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🕵️‍♀️ MP4 parser / dissector for the command line
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Portable* ISO Base Media File Format dissector / parser.
Usage: ./ <file name>
(*) Needs Python 3.8+
Goals / development guidelines:
- Low level. Meant as a dissector, i.e. to obtain info about the structure of the file
rather than high level info.
- Print offsets to every box to let users inspect deeper. If parsing fails, print an
error for that particular box followed by a hexdump.
- Don't parse non-MP4 structures. It is fine to parse the info in the MP4 boxes,
as long as this info is specific to MP4. Examples of things we don't parse:
- Codec-specific structures (SPS, PPS)
- ID3v2 blobs
- H.264 NALUs
- ICC profiles
These blobs are just left as hexdump, with their offsets / length printed in case the
user wants to dive deeper.
The only exception is when this info is needed to dissect other MP4 boxes correctly.
- Focus on dissection, not parsing. First priority is to show the box structure correctly
and to 'dig as deeper as possible' if there are nested boxes; decoding non-box info
(instead of showing hexdumps) is second priority.
- Print *every field on the wire*, with only minimal / mostly obvious postprocessing.
Exception: versions / flags that are restricted to a single value.
Exception: values which have a default (`template`) set by spec, which may be omitted
from output if the value is set to the default, and `show_defaults` was not set.
Exception: big boxes, or long rows of output, may be summarized through the
`max_dump` (for hexdumps) and `max_rows` (for tables) options.
- Option to hide lengths / offset (for i.e. diffs).
- In the future we should have options to make the output interoperable (make it machine
friendly like JSON), don't use global variables for config/state, allow output to a
different file (for programmatic use).
- Parsed fields should be named exactly like in the spec's syntax.
Both in code, and in the output.
- Performance isn't a concern. Correctness is more important, but it's also nice for
the code to be 'hacker-friendly' for people who may want to tweak it.
import sys
import struct
import mmap
import io
import itertools
import re
args = sys.argv[1:]
if len(args) != 1:
print(__doc__.strip(), file=sys.stderr)
fname, = args
mp4file = open(fname, 'rb')
mp4map = mmap.mmap(mp4file.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ)
mp4mem = memoryview(mp4map)
indent_n = 4
bytes_per_line = 16
max_rows = 7
max_dump = bytes_per_line * max_rows
show_lengths = True
show_offsets = True
show_defaults = False
show_descriptions = True
colorize = sys.stdout.isatty()
mask = lambda n: ~((~0) << n)
get_bits = lambda x, end, start: (x & mask(end)) >> start
split_bits = lambda x, *bits: (get_bits(x, a, b) for a, b in itertools.pairwise(bits))
def main():
parse_boxes(0, mp4mem)
def unique_dict(x):
r = {}
for k, v in x:
assert k not in r, f'duplicate key {repr(k)}: existing {repr(r[k])}, got {repr(v)}'
r[k] = v
return r
# FIXME: give it a proper CLI interface
# FIXME: display errors more nicely (last two frames, type name, you know)
def read_string(stream, optional=False):
result = bytearray()
while True:
b =
if not b:
if optional and not result: return None
raise EOFError('EOF while reading string')
b = b[0]
if not b: break
return result.decode('utf-8')
def unpack(stream, struct_fmt: str) -> tuple:
struct_obj = struct.Struct('>' + struct_fmt) # FIXME: caching
return struct_obj.unpack(
def pad_iter(iterable, size, default=None):
iterator = iter(iterable)
for _ in range(size):
yield next(iterator, default)
def split_in_groups(iterable, size):
iterator = iter(iterable)
while (group := list(itertools.islice(iterator, size))):
yield group
def ansi_sgr(p: str, content: str):
content = str(content)
if not colorize: return content
if not content.endswith('\x1b[m'):
content += '\x1b[m'
return f'\x1b[{p}m' + content
ansi_bold = lambda x: ansi_sgr('1', x)
ansi_dim = lambda x: ansi_sgr('2', x)
ansi_fg0 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('30', x)
ansi_fg1 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('31', x)
ansi_fg2 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('32', x)
ansi_fg3 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('33', x)
ansi_fg4 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('34', x)
ansi_fg5 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('35', x)
ansi_fg6 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('36', x)
ansi_fg7 = lambda x: ansi_sgr('37', x)
def print_hex_dump(data: memoryview, prefix: str):
colorize_byte = lambda x, r: \
ansi_dim(ansi_fg2(x)) if r == 0 else \
ansi_fg3(x) if chr(r).isascii() and chr(r).isprintable() else \
format_hex = lambda x: colorize_byte(f'{x:02x}', x) if x != None else ' '
format_char = lambda x: colorize_byte(x if x.isascii() and (x.isprintable() or x == ' ') else '.', ord(x))
def format_line(line):
groups = split_in_groups(pad_iter(line, bytes_per_line), 4)
hex_part = ' '.join(' '.join(map(format_hex, group)) for group in groups)
char_part = ''.join(format_char(x) for x in map(chr, line))
return hex_part + ' ' + char_part
for line in split_in_groups(data[:max_dump], bytes_per_line):
print(prefix + format_line(line))
if len(data) > max_dump:
print(prefix + '...')
