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Tim mildmojo

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mildmojo / gist:2044883
Created March 15, 2012 15:45
Add Firefox buttons to manipulate about:config settings
I needed a button in the Firefox UI to toggle the default page zoom level
setting offered by the NoSquint extension (shown as "extensions.nosquint.fullZoomLevel"
in about:config). Since this isn't likely to be provided directly and I
wasn't interested in writing my own extension for something so simple, I
looked for an extension that would expose about:config settings to buttons.
Instead, I found the Custom Buttons extension:
mildmojo /
Created June 21, 2012 18:07
Sitewide Rack HTTP basic auth with exceptions for publicly-accessible paths
require File.expand_path("../init", __FILE__)
require 'rack/ssl-enforcer'
# Require HTTPS for all requests (not required; remove if unavailable)
use Rack::SslEnforcer
AUTH_CREDS = { user: 'user', pass: 'password' }
# Create a middleware to add HTTP basic auth to all but the whitelisted paths
class ProtectedApp
mildmojo / gist:3641946
Created September 5, 2012 18:24
Getting the exit status from the command at the head of a pipeline in dash vs. bash
Not actually supported by POSIX alone. Googled from
$ exec 3>&1 # duplicate original stdout
$ result=$(
exec 4>&1 >&3 3>&- # move cmd subst stdout, and restore original
{ ./; echo $? >&4 # run command, and record its status
} | head -n 3)
$ echo $result # status from ./
mildmojo / left_join_arel_example.rb
Last active April 5, 2024 16:00
LEFT JOIN in ARel for ActiveRecord in Ruby on Rails
# Here's a contrived example of a LEFT JOIN using ARel. This is an example of
# the mechanics, not a real-world use case.
# NOTE: In the gist comments, @ozydingo linked their general-purpose ActiveRecord
# extension that works for any named association. That's what I really wanted!
# Go use that! Go:
# - A Taxi is a car for hire. A taxi has_many :passengers.
# - A Passenger records one person riding in one taxi one time. It belongs_to :taxi.
mildmojo / active_record_left_join.rb
Created November 16, 2012 22:27
Adding #left_joins to ActiveRecord::Base
# Adds left joins to ActiveRecord.
# = Description
# This patch adds a #left_joins method to ActiveRecord models and relations. It
# works like #joins, but performs a LEFT JOIN instead of an INNER JOIN.
# = A warning about +count+
# When using with #count, ActiveRecord 3.2.8 is hard-coded to act as if
mildmojo / arel_math_named_functions.rb
Created November 22, 2012 02:29
ARel named function helpers
# Collection of helpers for math-related ARel NamedFunctions.
# Include this in classes that need to do trig with DB functions. Lets you write
# cleaner code, like:
# dist = acos(sin(lat) * sin(arel_lat_field) +
# cos(lat) * cos(arel_lat_field) * cos(arel_lng_field)) * EARTH_RADIUS_KM
# band_num = round(dist / ring_width, 0)
# band_num.to_sql
# # => round(abs(acos(
mildmojo / GoogleAnalytics.cs
Last active December 11, 2015 22:09
Reporting Unity game events to Google Analytics from the Unity Webplayer. Calls out to the Google javascript library loaded on the page, so the class is configuration-free.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/* Google Analytics integration. Web page must be configured for GA with Google's javascript snippet.
* Based on a comment from 2010 found here:
* Analytics category/action/label/value descriptions:
mildmojo / haters.rb
Last active December 20, 2015 08:29
Script for pulling out all the Twitter haters blogged at (all sorts o' trigger warnings on that one).
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# haters.rb
# Finds all the Twitter users posted to and prints
# them, newline-delimited, to STDOUT. Require this file in your own script to
# access ScumbagHaterFinder directly.
# Tested with Ruby 2.0.0.
mildmojo / permission_to_leave.js
Created November 2, 2013 00:22
Saves your bacon when you're using with OS X and try to Cmd+Left to go to the beginning of the line.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Permission to Leave
// @namespace
// @description Prompts before leaving the page. Good for OS X users who press Cmd+Left while editing text to go to the start of the line, only to find the browser goes back a page instead.
// @version 1.0
// @grant none
// @include http://edit.script.and
// @include
// @include
// ==/UserScript==
mildmojo /
Created June 18, 2014 06:47
Script to rotate the screen and touch devices on modern Linux desktops. Great for convertible laptops.
# Rotates modern Linux desktop screen and input devices to match. Handy for
# convertible notebooks. Call this script from panel launchers, keyboard
# shortcuts, or touch gesture bindings (xSwipe, touchegg, etc.).
# Using transformation matrix bits taken from: