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Created January 21, 2022 02:52
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dumper / visualizer of GNOME Shell's cogl global atlas (context:
# this tool does the following:
# - dump the atlas of a gnome-shell process (its backing texture, as well as the allocations in it).
# - cross-reference the info with the state of the glyph cache and the texture cache (to determine the source of some of the allocations).
# - perform a number of consistency checks on all of that, in the form of assertions,
# - finally, plot the data in a nice figure.
# allocations are tinted with a color depending on their status / source:
# - grayish → free space1
# - yellow → glyph cache
# - red → texture cache, but unused
# - cyan → texture cache, used
# - blue → other
# hovering over a rectangle (region of the atlas) tells you:
# - the bounds of that rectangle: "(x, y), (width, height)" in pixels
# - in case the rectangle is allocated:
# - refs to the AtlasTexture exposing the rectangle (only shown if != 1): "(2 refs)"
# - for glyph cache allocations: font + glyph
# - for texture cache allocations: key string + additional refs to the ClutterImage exposing it
# (i.e. not counting the ref from the texture cache itself)
# the tool can operate on live processes (reading /proc/x/mem + attaching with gdb to download
# textures) or it can operate on corefiles. (in which case it can use textures if previously
# downloaded using the GDB script, and saved as `<corefile>.texture.<address in decimal>`).
# it may surely fail due to race conditions. I'm reading memory from a live process after all.
# try running it again in that case.
# the code quality is bad. this was hacked for my needs (version 41.2) so don't expect to be
# able to use it easily. also I didn't have symbols which means I have literally hardcoded
# the layout of A WHOLE LOT OF C STRUCTS below. it will probably not match yours, especially
# CoglContext which is internal and updated quite often. there's even hardcoded symbol
# addresses and you'll have to update those as well. you've been warned.
# (if you *really* need this to work, it wouldn't be *that* much time for me to adapt it to
# use debug symbols to deduce all it needs (structs, global variables) but I can't guarantee
# anything)
# dependencies:
# - py-struct:
# - gdb (only if working on a live process)
# - emucore (only if working on a corefile)
# - numpy + matplotlib (for the plotting part)
# scroll a bit and enter your parameters...
from typing import Annotated, BinaryIO, Iterator, NamedTuple, Optional, TypeVar, Union, cast
from serialization.serialization import *
from dataclasses import dataclass
import enum
from struct import unpack
from pprint import PrettyPrinter
from subprocess import run
import re
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
def read_str(st: BinaryIO, pos: int) -> str:
result = bytearray()
while (x :=[0]):
assert len(result) < 4096
return result.decode('utf-8')
Bool = U8
Char = S8; UChar = U8
Short = S16; UShort = U16
Int = S32; UInt = U32
Long = S64; ULong = U64
IntPtr = S64; UIntPtr = U64
Ptr = Size = U64
class ProcfsMapEntry(NamedTuple):
start: Ptr
end: Ptr
prot: str
pgoff: Ptr
dev: tuple[int, int]
inode: int
filename: Optional[bytes]
def parse(line: bytes) -> 'ProcfsMapEntry':
assert line[-1:] == b'\n'
line = line[:-1]
m = re.match(rb'([\da-f]{8,})-([\da-f]{8,}) ([r-][w-][x-][sp]) ([\da-f]{8,}) ([\da-f]{2,}:[\da-f]{2,}) (\d+) ', line)
if not m: raise ValueError()
start, end, prot, pgoff, dev, inode = m.groups()
dev = tuple(int(x, 16) for x in dev.decode().split(':'))
prot = prot.decode()
if len(line) == m.end(0):
fname = None
bpos = max(m.end(0), 72) + 1 # FIXME: this is 48 on 32-bit machines
assert len(line) >= bpos and all(x == ord(' ') for x in line[m.end(0):bpos])
fname = line[bpos:]
return ProcfsMapEntry(int(start, 16), int(end, 16), prot, int(pgoff, 16), dev, int(inode, 10), fname)
def pidof(name: str) -> list[int]:
out = run(['pidof', name], check=True, capture_output=True, text=True)
return list(map(int, out.stdout.split()))
PROC_SRC: Union[int, str]