def print_error(exc, prefix: str):
print(prefix + f'{ansi_bold(ansi_fg1("ERROR:"))} {ansi_fg1(exc)}\n')
format_uuid = lambda x: '-'.join(x.hex()[s:e] for s, e in itertools.pairwise([0, 8, 12, 16, 20, 32]) )
box_registry = [
'name': 'ISO/IEC 14496-12',
'title': 'Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 12: ISO base media file format',
'version': '2015',
'url': '',
}, {
'ftyp': ('FileTypeBox', 'Box'),
'mdat': ('MediaDataBox', 'Box'),
'pdin': ('ProgressiveDownloadInfoBox', 'FullBox'),
'moov': ('MovieBox', 'Box'),
'mvhd': ('MovieHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'trak': ('TrackBox', 'Box'),
'tkhd': ('TrackHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'tref': ('TrackReferenceBox', 'Box'),
'mdia': ('MediaBox', 'Box'),
'mdhd': ('MediaHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'hdlr': ('HandlerBox', 'FullBox'),
'minf': ('MediaInformationBox', 'Box'),
'nmhd': ('NullMediaHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'elng': ('ExtendedLanguageBox', 'FullBox'),
'stbl': ('SampleTableBox', 'Box'),
'btrt': ('BitRateBox', 'Box'),
'stsd': ('SampleDescriptionBox', 'FullBox'),
'stdp': ('DegradationPriorityBox', 'FullBox'),
'stts': ('TimeToSampleBox', 'FullBox'),
'ctts': ('CompositionOffsetBox', 'FullBox'),
'cslg': ('CompositionToDecodeBox', 'FullBox'),
'stss': ('SyncSampleBox', 'FullBox'),
'stsh': ('ShadowSyncSampleBox', 'FullBox'),
'sdtp': ('SampleDependencyTypeBox', 'FullBox'),
'edts': ('EditBox', 'Box'),
'elst': ('EditListBox', 'FullBox'),
'dinf': ('DataInformationBox', 'Box'),
'url ': ('DataEntryUrlBox', 'FullBox'),
'urn ': ('DataEntryUrnBox', 'FullBox'),
'dref': ('DataReferenceBox', 'FullBox'),
'stsz': ('SampleSizeBox', 'FullBox'),
'stz2': ('CompactSampleSizeBox', 'FullBox'),
'stsc': ('SampleToChunkBox', 'FullBox'),
'stco': ('ChunkOffsetBox', 'FullBox'),
'co64': ('ChunkLargeOffsetBox', 'FullBox'),
'padb': ('PaddingBitsBox', 'FullBox'),
'subs': ('SubSampleInformationBox', 'FullBox'),
'saiz': ('SampleAuxiliaryInformationSizesBox', 'FullBox'),
'saio': ('SampleAuxiliaryInformationOffsetsBox', 'FullBox'),
'mvex': ('MovieExtendsBox', 'Box'),
'mehd': ('MovieExtendsHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'trex': ('TrackExtendsBox', 'FullBox'),
'moof': ('MovieFragmentBox', 'Box'),
'mfhd': ('MovieFragmentHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'traf': ('TrackFragmentBox', 'Box'),
'tfhd': ('TrackFragmentHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'trun': ('TrackRunBox', 'FullBox'),
'mfra': ('MovieFragmentRandomAccessBox', 'Box'),
'tfra': ('TrackFragmentRandomAccessBox', 'FullBox'),
'mfro': ('MovieFragmentRandomAccessOffsetBox', 'FullBox'),
'tfdt': ('TrackFragmentBaseMediaDecodeTimeBox', 'FullBox'),
'leva': ('LevelAssignmentBox', 'FullBox'),
'trep': ('TrackExtensionPropertiesBox', 'FullBox'),
'assp': ('AlternativeStartupSequencePropertiesBox', 'FullBox'),
'sbgp': ('SampleToGroupBox', 'FullBox'),
'sgpd': ('SampleGroupDescriptionBox', 'FullBox'),
'udta': ('UserDataBox', 'Box'),
'cprt': ('CopyrightBox', 'FullBox'),
'tsel': ('TrackSelectionBox', 'FullBox'),
'kind': ('KindBox', 'FullBox'),
'meta': ('MetaBox', 'FullBox'),
'xml ': ('XMLBox', 'FullBox'),
'bxml': ('BinaryXMLBox', 'FullBox'),
'iloc': ('ItemLocationBox', 'FullBox'),
'pitm': ('PrimaryItemBox', 'FullBox'),
'ipro': ('ItemProtectionBox', 'FullBox'),
'fdel': ('FDItemInfoExtension', 'ItemInfoExtension'),
'infe': ('ItemInfoEntry', 'FullBox'),
'iinf': ('ItemInfoBox', 'FullBox'),
'meco': ('AdditionalMetadataContainerBox', 'Box'),
'mere': ('MetaboxRelationBox', 'FullBox'),
'idat': ('ItemDataBox', 'Box'),
'iref': ('ItemReferenceBox', 'FullBox'),
'sinf': ('ProtectionSchemeInfoBox', 'Box'),
'frma': ('OriginalFormatBox', 'Box'),
'schm': ('SchemeTypeBox', 'FullBox'),
'schi': ('SchemeInformationBox', 'Box'),
'paen': ('PartitionEntry', 'Box'),
'fiin': ('FDItemInformationBox', 'FullBox'),
'fpar': ('FilePartitionBox', 'FullBox'),
'fecr': ('FECReservoirBox', 'FullBox'),
'segr': ('FDSessionGroupBox', 'Box'),
'gitn': ('GroupIdToNameBox', 'FullBox'),
'fire': ('FileReservoirBox', 'FullBox'),
'strk': ('SubTrack', 'Box'),
'stri': ('SubTrackInformation', 'FullBox'),
'strd': ('SubTrackDefinition', 'Box'),
'stsg': ('SubTrackSampleGroupBox', 'FullBox'),
'rinf': ('RestrictedSchemeInfoBox', 'Box'),
'stvi': ('StereoVideoBox', 'FullBox'),
'sidx': ('SegmentIndexBox', 'FullBox'),
'ssix': ('SubsegmentIndexBox', 'FullBox'),
'prft': ('ProducerReferenceTimeBox', 'FullBox'),
'icpv': ('IncompleteAVCSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'cinf': ('CompleteTrackInfoBox', 'Box'),
'rtp ': ('RtpHintSampleEntry', 'SampleEntry'),
'tims': ('timescaleentry', 'Box'),
'tsro': ('timeoffset', 'Box'),
'snro': ('sequenceoffset', 'Box'),
'srtp': ('SrtpHintSampleEntry', 'SampleEntry'),
'srpp': ('SRTPProcessBox', 'FullBox'),
'hnti': ('moviehintinformation', 'box'),
'rtp ': ('rtpmoviehintinformation', 'box'),
'hnti': ('trackhintinformation', 'box'),
'sdp ': ('rtptracksdphintinformation', 'box'),
'hinf': ('hintstatisticsbox', 'box'),
'trpy': ('hintBytesSent', 'box'),
'nump': ('hintPacketsSent', 'box'),
'tpyl': ('hintBytesSent', 'box'),
'totl': ('hintBytesSent', 'box'),
'npck': ('hintPacketsSent', 'box'),
'tpay': ('hintBytesSent', 'box'),
'maxr': ('hintmaxrate', 'box'),
'dmed': ('hintmediaBytesSent', 'box'),
'dimm': ('hintimmediateBytesSent', 'box'),
'drep': ('hintrepeatedBytesSent', 'box'),
'tmin': ('hintminrelativetime', 'box'),
'tmax': ('hintmaxrelativetime', 'box'),
'pmax': ('hintlargestpacket', 'box'),
'dmax': ('hintlongestpacket', 'box'),
'payt': ('hintpayloadID', 'box'),
'fdp ': ('FDHintSampleEntry', 'SampleEntry'),
'fdsa': ('FDsample', 'Box'),
'fdpa': ('FDpacketBox', 'Box'),
'extr': ('ExtraDataBox', 'Box'),
'feci': ('FECInformationBox', 'Box'),
'rm2t': ('MPEG2TSReceptionSampleEntry', 'MPEG2TSSampleEntry'),
'sm2t': ('MPEG2TSServerSampleEntry', 'MPEG2TSSampleEntry'),
'tPAT': ('PATBox', 'Box'),
'tPMT': ('PMTBox', 'Box'),
'tOD ': ('ODBox', 'Box'),
'tsti': ('TSTimingBox', 'Box'),
'istm': ('InitialSampleTimeBox', 'Box'),
'pm2t': ('ProtectedMPEG2TransportStreamSampleEntry', 'MPEG2TransportStreamSampleEntry'),
'rrtp': ('ReceivedRtpHintSampleEntry', 'SampleEntry'),
'tssy': ('timestampsynchrony', 'Box'),
'rssr': ('ReceivedSsrcBox', 'Box'),
'rtpx': ('rtphdrextTLV', 'Box'),
'rcsr': ('receivedCSRC', 'Box'),
'rsrp': ('ReceivedSrtpHintSampleEntry', 'SampleEntry'),
'ccid': ('ReceivedCryptoContextIdBox', 'Box'),
'sroc': ('RolloverCounterBox', 'Box'),
'roll': ('VisualRollRecoveryEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'roll': ('AudioRollRecoveryEntry', 'AudioSampleGroupEntry'),
