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Created March 19, 2011 20:07
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Private Sub GeneratePasswords(sheetName As String, count As Integer)
For i = 1 To count
Sheets(sheetName).Cells(i, 2).Value = GeneratePassword
Next i
End Sub
Public Function GeneratePassword() As String
Dim lowercase, decimals, special As String
Dim needLower, needUpper, needDecimal, needSpecial As Boolean
Dim length As Integer
Dim chars() As String
Dim rand As Integer
length = Random(txtMin.Value, txtMax.Value)
ReDim chars(1 To length) As String
needLower = tglOptional1.Value
needUpper = tglOptional2.Value
needDecimal = tglOptional3.Value
needSpecial = tglOptional4.Value
lowercase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
uppercase = UCase(lowercase)
decimals = "0123456789"
specials = "@+/*-.=()#&"
'Debug.Print needLower, needUpper, needDecimal, needSpecial
For i = 1 To length
Do While chars(i) = vbNullString
rand = Random(1, 4)
If chars(i) = vbNullString And (needLower Or (chkLowerCase.Value And rand = 1 And Not (needUpper Or needDecimal Or needSpecial))) Then
chars(i) = GetRandChar(lowercase)
needLower = False
End If
If chars(i) = vbNullString And (needUpper Or (chkNumbers.Value And rand = 2 And Not (needLower Or needDecimal Or needSpecial))) Then
chars(i) = GetRandChar(uppercase)
needUpper = False
End If
If chars(i) = vbNullString And (needDecimal Or (chkUpperCase.Value And rand = 3 And Not (needUpper Or needLower Or needSpecial))) Then
chars(i) = GetRandChar(decimals)
needDecimal = False
End If
If chars(i) = vbNullString And (needSpecial Or (chkSpecials.Value And rand = 4) And Not (needUpper Or needDecimal Or needLower)) Then
chars(i) = GetRandChar(specials)
needSpecial = False
End If
'Debug.Print "i: " & i & "rand: " & rand & " char: " & chars(i)
Next i
'Debug.Print "Min: " & txtMin.Value & " Max: " & txtMax.Value
'Debug.Print "Length: " & length
'Debug.Print "Chars: " & Join(chars, "")
ShuffleArray chars
'Debug.Print "Chars: " & Join(chars, "")
GeneratePassword = Join(chars, "")
End Function
Private Function GetRandChar(ByVal chars As String) As String
GetRandChar = Mid$(chars, Random(1, Len(chars) - 1), 1)
End Function
Function Random(ByVal Low As Integer, ByVal High As Integer) As Integer
Randomize Timer
Random = Int((High - Low + 1) * Rnd) + Low
End Function
Public Sub ShuffleArray(arr As Variant)
Dim min, max, replace As Integer
Dim swap As Variant
min = LBound(arr)
max = UBound(arr)
'Debug.Print min, max
For i = max To min + 1 Step -1
replace = Random(min, max)
'Debug.Print i, replace
swap = arr(i)
arr(i) = arr(replace)
arr(replace) = swap
Next i
End Sub
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