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Created September 13, 2023 13:10
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# ID for the Azure subscription containing the App Service
# Name of the App Service on which the restart should be performed
# Seconds between each instance restart, defaults to 30
[int]$SecondsBetweenRestarts = 30
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
$AutomationConnection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name "AzureRunAsConnection"
$ConnectionSplat = @{
ServicePrincipal = $true
Tenant = $AutomationConnection.TenantID
ApplicationId = $AutomationConnection.ApplicationID
CertificateThumbprint = $AutomationConnection.CertificateThumbprint
Connect-AzAccount @ConnectionSplat
Set-AzContext -Subscription $SubscriptionId | Out-Null
$WebApp = Get-AzWebApp -Name $AppServiceName
$ResourceGroup = $WebApp.ResourceGroup
# This gives you a list of instances for your App Service
$InstancesSplat = @{
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroup
ResourceType = "Microsoft.Web/sites/instances"
ResourceName = $AppServiceName
ApiVersion = "2018-11-01"
$ApplicationInstances = Get-AzResource @InstancesSplat
$InstanceCounter = 0
$FailedRestarts = $false
foreach ($Instance in $ApplicationInstances) {
Write-Verbose -Message "Now on instance $InstanceCounter/$($ApplicationInstances.Count)"
# This gives you list of processes running on a particular instance, filtered to only IIS processes
$ProcessListSplat = @{
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroup
ResourceType = "Microsoft.Web/sites/instances/processes"
ResourceName = "$AppServiceName/$($Instance.Name)"
ApiVersion = "2018-11-01"
$ProcessList = Get-AzResource @ProcessListSplat | Where-Object { $_.Properties.Name -eq "w3wp" }
foreach ($Process in $ProcessList) {
$ProcessWithPropertiesSplat = @{
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroup
ResourceType = "Microsoft.Web/sites/instances/processes"
ResourceName = "$AppServiceName/$($Instance.Name)/$($"
ApiVersion = "2018-11-01"
$ProcessWithProperties = Get-AzResource @ProcessWithPropertiesSplat
# 'is_scm_site' is a property which is set on the Kudu worker process, which you don't want to restart
if ($ProcessWithProperties.Properties.is_scm_site -ne $true) {
Write-Verbose -Message "Instance ID $($Instance.Name) has computer name $($ProcessWithProperties.Properties.environment_variables.COMPUTERNAME)"
Write-Verbose -Message "Going to stop process with PID $($ProcessWithProperties.Properties.Id)"
# Remove-AzResource stops the IIS process, which will then automatically restart
$Result = Remove-AzResource -ResourceId $ProcessWithProperties.ResourceId -ApiVersion 2018-11-01 -Force
if ($Result -eq $true) {
Write-Verbose -Message "Process $($ProcessWithProperties.Properties.Id) stopped"
else {
Write-Error -Message "Problem stopping process $($ProcessWithProperties.Properties.Id) on instance $($Instance.Name)."
$FailedRestarts = $true
if ($InstanceCounter -lt $ApplicationInstances.Count) {
Write-Verbose -Message "Sleeping for $SecondsBetweenRestarts seconds before next reboot..."
Start-Sleep -s $SecondsBetweenRestarts
if ($FailedRestarts) {
throw "At least one restart failed. Please review output for details."
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