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Last active September 9, 2019 17:59
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#define LUT_FLIP_Y
#pragma glslify: applyTransform = require('glsl-lut')
uniform sampler2D colorTransformLookup;
void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor, const in vec2 uv, out vec4 outputColor) {
outputColor = applyTransform(inputColor, colorTransformLookup);
import {
} from 'three'
import {
} from 'postprocessing'
import fragment from 'color_transform.frag'
export class ColorTransformEffect extends Effect {
constructor ({ lutTexture }) {
super('ColorTransformEffect', fragment, {
blendFunction: BlendFunction.NORMAL,
uniforms: new Map([
['colorTransformLookup', new Uniform(lutTexture)]
lutTexture.magFilter = NearestFilter
lutTexture.minFilter = NearestFilter
lutTexture.format = RGBAFormat
lutTexture.generateMipmaps = false
lutTexture.needsUpdate = true
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