'prol': ('AudioPreRollEntry', 'AudioSampleGroupEntry'),
'rash': ('RateShareEntry', 'SampleGroupDescriptionEntry'),
'alst': ('AlternativeStartupEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'rap ': ('VisualRandomAccessEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'tele': ('TemporalLevelEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'sap ': ('SAPEntry', 'SampleGroupDescriptionEntry'),
'vmhd': ('VideoMediaHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'pasp': ('PixelAspectRatioBox', 'Box'),
'clap': ('CleanApertureBox', 'Box'),
'colr': ('ColourInformationBox', 'Box'),
'smhd': ('SoundMediaHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'srat': ('SamplingRateBox', 'FullBox'),
'chnl': ('ChannelLayout', 'FullBox'),
'dmix': ('DownMixInstructions', 'FullBox'),
'tlou': ('TrackLoudnessInfo', 'LoudnessBaseBox'),
'alou': ('AlbumLoudnessInfo', 'LoudnessBaseBox'),
'ludt': ('LoudnessBox', 'Box'),
'metx': ('XMLMetaDataSampleEntry', 'MetaDataSampleEntry'),
'txtC': ('TextConfigBox', 'Fullbox'),
'mett': ('TextMetaDataSampleEntry', 'MetaDataSampleEntry'),
'uri ': ('URIBox', 'FullBox'),
'uriI': ('URIInitBox', 'FullBox'),
'urim': ('URIMetaSampleEntry', 'MetaDataSampleEntry'),
'hmhd': ('HintMediaHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'stxt': ('SimpleTextSampleEntry', 'PlainTextSampleEntry'),
'sthd': ('SubtitleMediaHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'stpp': ('XMLSubtitleSampleEntry', 'SubtitleSampleEntry'),
'sbtt': ('TextSubtitleSampleEntry', 'SubtitleSampleEntry'),
'free': ('FreeSpaceBox', 'Box'),
'skip': ('FreeSpaceBox', 'Box'),
'name': 'ISO/IEC 14496-14',
'title': 'Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 14: MP4 file format',
'version': '2003',
'url': '',
}, {
'iods': ('ObjectDescriptorBox', 'FullBox'),
'esds': ('ESDBox', 'FullBox'),
'mp4v': ('MP4VisualSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'mp4a': ('MP4AudioSampleEntry', 'AudioSampleEntry'),
'mp4s': ('MpegSampleEntry', 'SampleEntry'),
'name': 'ISO/IEC 14496-15',
'title': 'Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 15: Carriage of network abstraction layer (NAL) unit structured video in ISO base media file format',
'version': '2014',
'url': '',
}, {
'avcC': ('AVCConfigurationBox', 'Box'),
'm4ds': ('MPEG4ExtensionDescriptorsBox', 'Box'),
'avc1': ('AVCSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'avc3': ('AVCSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'avc2': ('AVC2SampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'avc4': ('AVC2SampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'avcp': ('AVCParameterSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'avss': ('AVCSubSequenceEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'avll': ('AVCLayerEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'svcC': ('SVCConfigurationBox', 'Box'),
'seib': ('ScalabilityInformationSEIBox', 'Box'),
'svcP': ('SVCPriorityAssignmentBox', 'Box'),
'svc1': ('SVCSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'svc2': ('SVCSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'tiri': ('TierInfoBox', 'Box'),
'tibr': ('TierBitRateBox', 'Box'),
'svpr': ('PriorityRangeBox', 'Box'),
'svop': ('SVCDependencyRangeBox', 'Box'),
'svip': ('InitialParameterSetBox', 'Box'),
'rrgn': ('RectRegionBox', 'Box'),
'buff': ('BufferingBox', 'Box'),
'ldep': ('TierDependencyBox', 'Box'),
'iroi': ('IroiInfoBox', 'Box'),
'tran': ('TranscodingInfoBox', 'Box'),
'scif': ('ScalableGroupEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'mvif': ('MultiviewGroupEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'scnm': ('ScalableNALUMapEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'dtrt': ('DecodeRetimingEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'vipr': ('ViewPriorityBox', 'Box'),
'vipr': ('ViewPriorityEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'sstl': ('SVCSubTrackLayerBox', 'FullBox'),
'mstv': ('MVCSubTrackViewBox', 'FullBox'),
'stti': ('SubTrackTierBox', 'FullBox'),
'stmg': ('MVCSubTrackMultiviewGroupBox', 'FullBox'),
'svmC': ('SVCMetadataSampleConfigBox', 'FullBox'),
'qlif': ('SVCPriorityLayerInfoBox', 'Box'),
'svcM': ('SVCMetadataSampleEntry', 'MetadataSampleEntry'),
'icam': ('IntrinsicCameraParametersBox', 'FullBox'),
'ecam': ('ExtrinsicCameraParametersBox', 'FullBox'),
'vwid': ('ViewIdentifierBox', 'FullBox'),
'mvcC': ('MVCConfigurationBox', 'Box'),
'vsib': ('ViewScalabilityInformationSEIBox', 'Box'),
'mvcg': ('MultiviewGroupBox', 'FullBox'),
'swtc': ('MultiviewGroupRelationBox', 'FullBox'),
'vwdi': ('MultiviewSceneInfoBox', 'Box'),
'mvcP': ('MVCViewPriorityAssignmentBox', 'Box'),
'hvcC': ('HEVCConfigurationBox', 'Box'),
'hvc1': ('HEVCSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'hev1': ('HEVCSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'sync': ('SyncSampleEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'tscl': ('TemporalLayerEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'tsas': ('TemporalSubLayerEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'stsa': ('StepwiseTemporalLayerEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'sdep': ('SampleDependencyBox', 'FullBox'),
'seii': ('SeiInformationBox', 'Box'),
'mvci': ('MultiviewInformationBox', 'FullBox'),
'mvra': ('MultiviewRelationAttributeBox', 'FullBox'),
'name': 'ISO/IEC 23001-7',
'title': 'Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 7: Common encryption in ISO base media file format files',
'version': '2016',
'url': '',
}, {
'seig': ('CencSampleEncryptionInformationGroupEntry', 'SampleGroupEntry'),
'senc': ('SampleEncryptionBox', 'FullBox'),
'pssh': ('ProtectionSystemSpecificHeaderBox', 'FullBox'),
'tenc': ('TrackEncryptionBox', 'FullBox'),
'name': 'ISO/IEC 23008-12',
'title': 'Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 12: Image File Format',
'version': '17 January 2014 working draft',
'url': '',
}, {
'ccst': ('CodingConstraintsBox', 'FullBox'),
'vsmi': ('VisualSampleToMetadataItemEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'mint': ('MetadataIntegrityBox', 'FullBox'),
'title': 'Encapsulation of Opus in ISO Base Media File Format',
'version': '0.8.1 (incomplete)',
'url': ''
}, {
'Opus': ('OpusSampleEntry', 'AudioSampleEntry'),
'dOps': ('OpusSpecificBox', 'Box'),
'title': 'AV1 Codec ISO Media File Format Binding',
'version': 'v1.2.0',
'url': '',
}, {
'av01': ('AV1SampleEntry', 'VisualSampleEntry'),
'av1C': ('AV1CodecConfigurationBox', 'Box'),
'av1f': ('AV1ForwardKeyFrameSampleGroupEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'av1m': ('AV1MultiFrameSampleGroupEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'av1s': ('AV1SwitchFrameSampleGroupEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'av1M': ('AV1MetadataSampleGroupEntry', 'VisualSampleGroupEntry'),