# if working on a live process, it's set to an int (its PID).
# if working on a corefile, PROC_SRC is set to a string (its filename).
# address (pointer) of the CoglPangoFontMap / PangoCairoFontMap instance.
# from this root address, everything else is looked up.
# - if it's a live session, you can easily get this address by using
# the `` script (see there for instructions).
# - if it's a coredump it's much harder but it's possible by searching
# the memory for pointers to the PangoCairoFontMap class, look at the
# twitter thread
PROC_SRC, = pidof('gnome-shell'); FONT_MAP = 94419581069472
#PROC_SRC = 'core.2310'; FONT_MAP = 0x56454419c8f0
PROC_SRC = 'core.16791'; FONT_MAP = 94891084519664
# from here it's mostly C structs definitions mixed with some useful logic.
# you can safely skip to the MAIN LOGIC section.
GBool = Int
GQuark = U32
GDestroyNotify = Ptr
GHashFunc = GEqualFunc = Ptr
gatomicrefcount = Int
class GSList(Struct):
data: Ptr
next: Ptr # GSList
def read(obj: Ptr, st: BinaryIO) -> Iterator[Ptr]:
while obj:
entry = GSList.__load__(st)
obj =
class GQueue(Struct):
head: Ptr # GList
tail: Ptr # GList
length: UInt
class GHashTable(Struct):
size: Size
mod: Int
mask: UInt
nnodes: Int
noccupied: Int # nnodes + tombstones
flags: U8 # have_big_keys, have_big_values
keys: Ptr
hashes: Ptr # UInt
values: Ptr
hash_func: GHashFunc
key_equal_func: GEqualFunc
ref_count: gatomicrefcount
# Tracks the structure of the hash table, not its contents: is only
# incremented when a node is added or removed (is not incremented
# when the key or data of a node is modified).
version: Int # FIXME: omitted ifdef G_DISABLE_ASSERT
key_destroy_func: GDestroyNotify
value_destroy_func: GDestroyNotify
def read(self, st: BinaryIO, use_small_arrays: bool=False) -> dict[Ptr, Ptr]:
def read_array(array: Ptr, is_big: bool) -> list[Ptr]:
size, fmt = (8, 'Q') if is_big else (4, 'I')
return [ unpack(fmt,[0] for _ in range(self.size) ]
read_big_array = lambda array, is_big: read_array(array, is_big or (not use_small_arrays))
hashes = read_array(self.hashes, False)
keys = read_big_array(self.keys, bool((self.flags >> 0) & 1))
values = read_big_array(self.values, bool((self.flags >> 1) & 1))
entries = [ (k, v) for h, k, v in zip(hashes, keys, values) if h >= 2 ]
result = dict(entries)
assert len(result) == len(entries) == self.nnodes
return result
GHookFinalizeFunc = Ptr
class GHookList(Struct):
seq_id: ULong
hook_size: U16
is_setup: Bool
hooks: Ptr # GHook
dummy3: Ptr
finalize_hook: GHookFinalizeFunc
dummy: Annotated[tuple[Ptr, ...], FixedSize(2)]
class GDataElt(Struct):
key: GQuark
data: Ptr
destroy: GDestroyNotify
class GData(Struct):
len: U32 # Number of elements
alloc: U32 # Number of allocated elements
# array of GDataElt follows...
class GTypeInstance(Struct):
# < private >
g_class: Ptr # GTypeClass
class GObject(Struct):
parent_instance: GTypeInstance
# < private >
ref_count: UInt
qdata: Ptr # GData
def get_qdata(self, st: BinaryIO, quark: GQuark) -> Ptr: & ~self.QDATA_FLAGS)
dataset = GData.__load__(st)
els = (GDataElt.__load__(st) for _ in range(dataset.len))
return next( for el in els if el.key == quark)
PangoDirection = Int
PangoGravity = Int
PangoGravityHint = Int
PangoUnderline = Int
class PangoContext(Struct):
parent_instance: GObject
serial: UInt
fontmap_serial: UInt
set_language: Ptr # PangoLanguage
language: Ptr # PangoLanguage
base_dir: PangoDirection
base_gravity: PangoGravity
resolved_gravity: PangoGravity
gravity_hint: PangoGravityHint
font_desc: Ptr # PangoFontDescription
matrix: Ptr # PangoMatrix
font_map: Ptr # PangoFontMap
metrics: Ptr # PangoFontMetrics
round_glyph_positions: GBool
PangoFontMap = GObject # FIXME
class PangoRenderer(Struct):
# < private >
parent_instance: GObject
underline: PangoUnderline
strikethrough: GBool
active_count: Int
# < public >
matrix: Ptr # PangoMatrix # May be NULL
# < private >
priv: Ptr # PangoRendererPrivate
PangoGlyph = U32
PangoCairoFontMap = GObject # FIXME
CoglBool = Int
CoglBitmask = IntPtr
CoglHandle = Ptr
COGL_FLAGS_N_LONGS_FOR_SIZE = lambda n: (n + 63) // 64
GLint = Int; GLuint = UInt; GLenum = Int
CoglUserDataDestroyInternalCallback = Ptr
class CoglUserDataEntry(Struct):
key: Ptr # CoglUserDataKey
user_data: Ptr
destroy: CoglUserDataDestroyInternalCallback
class CoglObject(Struct):
parent_instance: GTypeInstance
user_data_entry: Annotated[list[CoglUserDataEntry], FixedSize(COGL_OBJECT_N_PRE_ALLOCATED_USER_DATA_ENTRIES)]
user_data_array: Ptr # GArray
n_user_data_entries: Int
ref_count: UInt
CoglDepthTestFunction = Int
CoglFeatureFlags = Int
CoglColorMask = Int
CoglWinsysRectangleState = Int
CoglPipelineProgramType = Int
CoglFogMode = Int
CoglOffscreenAllocateFlags = Int
CoglDriver = Int
CoglMatrixMode = Int
CoglMatrixOp = Int
class CoglColor(Struct):
red: U8
green: U8
blue: U8
alpha: U8
# padding in case we want to change to floats at some point
padding0: U32
padding1: U32
padding2: U32
class CoglMatrix(Struct):
__align__ = 16 # FIXME: not present in newer versions
data: Annotated[list[Annotated[list[F32], FixedSize(4)]], FixedSize(4)]
# < private >
# FIXME: only present in newer versions
### Note: we may want to extend this later with private flags and a cache of the inverse transform matrix. */
##inv: Annotated[list[Annotated[list[F32], FixedSize(4)]], FixedSize(4)]
##type: ULong
##flags: ULong
##_padding3: ULong
class CoglMatrixEntry(Struct):
parent: Ptr # CoglMatrixEntry
op: CoglMatrixOp
ref_count: UInt
# used for performance tracing
composite_gets: Int
class CoglMatrixEntryCache(Struct):
entry: Ptr # CoglMatrixEntry
flushed_identity: CoglBool
flipped: CoglBool
class CoglList(Struct):
prev: Ptr # CoglList
next: Ptr # CoglList
CoglGpuInfoVendor = Int
CoglGpuInfoDriverPackage = Int
CoglGpuInfoArchitecture = Int
CoglGpuInfoArchitectureFlag = Int
CoglGpuInfoDriverBug = Int
class CoglGpuInfo(Struct):
vendor: CoglGpuInfoVendor
vendor_name: Ptr # string
driver_package: CoglGpuInfoDriverPackage
driver_package_name: Ptr # string
driver_package_version: Int
architecture: CoglGpuInfoArchitecture
architecture_name: Ptr # string
architecture_flags: CoglGpuInfoArchitectureFlag
driver_bugs: CoglGpuInfoDriverBug
class CoglPipelineFogState(Struct):
