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Created November 24, 2012 13:56
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Coffeescript aspects
class MyClass
foo: ->
alert "foobar"
bar: ->
alert "barfoo"
aspect = (clz, extensions) ->
weaver =
# this does the actual binding
# this is called from extension code
around: (pointcut, advice) ->
prev = null
prev = if clz.prototype then clz.prototype[pointcut] else null
return if not prev
clz.prototype[pointcut] = ->
args = arguments
obj = this
joinPoint =
getTarget: -> obj
retVal: null
getArgs: -> args
getReturnValue: -> @retVal
setReturnValue: (val) -> @retVal = val
# this is called from advice (usually) once
proceed: ->
@setReturnValue prev.apply(obj, @getArgs())
# this line calls the advice code when
# target object method is called, joinPoint)
return joinPoint.getReturnValue()
# bind advices
aspect MyClass, ->
@around 'foo', (jp) ->
alert "BEFORE"
alert "AFTER"
a = new MyClass
alert "---"
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