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Created December 20, 2017 07:53
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// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Input data
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
type Vector = (int64 * int64 * int64)
type Particle = {
position: Vector
velocity: Vector
acceleration: Vector
let parseVector id (value: string) =
let trimmedValue = value.Trim()
if trimmedValue.[0] <> id then raise (InvalidOperationException "Invalid ID when parsing vector")
let onlyValue = value.Substring(3, trimmedValue.Length - 4)
let parts = onlyValue.Split(',') |> int64
(parts.[0], parts.[1], parts.[2])
let parse filename =
(fun line ->
let vectors = line.Split([| ", " |], StringSplitOptions.None)
let position = parseVector 'p' vectors.[0]
let velocity = parseVector 'v' vectors.[1]
let acceleration = parseVector 'a' vectors.[2]
{ position = position; velocity = velocity; acceleration = acceleration })
|> List.ofSeq
let data = parse "queries/Advent/Advent2017-day20.txt"
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Problem A
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
let manhattanDistance (x: int64, y: int64, z: int64) = Math.Abs(x) + Math.Abs(y) + Math.Abs(z)
let addVectors (x1: int64, y1: int64, z1: int64) (x2: int64, y2: int64, z2: int64) =
(x1 + x2, y1 + y2, z1 + z2)
let rec tick toDo (particles: Particle list) =
if toDo = 0L then
let distances =
|> (fun p -> manhattanDistance p.position)
let min = distances |> List.min
distances |> List.findIndex ((=) min)
let updatedParticles =
(fun p ->
let newVelocity = addVectors p.velocity p.acceleration
let newPosition = addVectors p.position newVelocity
{ p with position = newPosition; velocity = newVelocity })
tick (toDo-1L) updatedParticles
(tick 500L data).Dump("Particle that stays the closest")
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Problem B
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
let rec removeCollisions (particles: Particle list) (positions: Set<Vector>) =
match particles with
| head::tail ->
let collisionWithPrevious = positions |> Set.contains head.position
let positionsForNext = if collisionWithPrevious then positions else positions |> Set.add head.position
let (updatedPartitions, collisions) = removeCollisions tail positionsForNext // recursion (not tail-recursive)
let collisionWithNext = (not collisionWithPrevious) && collisions |> Set.contains head.position // if we are already colliding with previous, we don't care if we are also colliding with next
let updatedCollisions = if collisionWithPrevious then collisions |> Set.add head.position else collisions
let returnPartitions = if collisionWithPrevious || collisionWithNext then updatedPartitions else head::updatedPartitions // decide whether to keep or remove "head"
| [] -> ([], Set.empty<Vector>)
let rec tickCollisions toDo (particles: Particle list) =
if toDo = 0L then particles.Length
let updatedParticles =
(fun p ->
let newVelocity = addVectors p.velocity p.acceleration
let newPosition = addVectors p.position newVelocity
{ p with position = newPosition; velocity = newVelocity })
let (updatedParticlesWithoutCollisions, _) = removeCollisions updatedParticles Set.empty<Vector>
tickCollisions (toDo-1L) updatedParticlesWithoutCollisions
(tickCollisions 500L data).Dump("Non-colliding particles")
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