enabled: CoglBool
color: CoglColor
mode: CoglFogMode
density: F32
z_near: F32
z_far: F32
# very unstable struct.
# based on
# lines prefixed with ## are from newer versions
class CoglContext(Struct):
parent_instance: CoglObject
display: Ptr # CoglDisplay
driver: CoglDriver
### Information about the GPU and driver which we can use to determine certain workarounds
##gpu: CoglGpuInfo
# vtables for the driver functions
driver_vtable: Ptr # const CoglDriverVtable
texture_driver: Ptr # const CoglTextureDriver
driver_context: Ptr # FIXME: no longer present
glsl_major: Int
glsl_minor: Int
glsl_version_to_use: Int
# Features cache
features: Annotated[list[ULong], FixedSize(COGL_FLAGS_N_LONGS_FOR_SIZE (_COGL_N_FEATURE_IDS))]
##feature_flags: CoglFeatureFlags # legacy/deprecated feature flags
private_features: Annotated[list[ULong], FixedSize(COGL_FLAGS_N_LONGS_FOR_SIZE (COGL_N_PRIVATE_FEATURES))]
##needs_viewport_scissor_workaround: CoglBool
##viewport_scissor_workaround_framebuffer: Ptr # CoglFramebuffer
default_pipeline: Ptr # CoglPipeline
default_layer_0: Ptr # CoglPipelineLayer
default_layer_n: Ptr # CoglPipelineLayer
dummy_layer_dependant: Ptr # CoglPipelineLayer
attribute_name_states_hash: Ptr # GHashTable
attribute_name_index_map: Ptr # GArray
n_attribute_names: Int
##enabled_builtin_attributes: CoglBitmask
##enabled_texcoord_attributes: CoglBitmask
enabled_custom_attributes: CoglBitmask
# These are temporary bitmasks that are used when disabling
# builtin,texcoord and custom attribute arrays. They are here just
# to avoid allocating new ones each time
##enable_builtin_attributes_tmp: CoglBitmask
##enable_texcoord_attributes_tmp: CoglBitmask
enable_custom_attributes_tmp: CoglBitmask
changed_bits_tmp: CoglBitmask
legacy_backface_culling_enabled: CoglBool
# A few handy matrix constants
identity_matrix: CoglMatrix
y_flip_matrix: CoglMatrix
### Value that was last used when calling glMatrixMode to avoid calling it multiple times
##flushed_matrix_mode: CoglMatrixMode
# The matrix stack entries that should be flushed during the next pipeline state flush
current_projection_entry: Ptr # CoglMatrixEntry
current_modelview_entry: Ptr # CoglMatrixEntry
identity_entry: CoglMatrixEntry
### A cache of the last (immutable) matrix stack entries that were flushed to the GL matrix builtins
##builtin_flushed_projection: CoglMatrixEntryCache
##builtin_flushed_modelview: CoglMatrixEntryCache
opaque_color_pipeline: Ptr # CoglPipeline (FIXME: no longer present)
