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Last active May 2, 2017 03:58
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RA 1 - milan_rai
//Part 1
function capitalize(salesTeam) {
// loop through the salesteam object
// delare var getName to get the same object
// split the name object into a array
// use ChatAt to get the first letter of the object
// return the result {
var getPerson =;
getPerson['first'] = getPerson['first'][0].toUpperCase() + getPerson['first'].slice(1, getPerson['first'].length + 1);
getPerson['last'] = getPerson['last'][0].toUpperCase() + getPerson['last'].slice(1, getPerson['last'].length + 1);
// Part 2
function assert(expectedBehavior, descriptionOfCorrectBehavior) {
if (!expectedBehavior) {
} else {
console.log('test passed');
assert(expectedBehavior === descriptionOfCorrectBehavior, 'should capitalize the first letter of the first and last names');
Part 3
var averageTeamSales = function (salesTeam) {
// get sales Value of each person using map
// get total function
// get average function to calculate
// reduce it to a single number
var totalArr = [];
var salesAmt ={
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