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Last active January 11, 2022 19:23
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🦠 Conway's game of life(ish) in 3D, with OpenVDB output for every generation
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pyopenvdb as vdb
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
kernel = '''
rule = lambda state, neighbors: \
(neighbors == 5) | (~state & (neighbors == 4))
generations = 20
filename = lambda n: f'test-{n:03}.vdb'
initial = '''
| | | |
| | X | |
| X | XXX | X |
| | X | |
| | | |
def parse_3d(desc: str) -> np.array:
if desc.startswith('\n'): desc = desc[1:]
# split segments
lines = desc.splitlines()
if not lines: return np.zeros((0, 0, 0))
segs = [ line.split('|') for line in lines ]
# verify conformance
markers = set( tuple(len(x) for x in line[:-1]) for line in segs )
assert len(markers) == 1
markers = set( next(iter(markers)) )
assert len(markers) == 1
dim = next(iter(markers))
ldim = max( len(line[-1].rstrip()) for line in segs )
assert ldim <= dim
# parse segments into array
parse_seg = lambda seg: [ { ' ': False, 'X': True }[x] for x in seg[:dim].ljust(dim) ]
parse_line = lambda line: [ parse_seg(seg) for seg in line ]
return np.array([ parse_line(line) for line in segs ])
kernel = parse_3d(kernel).astype('uint8')
def autocrop(arr: np.array) -> tuple[np.array, tuple[int, ...]]:
slices = ()
for axis in range(arr.ndim):
bound = arr
for other_axis in reversed(range(arr.ndim)):
if axis != other_axis:
bound = np.any(bound, other_axis)
idxs = np.where(bound)[0]
if not len(idxs): return None, None
slices += ( slice(*(idxs[[0, -1]] + (0, 1))), )
return arr[slices], tuple( s.start for s in slices )
state = parse_3d(initial)
pos = -np.array(state.shape) // 2
for i in range(generations):
# crop and pad state
state, dpos = autocrop(state)
if state is None: break
pos += dpos
state = np.pad(state, 1)
pos -= 1
# compute next generation
print(f'Generation {i+1:3} / {generations:3}... {state.shape}')
neighbors = scipy.signal.convolve(state.astype('uint8'), kernel, 'same')
oldstate, state = state, rule(state, neighbors)
# output OpenVDB
state_grid = vdb.BoolGrid() = 'state'
state_grid.copyFromArray(oldstate, ijk=tuple(map(int, pos)))
vdb.write(filename(i + 1), grids=[state_grid])
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