##texture_units: Ptr # GArray
##active_texture_unit: Int
##legacy_fog_state: CoglPipelineFogState
### Pipelines
##opaque_color_pipeline: Ptr # CoglPipeline # used for set_source_color
##blended_color_pipeline: Ptr # CoglPipeline # used for set_source_color
##texture_pipeline: Ptr # CoglPipeline # used for set_source_texture
codegen_header_buffer: Ptr # GString
codegen_source_buffer: Ptr # GString
codegen_boilerplate_buffer: Ptr # GString
##source_stack: Ptr # GList
##legacy_state_set: Int
pipeline_cache: Ptr # CoglPipelineCache
# Textures
default_gl_texture_2d_tex: Ptr # CoglTexture2D
##default_gl_texture_3d_tex: Ptr # CoglTexture3D
##default_gl_texture_rect_tex: Ptr # CoglTextureRectangle
# Central list of all framebuffers so all journals can be flushed
# at any time.
framebuffers: Ptr # GList
# Global journal buffers
journal_flush_attributes_array: Ptr # GArray
journal_clip_bounds: Ptr # GArray
##polygon_vertices: Ptr # GArray
# Some simple caching, to minimize state changes...
current_pipeline: Ptr # CoglPipeline
current_pipeline_changes_since_flush: ULong
current_pipeline_with_color_attrib: CoglBool
current_pipeline_unknown_color_alpha: CoglBool
current_pipeline_age: ULong
gl_blend_enable_cache: CoglBool
depth_test_enabled_cache: CoglBool
depth_test_function_cache: CoglDepthTestFunction
depth_writing_enabled_cache: CoglBool
depth_range_near_cache: F32
depth_range_far_cache: F32
legacy_depth_test_enabled: CoglBool
current_buffer: Annotated[list[Ptr], FixedSize(COGL_BUFFER_BIND_TARGET_COUNT)] # CoglBuffer