'title': '[ad-hoc]',
'url': '',
}, {
'ID32': ('ID3v2Box', 'FullBox'),
info_by_box = {}
for std_desc, boxes in box_registry:
for k, v in boxes.items():
if k in info_by_box:
raise Exception(f'duplicate boxes {k} coming from {std_desc} and {info_by_box[k][0]}')
info_by_box[k] = (std_desc, *v)
def slice_box(mem: memoryview):
assert len(mem) >= 8, f'box too short ({bytes(mem)})'
length, btype = struct.unpack('>I4s', mem[0:8])
btype = btype.decode('latin1')
assert btype.isprintable(), f'invalid type {repr(btype)}'
last_box = False
large_size = False
pos = 8
if length == 0:
length = len(mem)
last_box = True
elif length == 1:
large_size = True
assert len(mem) >= pos + 8, f'EOF while reading largesize'
length, = struct.unpack('>Q', mem[pos:pos + 8])
pos += 8
if btype == 'uuid':
assert len(mem) >= pos + 16, f'EOF while reading UUID'
btype = mem[pos:pos + 16]
pos += 16
assert length >= pos, f'invalid {btype} length: {length}'
assert len(mem) >= length, f'expected {length} {btype}, got {len(mem)}'
return (btype, mem[pos:length], last_box, large_size), length
def parse_boxes(offset: int, mem: memoryview, indent=0, contents_fn=None):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
result = []
while mem:
(btype, data, last_box, large_size), length = slice_box(mem)
offset_text = ansi_fg4(f' @ {offset:#x}, {offset + length - len(data):#x} - {offset + length:#x}') if show_offsets else ''
length_text = ansi_fg4(f' ({len(data)})') if show_lengths else ''
name_text = ''
if show_descriptions and (box_desc := info_by_box.get(btype)):
desc = box_desc[1]
if desc.endswith('Box'): desc = desc[:-3]
name_text = ansi_bold(f' {desc}')
if last_box:
offset_text = ' (last)' + offset_text
if large_size:
offset_text = ' (large size)' + offset_text
type_label = btype
if len(btype) != 4: # it's a UUID
type_label = f'UUID {format_uuid(btype)}'
print(prefix + ansi_bold(f'[{type_label}]') + name_text + offset_text + length_text)
result.append( (contents_fn or parse_contents)(btype, offset + length - len(data), data, indent + 1) )
mem, offset = mem[length:], offset + length
return result
nesting_boxes = { 'moov', 'trak', 'mdia', 'minf', 'dinf', 'stbl', 'mvex', 'moof', 'traf', 'mfra', 'meco', 'edts', 'udta', 'sinf', 'schi' }
# apple(?) / quicktime metadata
nesting_boxes |= { 'ilst', '\u00a9too', '\u00a9nam', '\u00a9day', '\u00a9ART', 'aART', '\u00a9alb', '\u00a9cmt', '\u00a9day', 'trkn', 'covr', '----' }
def parse_contents(btype: str, offset: int, data: memoryview, indent):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
if (handler := globals().get(f'parse_{btype}_box')):
return handler(offset, data, indent)
if btype in nesting_boxes:
return parse_boxes(offset, data, indent)
except Exception as e:
print_error(e, prefix)
# as fall back (or if error), print hex dump
if not max_dump or not data: return
print_hex_dump(data, prefix)
def parse_fullbox(data: io.BytesIO, prefix: str):
fv =
assert len(fv) == 4
return fv[0], int.from_bytes(fv[1:], 'big')
def parse_skip_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
if any(bytes(data)):
print_hex_dump(data, prefix)
print(prefix + ansi_dim(ansi_fg2(f'({len(data)} empty bytes)')))
parse_free_box = parse_skip_box
def parse_meta_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, flags = {box_flags:06x}')
parse_boxes(offset + data.tell(), memoryview(, indent)
# hack: use a global variable because I'm too lazy to rewrite everything to pass this around
# FIXME: remove this hack, which is sometimes unreliable since there can be inner handlers we don't care about
last_handler_seen = None
def parse_hdlr_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0 and box_flags == 0, 'invalid version / flags'
pre_defined, handler_type = unpack(data, 'I4s')
handler_type = handler_type.decode('latin1')
reserved = * 3)
# FIXME: a lot of videos seem to break the second assertion (apple metadata?), some break the first
assert not pre_defined, f'invalid pre-defined: {pre_defined}'
assert not any(reserved), f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
name ='utf-8')
print(prefix + f'handler_type = {repr(handler_type)}, name = {repr(name)}')
global last_handler_seen
last_handler_seen = handler_type
def parse_stsd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, entry_count = {entry_count}')
assert box_flags == 0, f'invalid flags: {box_flags:06x}'
contents_fn = lambda *a, **b: parse_sample_entry_contents(*a, **b, version=version)
boxes = parse_boxes(offset + data.tell(), memoryview(, indent, contents_fn=contents_fn)
assert len(boxes) == entry_count, f'entry_count not matching boxes present'
def parse_sample_entry_contents(btype: str, offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int, version: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
assert len(data) >= 6 + 2, 'entry too short'
assert data[:6] == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', f'invalid reserved field: {data[:6]}'
data_reference_index, = struct.unpack('>H', data[6:8])
data = data[8:]; offset += 8
print(prefix + f'data_reference_index = {data_reference_index}')
if last_handler_seen == 'vide':
return parse_video_sample_entry_contents(btype, offset, data, indent, version)
if last_handler_seen == 'soun':
return parse_audio_sample_entry_contents(btype, offset, data, indent, version)
if last_handler_seen in {'meta', 'text', 'subt'}:
return parse_text_sample_entry_contents(btype, offset, data, indent, version)
except Exception as e:
print_error(e, prefix)
# as fall back (or if error), print hex dump
if not max_dump or not data: return
print_hex_dump(data, prefix)
def parse_video_sample_entry_contents(btype: str, offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int, version: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
assert version == 0, 'invalid version'
reserved =
assert not any(reserved), f'invalid reserved / pre-defined data: {reserved}'
width, height, horizresolution, vertresolution, reserved_2, frame_count, compressorname, depth, pre_defined_3 = unpack(data, 'HHIIIH 32s Hh')
print(prefix + f'size = {width} x {height}')
if show_defaults or horizresolution != 0x00480000 or vertresolution != 0x00480000:
print(prefix + f'resolution = {horizresolution} x {vertresolution}')
if show_defaults or frame_count != 1:
print(prefix + f'frame count = {frame_count}')
compressorname_len, compressorname = compressorname[0], compressorname[1:]
assert compressorname_len <= len(compressorname)
