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Created September 17, 2021 12:03
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[Shell command proxy] Lazy initialization of heavy tool (SDKMAN!) + interception of `sdk use java` to fuzzy filter installed versions when none specified. #shell
export SDKMAN_DIR="/usr/local/sdkman"
copy_function() {
local orig_fn=$(declare -f $1)
local new_fn="$2${orig_fn#$1}"
eval "$new_fn"
sdk_fuzzy_find_local_version() {
local candidate=$1
__sdkman_build_version_csv $candidate | tr ',' '\n' | sort -r -n |
fzf -d '\.' --nth 1 # filter by major version
is_loaded() {
init() {
source "${SDKMAN_DIR}/bin/"
copy_function sdk sdk_orig # `sdk` is not actually a shell command but a function
copy_function sdk_proxy sdk # reinject proxy after initialization
lazy_init() {
is_loaded || init
sdk_proxy() {
if (( $# == 2 )) && [[ $1 =~ ^(u|use)$ ]]; then # proxied subcommand
local candidate=$2
sdk_orig use $candidate $(sdk_fuzzy_find_local_version $candidate)
# every other use of sdk goes through the original command
sdk_orig "$@"
copy_function sdk_proxy sdk # inject proxy
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