# Framebuffers
##framebuffer_stack: Ptr # GSList
##window_buffer: Ptr # CoglFramebuffer
current_draw_buffer_state_flushed: ULong
current_draw_buffer_changes: ULong
current_draw_buffer: Ptr # CoglFramebuffer
current_read_buffer: Ptr # CoglFramebuffer
have_last_offscreen_allocate_flags: GBool
last_offscreen_allocate_flags: CoglOffscreenAllocateFlags
swap_callback_closures: Ptr # GHashTable
next_swap_callback_id: Int
onscreen_events_queue: CoglList
onscreen_dirty_queue: CoglList
onscreen_dispatch_idle: Ptr # CoglClosure
##current_gles2_context: Ptr # CoglGLES2Context
##gles2_context_stack: GQueue
# This becomes TRUE the first time the context is bound to an
# onscreen buffer. This is used by cogl-framebuffer-gl to determine
# when to initialise the glDrawBuffer state
was_bound_to_onscreen: CoglBool
# Primitives
##current_path: Ptr # CoglPath
stencil_pipeline: Ptr # CoglPipeline
### Pre-generated VBOs containing indices to generate GL_TRIANGLES out of a vertex array of quads
##quad_buffer_indices_byte: Ptr # CoglIndices
##quad_buffer_indices_len: UInt
##quad_buffer_indices: Ptr # CoglIndices
rectangle_byte_indices: Ptr # CoglIndices
rectangle_short_indices: Ptr # CoglIndices
rectangle_short_indices_len: Int
##in_begin_gl_block: CoglBool
##texture_download_pipeline: Ptr # CoglPipeline
blit_texture_pipeline: Ptr # CoglPipeline
atlases: Ptr # GSList
atlas_reorganize_callbacks: GHookList
# This debugging variable is used to pick a colour for visually
# displaying the quad batches. It needs to be global so that it can
# be reset by cogl_clear. It needs to be reset to increase the
# chances of getting the same colour during an animation
journal_rectangles_color: U8
# Cached values for GL_MAX_TEXTURE_[IMAGE_]UNITS to avoid calling glGetInteger too often
max_texture_units: GLint
max_texture_image_units: GLint
max_activateable_texture_units: GLint
# Fragment processing programs
##current_program: CoglHandle
##current_fragment_program_type: CoglPipelineProgramType
##current_vertex_program_type: CoglPipelineProgramType
current_gl_program: GLuint
current_gl_dither_enabled: CoglBool
##current_gl_color_mask: CoglColorMask
current_gl_draw_buffer: GLenum
# Clipping
current_clip_stack_valid: CoglBool
current_clip_stack: Ptr # CoglClipStack
##current_clip_stack_uses_stencil: CoglBool
buffer_map_fallback_array: Ptr # GByteArray
buffer_map_fallback_in_use: CoglBool
buffer_map_fallback_offset: Size
##rectangle_state: CoglWinsysRectangleState
sampler_cache: Ptr # CoglSamplerCache
# things get weird from here, so not transcribed.
# it begins with an ifdef COGL_HAS_XLIB_SUPPORT
CoglAtlasUpdatePositionCallback = Ptr
# based on
class CoglPixelFormat(enum.Enum):
_ignore_ = 'Flag'
class Flag(enum.Enum):
A =
def __new__(cls, bpp, flags):
obj = object.__new__(cls)
obj._value_ = bpp, frozenset(flags)
return obj
def __load__(x: int) -> 'CoglPixelFormat':
consume = lambda x, n: (x & ~((~0) << n), x >> n)
x, bpp = consume(x, 4)
x, rawflags = consume(x, 12)
x, seq = consume(x, 8)
assert seq == 0 # no formats currently use seq number
flags = set()
for flag in CoglPixelFormat.Flag:
rawflags, bit = consume(rawflags, 1)
if bit: flags.add(flag)
assert not rawflags
return CoglPixelFormat((bpp, flags))
ANY = 0, {}
A_8 = 1, {Flag.A}
RGB_565 = 4, {}
RGBA_4444 = 5, {Flag.A}
RGBA_5551 = 6, {Flag.A}
YUV = 7, {}
G_8 = 8, {}
RG_88 = 9, {}
RGB_888 = 2, {}
BGR_888 = 2, {Flag.BGR}
RGBA_8888 = 3, {Flag.A}
BGRA_8888 = 3, {Flag.A, Flag.BGR}
ARGB_8888 = 3, {Flag.A, Flag.AFIRST}
ABGR_8888 = 3, {Flag.A, Flag.BGR, Flag.AFIRST}
RGBA_1010102 = 13, {Flag.A}
BGRA_1010102 = 13, {Flag.A, Flag.BGR}
XRGB_2101010 = 13, {Flag.AFIRST}
ARGB_2101010 = 13, {Flag.A, Flag.AFIRST}
XBGR_2101010 = 13, {Flag.BGR, Flag.AFIRST}
ABGR_2101010 = 13, {Flag.A, Flag.BGR, Flag.AFIRST}
RGBA_FP_16161616 = 11, {Flag.A}
BGRA_FP_16161616 = 11, {Flag.A, Flag.BGR}
XRGB_FP_16161616 = 11, {Flag.AFIRST}
ARGB_FP_16161616 = 11, {Flag.A, Flag.AFIRST}
XBGR_FP_16161616 = 11, {Flag.BGR, Flag.AFIRST}
ABGR_FP_16161616 = 11, {Flag.A, Flag.BGR, Flag.AFIRST}
RGBA_8888_PRE = 3, {Flag.A, Flag.PREMULT}
BGRA_8888_PRE = 3, {Flag.A, Flag.PREMULT, Flag.BGR}
ARGB_8888_PRE = 3, {Flag.A, Flag.PREMULT, Flag.AFIRST}
ABGR_8888_PRE = 3, {Flag.A, Flag.PREMULT, Flag.BGR, Flag.AFIRST}
RGBA_4444_PRE = 5, {Flag.A, Flag.PREMULT}
RGBA_5551_PRE = 6, {Flag.A, Flag.PREMULT}
RGBA_1010102_PRE = 13, {Flag.A, Flag.PREMULT}
BGRA_1010102_PRE = 13, {Flag.A, Flag.BGR, Flag.PREMULT}
ARGB_2101010_PRE = 13, {Flag.A, Flag.AFIRST, Flag.PREMULT}
ABGR_2101010_PRE = 13, {Flag.A, Flag.BGR, Flag.AFIRST, Flag.PREMULT}
RGBA_FP_16161616_PRE = 11, {Flag.A, Flag.PREMULT}
BGRA_FP_16161616_PRE = 11, {Flag.A, Flag.PREMULT, Flag.BGR}
ARGB_FP_16161616_PRE = 11, {Flag.A, Flag.PREMULT, Flag.AFIRST}
ABGR_FP_16161616_PRE = 11, {Flag.A, Flag.PREMULT, Flag.BGR, Flag.AFIRST}
DEPTH_16 = 9, {Flag.DEPTH}
DEPTH_32 = 3, {Flag.DEPTH}
class CoglTextureComponents(enum.Enum):
class CoglTexture(Struct):
parent_instance: CoglObject
context: Ptr # CoglContext
loader: Ptr # CoglTextureLoader
framebuffers: Ptr # GList
max_level_set: Int
max_level_requested: Int
width: Int
height: Int
allocated: GBool
# Internal format
components: Int # FIXME: CoglTextureComponents
flags: U8 # bit 0: premultiplied
vtable: Ptr # const CoglTextureVtable
class CoglAtlas(Struct):
parent_instance: CoglObject
map: Ptr # CoglRectangleMap
texture: Ptr # CoglTexture
texture_format: UInt # FIXME: CoglPixelFormat
flags: CoglAtlasFlags
update_position_cb: CoglAtlasUpdatePositionCallback
pre_reorganize_callbacks: GHookList
post_reorganize_callbacks: GHookList
class CoglRectangleMapNodeType(enum.Enum):
class CoglRectangleMapEntry(Struct):
x: UInt
y: UInt
width: UInt
height: UInt
def end_x(self) -> int:
return self.x + self.width
def end_y(self) -> int:
return self.y + self.height
def area(self) -> int:
return self.width * self.height
def valid(self) -> bool:
return self.end_x <= (1 << 32) \
and self.end_y <= (1 << 32) \
and self.width > 0 and self.height > 0
def contains(self, pos: tuple[float, float]) -> bool:
