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Last active September 13, 2023 09:47
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OpenSCAD module for simple gears with round teeth

Simple module that makes gears with circular-shaped teeth. The gears maintain their shape even for extremely low teeth numbers up to 2. Parameters:

  • teeth: number of teeth.
  • step: width of one teeth (diameter of the circle).

Two gears produced with the same step will transfer movement, so one typically fixes a step for all the gears and varies teeth for each gear, which decides the radius and transfer ratio. Example:

$fn = 50;
color("yellow") translate([3.26,0.15]) rotate(90-$t*360/15) gear(15, 1);
color("red") translate([-2.02,-2.9]) rotate(-15+$t*360/4) gear(4, 1);
color("green") translate([-3.02,-5.65]) rotate(-42-$t*360/5) gear(5, 1);


module gear(teeth, step, height=0.2) {
angle = 360/(teeth*2);
radius = (step/2) / sin(angle/2);
apothem = (step/2) / tan(angle/2);
module circles() {
for (i = [1:teeth])
rotate(i * angle * 2) translate([radius,0,0]) circle(step/2);
linear_extrude(height) difference() {
union() {
rotate(angle) circles();
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I just looked on thingiverse for 50 minutes for something like this, for convoluted codes wih 200 variables, 500 lines of duchvontechnik words. mini awesome code!

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thank you so much!

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