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Created February 8, 2017 18:41
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CULLI state (de)composition
import * as O from "most"
import * as L from "partial.lenses"
import DOM from "@culli/dom"
import Store, {Memory, byType} from "@culli/store"
import {run} from "@cycle/most-run"
// partial.lenses lens => culli lens
const P = (pl) => ({
get: L.get(pl),
set: L.set(pl)
run(App, {
DOM: DOM("#app"),
Store: Store(Memory({
text: "tsers!",
notSoNestedState: 10,
some: {
nested: {
state: 1
function App(sources) {
function model(state) {
// we haven't decomposed the "root state" yet, so we must modify
// text property
const dispatch = state.actions.reduce(byType({
["SET_TEXT"]: (state, newText) => ({...state, text: newText})
// however, the exactly identical behaviour could have been achieved
// with the following code:
// const dispatch ="text").actions.reduce((text, {payload: newText}) => newText)
// now let's "decompose state into smaller parts now"
const text ="text")
const counters ={
counter1: "notSoNestedState",
counter2: ["some", "nested", "state"]
return {
props: { counters, text, entireState: state }
function view({counters, text, entireState}) {
// now let's pass the decomposed "counters" to our "general-purpose" component
// that expects {counter1, counter2}
const children = Counters({...sources, Store: counters})
const vdom = h("div", [
h("div", [
h("h1", "Entire state is:"),
h("pre", [ => JSON.stringify(s, null, 2))])
h("label", [
"Some text: ",
h("input.text", {type: "text", value: text.value})
h("div", [
return {vdom, children}
function intent(vdom) {
return vdom.on(".text", "input").map(e => ({type: "SET_TEXT", payload:}))
const {DOM: {h, combine}, Store} = sources
const {dispatch, props} = model(Store)
const {vdom, children} = view(props)
const actions = intent(vdom)
return {
DOM: combine(vdom),
// and here we "compose" actions by using dispatch function and normal merge operator
Store: O.merge(dispatch(actions), children.Store)
function Counters(sources) {
const {DOM: {h, combine}, Store: state} = sources
// and here again, we can use the state and "decompose" it again and don't worry much...
const a ="counter1")
const b ="counter2")
// ...and pass those decomposed states to child components :-)
const counterA = Counter({...sources, title: "A", Store: a})
const counterB = Counter({...sources, title: "B", Store: b})
return {
DOM: combine(h("div", [
h("h1", "Counters state:"),
h("pre", [ => JSON.stringify(s, null, 2))]),
h("div", [
// ...and again compose mods into bigger one
Store: O.merge(counterA.Store, counterB.Store)
function Counter({title, DOM: {h, combine}, Store: state}) {
// ...and again, in order to make state modifications, we must use reduce + dispatch
const dispatch = state.actions.reduce(byType({
["INC"]: state => state + 1,
["DEC"]: state => state - 1
const vdom = h("div", [
h("h2", ["Counter ", title, " (", state.value, ")"]),
h("", "+"),
h("button.dec", "-")
const actions = O.merge(
vdom.on(".inc", "click").map(() => ({type: "INC"})),
vdom.on(".dec", "click").map(() => ({type: "DEC"}))
return {
DOM: combine(vdom),
Store: dispatch(actions)
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