return self.x < pos[0] < self.end_x and self.y < pos[1] < self.end_y
def inside(self, other: 'CoglRectangleMapEntry') -> bool:
return self.x >= other.x and self.end_x <= other.end_x \
and self.y >= other.y and self.end_y <= other.end_y
def non_overlapping(self, other: 'CoglRectangleMapEntry') -> bool:
return self.end_x <= other.x or other.end_x <= self.x \
or self.end_y <= other.y or other.end_y <= self.y
class ParsedRectangleMapNode(NamedTuple):
rect: CoglRectangleMapEntry
largest_gap: UInt
child: Union[Optional[Ptr], tuple['ParsedRectangleMapNode', 'ParsedRectangleMapNode']]
def lookup(self, pos: tuple[float, float]) -> Optional['ParsedRectangleMapNode']:
if not self.rect.contains(pos): return
child = self.child
sublookup = (child[0].lookup(pos) or child[1].lookup(pos)) if type(child) is tuple else None
return sublookup or self
def iter_leaves(self) -> Iterator[tuple[CoglRectangleMapEntry, Optional[Ptr]]]:
if type(self.child) is tuple:
for child in self.child:
yield from child.iter_leaves()
yield (self.rect, cast(Optional[Ptr], self.child))
class CoglRectangleMapNode(Struct):
type: Int # FIXME: CoglRectangleMapNodeType
rectangle: CoglRectangleMapEntry
largest_gap: UInt
parent: Ptr # CoglRectangleMapNode
# branch: (left, right). filled leaf: (data, unused)
ptr1: Ptr
ptr2: Ptr
class CoglRectangleMap(Struct):
root: Ptr # CoglRectangleMapNode
n_rectangles: UInt
space_remaining: UInt
value_destroy_func: GDestroyNotify
# Stack used for walking the structure. This is only used during
# the lifetime of a single function call but it is kept here as an
# optimisation to avoid reallocating it every time it is needed
stack: Ptr # GArray
def read(self, st: BinaryIO, parent_rect: Optional[CoglRectangleMapEntry]=None, parent: int=0) -> ParsedRectangleMapNode:
n_rectangles = 0
def parse_node(addr: int, parent_rect: Optional[CoglRectangleMapEntry], parent: int) -> ParsedRectangleMapNode:
node = CoglRectangleMapNode.__load__(st)
kind = CoglRectangleMapNodeType(node.type)
assert node.parent == parent
assert node.rectangle.valid
if parent_rect != None:
assert node.rectangle.inside(parent_rect)
if kind == CoglRectangleMapNodeType.BRANCH:
left, right = (parse_node(p, node.rectangle, addr) for p in (node.ptr1, node.ptr2))
assert left.rect.non_overlapping(right.rect)
child = (left, right)
if filled := (kind == CoglRectangleMapNodeType.FILLED_LEAF):
assert node.ptr1
nonlocal n_rectangles
n_rectangles += 1
child = node.ptr1 if filled else None
return ParsedRectangleMapNode(node.rectangle, node.largest_gap, child)
node = parse_node(self.root, parent_rect, parent)
assert n_rectangles == self.n_rectangles
return node
class CoglAtlasTexture(Struct):
parent_instance: CoglTexture
# The format that the texture is in. This isn't necessarily the
# same format as the atlas texture because we can store
# pre-multiplied and non-pre-multiplied textures together
internal_format: UInt # CoglPixelFormat
# The rectangle that was used to add this texture to the
# atlas. This includes the 1-pixel border
rectangle: CoglRectangleMapEntry
# The atlas that this texture is in. If the texture is no longer in
# an atlas then this will be NULL. A reference is taken on the
# atlas by the texture (but not vice versa so there is no cycle)
atlas: Ptr # CoglAtlas
# Either a CoglSubTexture representing the atlas region for easy
# rendering or if the texture has been migrated out of the atlas it
# may be some other texture type such as CoglTexture2D
sub_texture: Ptr # CoglTexture
class CoglPangoFontMap(Struct):
parent_instance: PangoCairoFontMap
class Priv(Struct):
ctx: Ptr # CoglContext
renderer: Ptr # PangoRenderer
def get_priv(self, st: BinaryIO) -> Priv:
# read priv_key quark
priv_key, = unpack('I',, priv_key))
return CoglPangoFontMap.Priv.__load__(st)
class CoglPangoRendererCaches(Struct):
glyph_cache: Ptr # CoglPangoGlyphCache
pipeline_cache: Ptr # CoglPangoPipelineCache
class CoglPangoRenderer(Struct):
parent_instance: PangoRenderer
ctx: Ptr # CoglContext
# Two caches of glyphs as textures and their corresponding pipeline
# caches, one with mipmapped textures and one without
no_mipmap_caches: CoglPangoRendererCaches
mipmap_caches: CoglPangoRendererCaches
use_mipmapping: CoglBool
# The current display list that is being built
display_list: Ptr # CoglPangoDisplayList
def active_caches(self) -> CoglPangoRendererCaches:
return self.mipmap_caches if self.use_mipmapping else self.no_mipmap_caches
class CoglPangoGlyphCache(Struct):
ctx: Ptr # CoglContext
# Hash table to quickly check whether a particular glyph in a
# particular font is already cached
hash_table: Ptr # GHashTable
# List of CoglAtlases
atlases: Ptr # GSList
# List of callbacks to invoke when an atlas is reorganized
reorganize_callbacks: GHookList
# TRUE if we've ever stored a texture in the global atlas. This is
# used to make sure we only register one callback to listen for
# global atlas reorganizations
using_global_atlas: CoglBool
# True if some of the glyphs are dirty. This is used as an
# optimization in _cogl_pango_glyph_cache_set_dirty_glyphs to avoid
# iterating the hash table if we know none of them are dirty
has_dirty_glyphs: CoglBool
# Whether mipmapping is being used for this cache. This only
# affects whether we decide to put the glyph in the global atlas
use_mipmapping: CoglBool
class CoglPangoGlyphCacheKey(Struct):
font: Ptr # PangoFont
glyph: PangoGlyph
class CoglPangoGlyphCacheValue(Struct):
texture: Ptr # CoglTexture
tx1: F32
ty1: F32
tx2: F32
ty2: F32
tx_pixel: Int
ty_pixel: Int
draw_x: Int
draw_y: Int
draw_width: Int
draw_height: Int
# flags:
# bit 0: dirty:
# This will be set to TRUE when the glyph atlas is reorganized
# which means the glyph will need to be redrawn
# bit 1: has_color
# Set to TRUE if the glyph has colors (eg. emoji)
flags: U8
class ClutterImage(Struct):
parent_instance: GObject
priv: Ptr # ClutterImagePrivate
class ClutterImagePrivate(Struct):
texture: Ptr # CoglTexture
# ST
class StTextureCache(Struct):
parent_instance: GObject
priv: Ptr # StTextureCachePrivate
class StTextureCachePrivate(Struct):