assert not any(compressorname[compressorname_len:]), 'invalid compressorname padding'
compressorname = compressorname[:compressorname_len].decode('utf-8')
print(prefix + f'compressorname = {repr(compressorname)}')
if show_defaults or depth != 0x0018:
print(prefix + f'depth = {depth}')
assert not reserved_2, f'invalid reserved: {reserved_2}'
assert pre_defined_3 == -1, f'invalid reserved: {pre_defined_3}'
parse_boxes(offset + data.tell(), memoryview(, indent)
def parse_audio_sample_entry_contents(btype: str, offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int, version: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
assert version <= 1, 'invalid version'
if version == 0:
reserved_1, channelcount, samplesize, pre_defined_1, reserved_2, samplerate = unpack(data, '8sHHHHI')
assert not any(reserved_1), f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_1}'
assert not reserved_2, f'invalid reserved_2: {reserved_2}'
assert not pre_defined_1, f'invalid pre_defined_1: {pre_defined_1}'
if show_defaults or channelcount != 2:
print(prefix + f'channelcount = {channelcount}')
if show_defaults or samplesize != 16:
print(prefix + f'samplesize = {samplesize}')
print(prefix + f'samplerate = {samplerate / (1 << 16)}')
entry_version, reserved_1, channelcount, samplesize, pre_defined_1, reserved_2, samplerate = unpack(data, 'H6sHHHHI')
assert entry_version == 1, f'invalid entry_version: {entry_version}'
assert not any(reserved_1), f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_1}'
assert not reserved_2, f'invalid reserved_2: {reserved_2}'
assert not pre_defined_1, f'invalid pre_defined_1: {pre_defined_1}'
print(prefix + f'channelcount = {channelcount}')
if show_defaults or samplesize != 16:
print(prefix + f'samplesize = {samplesize}')
if show_defaults or samplerate != (1 << 16):
print(prefix + f'samplerate = {samplerate / (1 << 16)}')
parse_boxes(offset + data.tell(), memoryview(, indent)
def parse_text_sample_entry_contents(btype: str, offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int, version: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
assert version == 0, 'invalid version'
fields = {
# meta
'metx': ('content_encoding', 'namespace', 'schema_location'),
'mett': ('content_encoding', 'mime_format'),
'urim': (),
# text
'stxt': ('content_encoding', 'mime_format'),
# subt
'sbtt': ('content_encoding', 'mime_format'),
'stpp': ('namespace', 'schema_location', 'auxiliary_mime_types'),
}.get(btype, [])
for field_name in fields:
print(prefix + f'{field_name} = {repr(read_string(data))}')
parse_boxes(offset + data.tell(), memoryview(, indent)
def parse_ftyp_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
major_brand, minor_version = unpack(data, '4sI')
major_brand = major_brand.decode('latin1')
print(prefix + f'major_brand = {repr(major_brand)}')
print(prefix + f'minor_version = {minor_version:08x}')
while (compatible_brand :=
assert len(compatible_brand), 'invalid brand length'
print(prefix + f'- compatible: {repr(compatible_brand.decode("latin1"))}')
parse_styp_box = parse_ftyp_box
def parse_matrix(data: io.BytesIO, prefix: str):
matrix = [ x / (1 << 16) for x in unpack(data, '9i') ]
if show_defaults or matrix != [1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,0x4000]:
print(prefix + f'matrix = {matrix}')
def parse_language(data: io.BytesIO, prefix: str):
language, = unpack(data, 'H')
if not language:
print(prefix + 'language = (null)') # FIXME: log a warning or something
pad, *language = split_bits(language, 16, 15, 10, 5, 0)
assert all(0 <= (x - 1) < 26 for x in language), f'invalid language characters: {language}'
language = ''.join(chr((x - 1) + ord('a')) for x in language)
print(prefix + f'language = {language}')
assert not pad, f'invalid pad: {pad}'
def parse_mfhd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert box_flags == 0, f'invalid flags: {box_flags}'
sequence_number, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'sequence_number = {sequence_number}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_mvhd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert not box_flags, f'invalid flags: {box_flags}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}')
creation_time, modification_time, timescale, duration, rate, volume, reserved_1, reserved_2, reserved_3 = \
unpack(data, ('QQIQ' if version == 1 else 'IIII') + 'ih' + 'HII')
print(prefix + f'creation_time = {creation_time}')
print(prefix + f'modification_time = {modification_time}')
print(prefix + f'timescale = {timescale}')
print(prefix + f'duration = {duration}')
rate /= 1 << 16
if show_defaults or rate != 1: print(prefix + f'rate = {rate}')
volume /= 1 << 8
if show_defaults or volume != 1: print(prefix + f'volume = {volume}')
assert not reserved_1, f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_1}'
assert not reserved_2, f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_2}'
assert not reserved_3, f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_3}'
parse_matrix(data, prefix)
pre_defined = * 4)
assert not any(pre_defined), f'invalid pre_defined: {pre_defined}'
next_track_ID, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'next_track_ID = {next_track_ID}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_tkhd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, flags = {box_flags:06x}')
creation_time, modification_time, track_ID, reserved_1, duration, reserved_2, reserved_3, layer, alternate_group, volume, reserved_4 = \
unpack(data, ('QQIIQ' if version == 1 else 'IIIII') + 'II' + 'hhh' + 'H')
print(prefix + f'creation_time = {creation_time}')
print(prefix + f'modification_time = {modification_time}')
print(prefix + f'track_ID = {track_ID}')
print(prefix + f'duration = {duration}')
if show_defaults or layer != 0:
print(prefix + f'layer = {layer}')
if show_defaults or alternate_group != 0:
print(prefix + f'alternate_group = {alternate_group}')
volume /= 1 << 8
print(prefix + f'volume = {volume}')
assert not reserved_1, f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_1}'
assert not reserved_2, f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_2}'
assert not reserved_3, f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_3}'
assert not reserved_4, f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_4}'
parse_matrix(data, prefix)
width, height = unpack(data, 'II')
width /= 1 << 16
height /= 1 << 16
print(prefix + f'size = {width} x {height}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_mdhd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert not box_flags, f'invalid flags: {box_flags}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}')
