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Created December 31, 2019 18:09
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Parser for Darkest Dungeon saves
from struct import unpack, pack
from sys import argv, stderr
import io
import json
def checked_read(f, amount):
result =
assert len(result) == amount
return result
def parse_document(f):
header, _, _, _, _, table_count, _, _, _, _, _, triplets_count, _, _, _, data_start = unpack('<' + 'I'*16,*16))
assert header == 0xB101
table = [ unpack('<IIII', for _ in range(table_count) ]
tri = [ unpack('<III', for _ in range(triplets_count) ]
assert f.tell() == data_start
data = [ checked_read(f, i2[1] - i1[1]) for i1, i2 in zip(tri, tri[1:]) ]
data.append( )
def parse_value(pos, value):
if value == b'\x00':
return False
if value == b'\x01':
return True
# consume 32-bit alignment
assert len(value) >= (-pos % 4) # and all(x == 0 for x in value[:(-pos % 4)])
value = value[(-pos % 4):]
# uint
uint, value = unpack('<I', value[:4])[0], value[4:]
if not value: return uint
# string
assert len(value) >= uint
if value.startswith(b'\x01\xb1\x00\x00'): # persist.roster.json contains sub-documents within fields
return parse_document(io.BytesIO(value))
assert value[uint-1] == 0
return value[:uint-1].decode()
nodes = []
for d, (u, pos, flags) in zip(data, tri):
# Separate flags
t = bool(flags >> 31)
tableSlot = (flags & ((1<<31)-1))>>11
nameSize = (flags & ((1<<11)-1))>>2
f1 = bool(flags & 2)
f0 = bool(flags & 1)
assert not f1
# Separate data into name and value
assert d[nameSize-1] == 0
name, value = d[:nameSize-1].decode(), d[nameSize:]
# Build result
node = { 'u': u, 't': t, 'name': name }
if f0:
assert not value
node['tableSlot'] = tableSlot
assert not tableSlot
node['value'] = parse_value(pos + nameSize, value)
except Exception as e:
node['value'] = 'ERROR'
print('Error parsing {}: {}'.format(value, repr(e)), file=stderr)
# Process nodes, building object tree
from collections import OrderedDict
stack = [(0xffffffff, OrderedDict(), float('inf'))]
for idx, node in enumerate(nodes):
target = stack[-1][1]
if 'tableSlot' in node:
parent, triplet, children, totalChildren = table[node['tableSlot']]
assert parent == stack[-1][0] and triplet == idx
value = OrderedDict()
stack.append((node['tableSlot'], value, children))
value = node['value']
assert node['name'] not in target
target[node['name']] = value
while len(stack[-1][1]) == stack[-1][2]: stack.pop()
assert len(stack) == 1
result = stack[0][1]
assert len(result) == 1 and 'base_root' in result
result = result['base_root']
return result
result = parse_document(open(argv[1], 'rb'))
print(json.dumps(result, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4))
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