icon_theme: Ptr # GtkIconTheme
settings: Ptr # GSettings
# Things that were loaded with a cache policy != NONE
keyed_cache: Ptr # GHashTable # char* -> ClutterImage*
keyed_surface_cache: Ptr # GHashTable # char* -> cairo_surface_t*
used_scales: Ptr # GHashTable # Set: double
# Presently this is used to de-duplicate requests for GIcons and async URIs.
outstanding_requests: Ptr # GHashTable # char* -> AsyncTextureLoadData*
# File monitors to evict cache data on changes
file_monitors: Ptr # GHashTable # char* -> GFileMonitor*
cancellable: Ptr # GCancellable
# access the process' memory as a readable stream `st`,
# and get info about its mapped files so we can know where they are loaded
if isinstance(PROC_SRC, int):
# live process: use /proc/pid/...
st = open(f'/proc/{PROC_SRC}/mem', 'rb')
with open(f'/proc/{PROC_SRC}/maps', 'rb') as f:
mappings = list(map(ProcfsMapEntry.parse, f))
get_base_addr = lambda fname: next( mm.start - mm.pgoff for mm in mappings if mm.filename == fname )
# corefile: to fetch this info from the corefile, at the
# moment I use emucore. FIXME: it's a very heavy dependency,
# designed to do much more than this. I should ideally replace it.
from emucore import EmuCore
emu = EmuCore(PROC_SRC, mapping_load_kwargs=dict(blacklist={ '/' }))
st = cast(BinaryIO, emu.mem())
get_base_addr = lambda fname: next( vma.start - vma.offset for fname2, vma in emu.mappings if fname == fname2 )
# GLOBAL VARIABLES. these are addresses of a symbol in some library,
# and are here hardcoded to a certain address that I've looked up myself
# because I have no symbols.
# ideally (if I had symbols) I'd perform a symbol lookup instead of hardcoding
get_base_addr(b'/usr/lib/mutter-9/') + 0xb038
get_base_addr(b'/usr/lib/gnome-shell/') + 0x89700
pp = PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
S = TypeVar('S', bound=FixedSerializable)
def load(cls: type[S], n: int) -> S:
return cls.__load__(st)
# start by reading global state (FontMap, Context, Renderer, GlyphCache)
font_map = load(CoglPangoFontMap, FONT_MAP)
font_map_priv = font_map.get_priv(st)
ctx = load(CoglContext, font_map_priv.ctx)
renderer = load(CoglPangoRenderer, font_map_priv.renderer)
assert renderer.ctx == font_map_priv.ctx
glyph_cache = load(CoglPangoGlyphCache, renderer.active_caches.glyph_cache)
assert glyph_cache.using_global_atlas and not glyph_cache.atlases
raw_glyphs = load(GHashTable, glyph_cache.hash_table).read(st)
assert len(raw_glyphs) == len(set(raw_glyphs.values()))
glyphs = { load(CoglPangoGlyphCacheKey, k): load(CoglPangoGlyphCacheValue, v) for k, v in raw_glyphs.items() }
assert len(raw_glyphs) == len(glyphs)
glyphs_without_texture = { k for k, v in glyphs.items() if not v.texture }
print(f'{len(glyphs_without_texture)} / {len(glyphs)} glyphs without texture')
rev_glyphs = { v.texture: (k, v) for k, v in glyphs.items() if v.texture }
assert len(rev_glyphs) == len(glyphs) - len(glyphs_without_texture)
for k, v in rev_glyphs.values():
assert v.tx1 == 0 and v.ty1 == 0
assert v.tx2 == 1 and v.ty2 == 1
assert v.tx_pixel==0 and v.ty_pixel==0
# pp.pprint(ctx)
# print()
# pp.pprint(renderer)
# print()
# pp.pprint(glyph_cache)
# pp.pprint(glyphs)
# read texture cache (not really relevant to this bug, but useful nonetheless)
texture_cache = unpack('Q',[0]
texture_cache = load(StTextureCache, texture_cache)
texture_cache = load(StTextureCachePrivate, texture_cache.priv)
keyed_cache = load(GHashTable, texture_cache.keyed_cache).read(st)
def get_clutter_texture(key: str, addr: int) -> Optional[tuple[Ptr, int]]:
if key.startswith('st-theme-node-corner:'): # WTF, these do not point to a GObject...