creation_time, modification_time, timescale, duration = \
unpack(data, 'QQIQ' if version == 1 else 'IIII')
print(prefix + f'creation_time = {creation_time}')
print(prefix + f'modification_time = {modification_time}')
print(prefix + f'timescale = {timescale}')
print(prefix + f'duration = {duration}')
parse_language(data, prefix)
pre_defined_1, = unpack(data, 'H')
assert not pre_defined_1, f'invalid reserved_1: {pre_defined_1}'
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_mehd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert not box_flags, f'invalid flags: {box_flags}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}')
fragment_duration, = unpack(data, ('Q' if version == 1 else 'I'))
print(prefix + f'fragment_duration = {fragment_duration}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_smhd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert box_flags == 0, f'invalid flags: {box_flags}'
balance, reserved = unpack(data, 'hH')
if show_defaults or balance != 0:
print(prefix + f'balance = {balance}')
assert not reserved, f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_vmhd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert box_flags == 1, f'invalid flags: {box_flags}'
graphicsmode, *opcolor = unpack(data, 'HHHH')
if show_defaults or graphicsmode != 0:
print(prefix + f'graphicsmode = {graphicsmode}')
if show_defaults or opcolor != [0, 0, 0]:
print(prefix + f'opcolor = {opcolor}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_trex_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert box_flags == 0, f'invalid flags: {box_flags}'
track_ID, default_sample_description_index, default_sample_duration, default_sample_size, default_sample_flags = \
unpack(data, 'IIIII')
print(prefix + f'track_ID = {track_ID}')
print(prefix + f'default_sample_description_index = {default_sample_description_index}')
print(prefix + f'default_sample_duration = {default_sample_duration}')
print(prefix + f'default_sample_size = {default_sample_size}')
print(prefix + f'default_sample_flags = {default_sample_flags:08x}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
# TODO: mvhd, trhd, mdhd
# FIXME: vmhd, smhd, hmhd, sthd, nmhd
# FIXME: mehd
def parse_ID32_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'flags = {box_flags:06x}')
parse_language(data, prefix)
print(prefix + f'ID3v2 data =')
print_hex_dump(, prefix + ' ')
def parse_dref_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert box_flags == 0, f'invalid flags: {box_flags:06x}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, entry_count = {entry_count}')
boxes = parse_boxes(offset + data.tell(), memoryview(, indent)
assert len(boxes) == entry_count, f'entry_count not matching boxes present'
def parse_url_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'flags = {box_flags:06x}')
if (location := read_string(data, optional=True)) != None:
print(prefix + f'location = {repr(location)}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_urn_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'flags = {box_flags:06x}')
if (location := read_string(data, optional=True)) != None:
print(prefix + f'location = {repr(location)}')
if (name := read_string(data, optional=True)) != None:
print(prefix + f'name = {repr(name)}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
globals()['parse_url _box'] = parse_url_box
globals()['parse_urn _box'] = parse_urn_box
def parse_colr_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
colour_type, = unpack(data, '4s')
colour_type = colour_type.decode('latin1')
descriptions = {
'nclx': 'on-screen colours',
'rICC': 'restricted ICC profile',
'prof': 'unrestricted ICC profile',
description = f' ({descriptions[colour_type]})' if show_descriptions and colour_type in descriptions else ''
print(prefix + f'colour_type = {repr(colour_type)}' + description)
if colour_type == 'nclx':
colour_primaries, transfer_characteristics, matrix_coefficients, flags = unpack(data, 'HHHB')
print(prefix + f'colour_primaries = {colour_primaries}')
print(prefix + f'transfer_characteristics = {transfer_characteristics}')
print(prefix + f'matrix_coefficients = {matrix_coefficients}')
full_range_flag, reserved = split_bits(flags, 8, 7, 0)
assert not reserved, f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
print(prefix + f'full_range_flag = {bool(full_range_flag)}')
name = 'ICC_profile' if colour_type in { 'rICC', 'prof' } else 'data'
print(prefix + f'{name} =')
print_hex_dump(, prefix + ' ')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_btrt_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
bufferSizeDB, maxBitrate, avgBitrate = unpack(data, 'III')
print(prefix + f'bufferSizeDB = {bufferSizeDB}')
print(prefix + f'maxBitrate = {maxBitrate}')
print(prefix + f'avgBitrate = {avgBitrate}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_pasp_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
hSpacing, vSpacing = unpack(data, 'II')
print(prefix + f'pixel aspect ratio = {hSpacing}/{vSpacing}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_clap_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
cleanApertureWidthN, cleanApertureWidthD, cleanApertureHeightN, cleanApertureHeightD, horizOffN, horizOffD, vertOffN, vertOffD = unpack(data, 'II II II II')
print(prefix + f'cleanApertureWidth = {cleanApertureWidthN}/{cleanApertureWidthD}')
print(prefix + f'cleanApertureHeight = {cleanApertureHeightN}/{cleanApertureHeightD}')
print(prefix + f'horizOff = {horizOffN}/{horizOffD}')
print(prefix + f'vertOff = {vertOffN}/{vertOffD}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_sgpd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert box_flags == 0, f'invalid flags: {box_flags:06x}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}')
grouping_type, = unpack(data, '4s')
grouping_type = grouping_type.decode('latin1')
print(prefix + f'grouping_type = {repr(grouping_type)}')
if version == 1:
default_length, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'default_length = {default_length}')
elif version >= 2:
default_sample_description_index, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'default_sample_description_index = {default_sample_description_index}')
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
for i in range(entry_count):
print(prefix + f'- entry {i+1}:')
if version == 1:
if (description_length := default_length) == 0:
description_length, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f' description_length = {description_length}')
description =
assert len(description) == description_length, \
