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Last active March 3, 2019 16:46
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Quick, dirty and sort of safe brainfuck compiler
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import pprint
* Code generated using
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static char memory[%MEM_SIZE%] = { 0 };
int main(void) {
char *ptr = memory;
// Generated code start
// Generated code end
return 0;
LOOP_INSNS = set(['[', ']'])
VALID_INSNS = set(['<', '>', '+', '-', '.', ',', '[', ']'])
def parse_bf(bf_file):
bf_data = []
with open(bf_file, "r") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
# Split line into pieces
for char in line:
if char in VALID_INSNS:
return bf_data
def merge_bf(bf_data):
# Contains:
# {
# "insn": x,
# "amount": n
# }
new_bf = []
for insn in bf_data:
# Empty list or loop elements
if insn in LOOP_INSNS or len(new_bf) < 1:
new_bf.append({"insn": insn, "amount": 1})
last_insn = new_bf[-1]
# Not the same insn
if last_insn["insn"] is not insn:
new_bf.append({"insn": insn, "amount": 1})
# Same insn
last_insn["amount"] = last_insn["amount"] + 1
return new_bf
def analyze_bf(bf_data):
info = { "mem_size": 0 }
# Emulate brainfuck little bit to figure out how much is the pointer seeked
ptr_index = 0
ptr_max = 0
for insn in bf_data:
if insn["insn"] is '<':
ptr_index -= insn["amount"]
elif insn["insn"] is '>':
ptr_index += insn["amount"]
if ptr_index > (ptr_max - 1):
ptr_max = ptr_index + 1
if ptr_index < 0:
raise "ptr_index goes negative, invalid program!"
info["mem_size"] = ptr_max
# Dump info
print("Max mem needed: {} bytes".format(info["mem_size"]), file=sys.stderr)
return info
def write_bf(bf_data):
code = []
indentlevel = 1 # 1 because code is indented with 4 spaces in the beginnging
for insn in bf_data:
i = insn["insn"]
n = insn["amount"]
gen_code = None
if i is '>':
gen_code = f"ptr += {n};"
elif i is '<':
gen_code = f"ptr -= {n};"
elif i is '+':
gen_code = f"*ptr += {n};"
elif i is '-':
gen_code = f"*ptr -= {n};"
elif i is '.':
gen_code = "putchar(*ptr);"
elif i is ',':
gen_code = "*ptr = getchar();"
elif i is '[':
indentlevel += 1
gen_code = "while(*ptr) {"
elif i is ']':
indentlevel -= 1
gen_code = "}"
indent = ""
if indentlevel > 0:
_il = indentlevel if i is not '[' else (indentlevel - 1) # fucking ugly hack
indent = " " * _il
code.append(indent + gen_code)
return '\n'.join(code)
parsed = parse_bf(sys.argv[1])
merged = merge_bf(parsed)
analyzed = analyze_bf(merged)
generated = write_bf(merged)
.replace("%GENERATED_CODE%", generated)
.replace("%MEM_SIZE%", str(analyzed["mem_size"]))
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