print('skipping cache entry:', hex(addr), repr(key))
return None
image = load(ClutterImage, addr)
priv = load(ClutterImagePrivate, image.priv)
assert priv.texture and image.parent_instance.ref_count > 0
return priv.texture, image.parent_instance.ref_count - 1
keyed_cache = { read_str(st, k): get_clutter_texture(read_str(st, k), v) for k, v in keyed_cache.items() }
keyed_cache = { k: v for k, v in keyed_cache.items() if v }
rev_keyed_cache = { v: (k, n) for k, (v, n) in keyed_cache.items() }
assert len(keyed_cache) == len(rev_keyed_cache)
# dump global atlases
atlases = list(, st))
atlas_textures: dict[Ptr, CoglAtlasTexture] = {}
for idx, aaddr in enumerate(atlases):
# load atlas
atlas = load(CoglAtlas, aaddr)
# load backing texture
texture = load(CoglTexture, atlas.texture)
width, height = texture.width, texture.height
area = width * height
# download backing texture
def load_texture(fname: str):
with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
width, height = unpack('II',
return np.fromfile(f, dtype='uint8').reshape(height, width, 4)
if isinstance(PROC_SRC, int):
# live process: invoke GDB with the 'dumptexture' script to dump it
run(['gdb', '-p', f'{PROC_SRC}', '-batch-silent', '-ex', f'set $texture={atlas.texture}', '-x', 'dumptexture'], check=True)
texture = load_texture('/tmp/texturedata')
# corefile: use it if saved at the expected filename
if os.path.exists(fname := PROC_SRC + f'.texture.{atlas.texture}'):
texture = load_texture(fname)
print(f'warning: {repr(fname)} not found, falling back to empty texture')
texture = np.zeros((height, width, 4), dtype='uint8')
assert texture.shape == (height, width, 4) and texture.dtype == 'uint8'
# load rectangle tree
raw_tree = load(CoglRectangleMap,
tree =, CoglRectangleMapEntry(0, 0, width, height))
# load textures pointed to by that tree
for rect, taddr in tree.iter_leaves():
if taddr == None: continue
assert taddr not in atlas_textures
atlas_textures[taddr] = load(CoglAtlasTexture, taddr)
# render everything
print(f'\n\nAtlas {idx}:')
usage = sum(rect.area for rect, t in tree.iter_leaves() if t)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(tight_layout=True)
ax.set_title(f'Atlas {idx} ({raw_tree.n_rectangles} allocations) ({usage/area*100:.1f}% used)')
for rect, taddr in tree.iter_leaves():
glyph = icon = texture = trefs = None
if taddr:
texture = atlas_textures[taddr]
trefs = texture.parent_instance.parent_instance.ref_count - 1
assert trefs >= 0
assert texture and texture.rectangle == rect and texture.atlas == aaddr
ptexture = texture.parent_instance
assert ptexture.width == rect.width - 2 and ptexture.height == rect.height - 2
# FIXME: assert texture.sub_texture and maybe some fields of parent_instance
glyph = rev_glyphs.get(taddr)
if glyph:
if False: # FIXME
(rect.x, rect.y),
(hex(glyph[0].font), hex(glyph[0].glyph)),
glyph[1].flags, (glyph[1].draw_x, glyph[1].draw_y), (glyph[1].draw_width, glyph[1].draw_height)
assert rect.width >= 3 and rect.height >= 3 # for me
assert glyph[1].draw_width == ptexture.width and glyph[1].draw_height == ptexture.height
#print(glyph[1].flags, (glyph[1].draw_x, glyph[1].draw_y)) # print rest of data in glyph[1]
icon = rev_keyed_cache.get(taddr)
assert sum(1 for x in (glyph, icon) if x) <= 1
opts = dict(color='yellow', alpha=0.4, fill=True) if glyph else \
dict(color='red', alpha=0.5, fill=True) if icon and not icon[1] and trefs == 0 else \
dict(color='cyan', alpha=0.4, fill=True) if icon else \
dict(color='blue', alpha=0.4, fill=True) if texture else \
dict(color='gray', alpha=0.5, fill=True)
opts['fill'] = False
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((rect.x - .5, rect.y - .5), rect.width, rect.height, gid=f'texture_{taddr}', **opts))
# interactivity
def describe_allocation(taddr: Ptr) -> str:
texture = atlas_textures[taddr]
trefs = texture.parent_instance.parent_instance.ref_count
ref_desc = f' ({trefs or "no"} refs)' if trefs != 1 else ''
if (icon := rev_keyed_cache.get(taddr)):
icon_key, refs = icon
return f'{repr(icon_key[:50])} ({refs or "no"} image refs)' + ref_desc
if (glyph := rev_glyphs.get(taddr)):
gkey, gval = glyph
desc = f'font {gkey.font:#x}, glyph {gkey.glyph}'
if (gval.flags >> 0) & 1: desc += ', DIRTY'
if (gval.flags >> 1) & 1: desc += ', COLOR'
return desc + ref_desc
return 'other' + ref_desc
def onmove(event):
# ignore events outside the axis, or outside the tree
pos = (event.xdata, event.ydata)
if pos[0] is None or pos[1] is None: return
pos_desc = f'x={pos[0]:.1f}, y={pos[1]:.1f}'
if not (node := tree.lookup(pos)): return
# describe mouse position + current tree node
rect, _, child = node
rect_desc = f'({rect.x}, {rect.y}) ({rect.width}, {rect.height})'
child_desc = \
'[branch]' if type(child) is tuple else \
'[unallocated]' if not child else \
describe_allocation(cast(Ptr, child))
fig.canvas.toolbar.set_message(f'{rect_desc} {pos_desc}\n{child_desc}')
fig.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", onmove)
# FIXME: verify classes?
assert not (outliers := set(rev_glyphs) - set(atlas_textures))
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