f'unexpected EOF within description: expected {description_length}, got {len(description)}'
print_hex_dump(description, prefix + ' ')
raise NotImplementedError('TODO: parse box')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_avcC_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
configurationVersion, =
assert configurationVersion == 1, f'invalid configuration version: {configurationVersion}'
avcProfileCompFlags =
print(prefix + f'profile / compat / level = {avcProfileCompFlags.hex()}')
composite_1, composite_2 =
reserved_1, lengthSizeMinusOne = split_bits(composite_1, 8, 2, 0)
reserved_2, numOfSequenceParameterSets = split_bits(composite_2, 8, 5, 0)
assert reserved_1 == mask(6), f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_1}'
assert reserved_2 == mask(3), f'invalid reserved_2: {reserved_2}'
print(prefix + f'lengthSizeMinusOne = {lengthSizeMinusOne}')
for i in range(numOfSequenceParameterSets):
size, = unpack(data, 'H')
sps =
assert len(sps) == size, f'not enough SPS data: expected {size}, found {len(sps)}'
print(prefix + f'- SPS: {sps.hex()}')
numOfPictureParameterSets, =
for i in range(numOfPictureParameterSets):
size, = unpack(data, 'H')
pps =
assert len(pps) == size, f'not enough PPS data: expected {size}, found {len(pps)}'
print(prefix + f'- PPS: {pps.hex()}')
# FIXME: parse extensions
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_svcC_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
configurationVersion, =
assert configurationVersion == 1, f'invalid configuration version: {configurationVersion}'
avcProfileCompFlags =
print(prefix + f'profile / compat / level = {avcProfileCompFlags.hex()}')
composite_1, composite_2 =
complete_represenation, reserved_1, lengthSizeMinusOne = split_bits(composite_1, 8, 7, 2, 0)
reserved_2, numOfSequenceParameterSets = split_bits(composite_2, 8, 7, 0)
assert reserved_1 == mask(5), f'invalid reserved_1: {reserved_1}'
assert reserved_2 == 0, f'invalid reserved_2: {reserved_2}'
print(prefix + f'complete_represenation = {bool(complete_represenation)}')
print(prefix + f'lengthSizeMinusOne = {lengthSizeMinusOne}')
for i in range(numOfSequenceParameterSets):
size, = unpack(data, 'H')
sps =
assert len(sps) == size, f'not enough SPS data: expected {size}, found {len(sps)}'
print(prefix + f'- SPS: {sps.hex()}')
numOfPictureParameterSets, =
for i in range(numOfPictureParameterSets):
size, = unpack(data, 'H')
pps =
assert len(sps) == size, f'not enough PPS data: expected {size}, found {len(pps)}'
print(prefix + f'- PPS: {pps.hex()}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_hvcC_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
configurationVersion, =
assert configurationVersion == 1, f'invalid configuration version: {configurationVersion}'
composite_1, general_profile_compatibility_flags, general_constraint_indicator_flags, general_level_idc, min_spatial_segmentation_idc, \
parallelismType, chromaFormat, bitDepthLumaMinus8, bitDepthChromaMinus8, \
avgFrameRate, composite_2 = \
unpack(data, 'B I 6s B H B B B B H B')
general_constraint_indicator_flags = int.from_bytes(general_constraint_indicator_flags, 'big')
general_profile_space, general_tier_flag, general_profile_idc = split_bits(composite_1, 8, 6, 5, 0)
constantFrameRate, numTemporalLayers, temporalIdNested, lengthSizeMinusOne = split_bits(composite_2, 8, 6, 3, 2, 0)
print(prefix + f'general_profile_space = {general_profile_space}')
print(prefix + f'general_tier_flag = {general_tier_flag}')
print(prefix + f'general_profile_idc = {general_profile_idc:02x}')
print(prefix + f'general_profile_compatibility_flags = {general_profile_compatibility_flags:08x}')
print(prefix + f'general_constraint_indicator_flags = {general_constraint_indicator_flags:012x}')
print(prefix + f'general_level_idc = {general_level_idc:02x}')
reserved, min_spatial_segmentation_idc = split_bits(min_spatial_segmentation_idc, 16, 12, 0)
assert reserved == mask(4), f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
print(prefix + f'min_spatial_segmentation_idc = {min_spatial_segmentation_idc}')
reserved, parallelismType = split_bits(parallelismType, 8, 2, 0)
assert reserved == mask(6), f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
print(prefix + f'parallelismType = {parallelismType}')
reserved, chromaFormat = split_bits(chromaFormat, 8, 2, 0)
assert reserved == mask(6), f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
print(prefix + f'chromaFormat = {chromaFormat}')
reserved, bitDepthLumaMinus8 = split_bits(bitDepthLumaMinus8, 8, 3, 0)
assert reserved == mask(5), f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
print(prefix + f'bitDepthLumaMinus8 = {bitDepthLumaMinus8}')
reserved, bitDepthChromaMinus8 = split_bits(bitDepthChromaMinus8, 8, 3, 0)
assert reserved == mask(5), f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
print(prefix + f'bitDepthChromaMinus8 = {bitDepthChromaMinus8}')
print(prefix + f'avgFrameRate = {avgFrameRate}')
print(prefix + f'constantFrameRate = {constantFrameRate}')
print(prefix + f'numTemporalLayers = {numTemporalLayers}')
print(prefix + f'temporalIdNested = {bool(temporalIdNested)}')
print(prefix + f'lengthSizeMinusOne = {lengthSizeMinusOne}')
numOfArrays, = unpack(data, 'B')
#print(prefix + f'numOfArrays = {numOfArrays}')
for i in range(numOfArrays):
print(prefix + f'- array {i}:')
composite, numNalus = unpack(data, 'BH')
array_completeness, reserved, NAL_unit_type = split_bits(composite, 8, 7, 6, 0)
assert reserved == 0, f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
print(prefix + f' array_completeness = {bool(array_completeness)}')
print(prefix + f' NAL_unit_type = {NAL_unit_type}')
#print(prefix + f' numNalus = {numNalus}')
for n in range(numNalus):
entry_start = offset + data.tell()
nalUnitLength, = unpack(data, 'H')
data_start = offset + data.tell()
nalData =
assert len(nalData) == nalUnitLength, f'EOF when reading NALU: expected {nalUnitLength}, got {len(nalData)}'
offset_text = ansi_fg4(f' @ {entry_start:#x}, {data_start:#x} - {data_start + nalUnitLength:#x}') if show_offsets else ''
length_text = ansi_fg4(f' ({nalUnitLength})') if show_lengths else ''
print(prefix + f' - NALU {n}' + offset_text + length_text)
print_hex_dump(nalData, prefix + ' ')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
# FIXME: implement av1C
def parse_esds_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
assert box_flags == 0, f'invalid flags: {box_flags:06x}'
parse_descriptor(data, indent, expected=3)
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
parse_iods_box = parse_esds_box
def parse_m4ds_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
data = io.BytesIO(data)
