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Created March 16, 2018 12:21
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Qooxdoo issue 9504 combobox problem Chrome
extend : qx.ui.table.pane.Scroller,
members :
startEditing : function () {
var startedEditing = this.base(arguments);
if (startedEditing) {
if (!(this._cellEditor instanceof qx.ui.window.Window)) {
this._cellEditor.addListenerOnce('focusin', this._onFocusinCellEditorAddBlurListener, this);
this.debug('added FOCUSIN listener to hash: ' + this._cellEditor.$$hash);
return startedEditing;
* Focusin event handler which attaches the blur event listener ot the cell editor
* and uses a timer event to allow the focusin event listener execution before
* the blur event listener execution
_onFocusinCellEditorAddBlurListener : function (e) {
this.debug("executed FOCUSIN event listener for hash: " + e.getTarget().$$hash);
qx.event.Timer.once(function() {
this._cellEditor.addListenerOnce('blur', this._onBlurCellEditorStopEditing, this);
this.debug('added BLUR listener to hash: ' + this._cellEditor.$$hash);
}, this, 0);
* Stop editing whenever the cell editor blurs.
_onBlurCellEditorStopEditing : function (e) {
this.debug("executed BLUR listener for hash " + e.getTarget().$$hash);
if (this._cellEditor === e.getTarget()) {
this.debug('hash: ' + this._cellEditor.$$hash);
function createRandomRows(rowCount) {
var rowData = [];
var now = new Date().getTime();
var dateRange = 400 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 400 days
var nextId = 0;
for (var row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) {
var date = new Date(now + Math.random() * dateRange - dateRange / 2);
rowData.push([ nextId++, Math.random() * 10000, date, (Math.random() > 0.5), null ]);
return rowData;
// window
var win = new qx.ui.window.Window("Table").set({
layout : new qx.ui.layout.Grow(),
allowClose: false,
allowMinimize: false,
contentPadding: 0
win.moveTo(30, 40);;
// table model
var tableModel = new qx.ui.table.model.Simple();
tableModel.setColumns([ "ID", "A number", "A date", "Boolean", "A string" ]);
// make second column editable
tableModel.setColumnEditable(1, true);
tableModel.setColumnEditable(4, true);
// table
var table = new qx.ui.table.Table(tableModel, {
tablePaneScroller : function(obj) { return new qx.ui.table.pane.ScrollerMod(obj) }
decorator: null
var tcm = table.getTableColumnModel();
// Display a checkbox in column 3
tcm.setDataCellRenderer(3, new qx.ui.table.cellrenderer.Boolean());
// use a different header renderer
tcm.setHeaderCellRenderer(2, new qx.ui.table.headerrenderer.Icon("icon/16/apps/office-calendar.png", "A date"));
var listData = [
"Option 0",
"Option 1",
"Item 2",
"Item 3"
var comboBoxFactory = new qx.ui.table.celleditor.ComboBox();
tcm.setCellEditorFactory(4, comboBoxFactory);
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