Required by gnutls

export PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/9.2.0_2/bin:${PATH}"

export CC="gcc-9"
export CPP="cpp-9"

for dir in "${libs[@]}"; do
    CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}-I${dir}/include "
    LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}-L${dir}/lib "

export CFLAGS
export LDFLAGS

./configure \
    --prefix="${HOME}"/gccemacs \
    --with-nativecomp \

Save it into

Then run: sh && make bootstrap && make install

And result is in ~/gccemacs. Add ~/gccemacs/bin into PATH and start experimenting with el native building

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daviderestivo commented Sep 15, 2020

Could you check the size of this eln file?

gutter@nemesis ~ $ ls -al /usr/local/Cellar/emacs-head@28/HEAD-21021e5_1/
-r--r--r--  1 gutter  admin  82628 Sep 14 07:10 /usr/local/Cellar/emacs-head@28/HEAD-21021e5_1/

@AndreaCorallo Please lemme know if you need other infos ...

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Grekkor commented Oct 4, 2020

I am getting this pesky error and I have the correct symlink for the lisp folder inside /Applications/ but now it starts looking for .eln files inside a native-lisp folder:

emacs: dlopen(/Applications/, 1): image not found

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@Grekkor I had the same problem. I had to do this:

sudo ln -sf /Applications/ /usr/local/native-lisp

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Late to this game, but very thankful for this gist (and all the tips/tricks within).
With the following pieces,

Big Sur 11.2 (Intel) 
HOMEBREW_VERSION: 2.7.5-237-gf7a718c
gcc: stable 10.2.0 (bottled), HEAD
libgccjit: stable 10.2.0 (bottled), HEAD
git branch: feature/native-comp b8d3ae78c5 [origin/feature/native-comp] 
src-dir:  /Users/bobrien/src/gnu-emacs/gccemacs

I was failing time and time again with this error

emacs: dlopen(/Users/bobrien/src/gnu-emacs/gccemacs/nextstep/  
15f283fa50e83fc2aec8714353ada84c-de78d65d134dc032624554b36cd56584.eln, 1): image not found

I was finally able to successfully build (and run) with the following

export CC=clang
export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/Cellar/libgccjit/10.2.0_1/lib/gcc/10
export CXXFLAGS=-I/usr/local/Cellar/libgccjit/10.2.0_1/include
./configure --with-nativecomp
make bindir=$(pwd)/nextstep/ bootstrap && make install

The piece that got me past the error was passing bindir to make (thank you @shshkn)
I didn't have to symlink any directories in the src-dir ;-)
I symlinked the built gccemacs as:

ln -sf ~/src/gnu-emacs/gccemacs/nextstep/ ~/Applications/

I was able to run Emacs via command line and finder (mouse-click).
Emacsclient was aliased as

em="~/src/gnu-emacs/gccemacs/nextstep/ -c -n -a ''

and emacsclient is working as well.

Again, thank all of you for this gist and especially the bindir= tip.

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