parse_descriptors(data, indent)
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_dOps_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
Version, OutputChannelCount, PreSkip, InputSampleRate, OutputGain, ChannelMappingFamily = unpack(data, 'BBHIhB')
assert Version == 0, f'invalid Version: {Version}'
OutputGain /= 1 << 8
print(prefix + f'OutputChannelCount = {OutputChannelCount}')
print(prefix + f'PreSkip = {PreSkip}')
print(prefix + f'InputSampleRate = {InputSampleRate}')
print(prefix + f'OutputGain = {OutputGain}')
print(prefix + f'ChannelMappingFamily = {ChannelMappingFamily}')
if ChannelMappingFamily != 0:
StreamCount, CoupledCount =
print(prefix + f'StreamCount = {StreamCount}')
print(prefix + f'CoupledCount = {CoupledCount}')
ChannelMapping =
assert len(ChannelMapping) == OutputChannelCount, 'invalid ChannelMapping length'
print(prefix + f'ChannelMapping = {ChannelMapping}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_elst_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}')
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
segment_duration, media_time, media_rate = \
unpack(data, ('Qq' if version == 1 else 'Ii') + 'i')
media_rate /= 1 << 16
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[edit segment {i:3}] duration = {segment_duration:6}, media_time = {media_time:6}, media_rate = {media_rate}')
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_sidx_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}')
reference_ID, timescale, earliest_presentation_time, first_offset, reserved_1, reference_count = \
unpack(data, 'II' + ('II' if version == 0 else 'QQ') + 'HH')
print(prefix + f'reference_ID = {reference_ID}')
print(prefix + f'timescale = {timescale}')
print(prefix + f'earliest_presentation_time = {earliest_presentation_time}')
print(prefix + f'first_offset = {first_offset}')
print(prefix + f'reference_count = {reference_count}')
assert not reserved_1, f'invalid reserved_1 = {reserved_1}'
for i in range(reference_count):
composite_1, subsegment_duration, composite_2 = unpack(data, 'III')
reference_type, referenced_size = split_bits(composite_1, 32, 31, 0)
starts_with_SAP, SAP_type, SAP_delta_time = split_bits(composite_2, 32, 31, 28, 0)
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[reference {i:3}] type = {reference_type}, size = {referenced_size}, duration = {subsegment_duration}, starts_with_SAP = {starts_with_SAP}, SAP_type = {SAP_type}, SAP_delta_time = {SAP_delta_time}')
if reference_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_stts_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
sample, time = 1, 0
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
sample_count, sample_delta = unpack(data, 'II')
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[entry {i:3}] [sample = {sample:6}, time = {time:6}] sample_count = {sample_count:5}, sample_delta = {sample_delta:5}')
sample += sample_count
time += sample_count * sample_delta
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
print(prefix + f'[samples = {sample-1:6}, time = {time:6}]')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_ctts_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}')
sample = 1
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
sample_count, sample_offset = unpack(data, 'I' + ('i' if version==1 else 'I'))
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[entry {i:3}] [sample = {sample:6}] sample_count = {sample_count:5}, sample_offset = {sample_offset:5}')
sample += sample_count
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
print(prefix + f'[samples = {sample-1:6}]')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_stsc_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
sample, last_chunk, last_spc = 1, None, None
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
first_chunk, samples_per_chunk, sample_description_index = unpack(data, 'III')
if last_chunk != None:
assert first_chunk > last_chunk
sample += last_spc * (first_chunk - last_chunk)
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[entry {i:3}] [sample = {sample:6}] first_chunk = {first_chunk:5}, samples_per_chunk = {samples_per_chunk:4}, sample_description_index = {sample_description_index}')
last_chunk, last_spc = first_chunk, samples_per_chunk
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_stsz_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
sample_size, sample_count = unpack(data, 'II')
if show_defaults or sample_size != 0:
print(prefix + f'sample_size = {sample_size}')
print(prefix + f'sample_count = {sample_count}')
if sample_size == 0:
for i in range(sample_count):
sample_size, = unpack(data, 'I')
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[sample {i+1:6}] sample_size = {sample_size:5}')
if sample_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_stco_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
chunk_offset, = unpack(data, 'I')
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[chunk {i+1:5}] offset = {chunk_offset:#08x}')
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_co64_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
chunk_offset, = unpack(data, 'Q')
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[chunk {i+1:5}] offset = {chunk_offset:#016x}')
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_stss_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
sample_number, = unpack(data, 'I')
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[sync sample {i:5}] sample_number = {sample_number:6}')
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_sbgp_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert not box_flags, f'invalid box_flags: {box_flags}'
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}')
grouping_type, = unpack(data, '4s')
grouping_type = grouping_type.decode('latin1')
print(prefix + f'grouping_type = {repr(grouping_type)}')
if version == 1:
grouping_type_parameter, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'grouping_type_parameter = {grouping_type_parameter}')
sample = 1
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
sample_count, group_description_index = unpack(data, 'II')
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[entry {i+1:5}] [sample = {sample:6}] sample_count = {sample_count:5}, group_description_index = {group_description_index:5}')
sample += sample_count
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
print(prefix + f'[samples = {sample-1:6}]')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_saiz_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, flags = {box_flags:06x}')
if box_flags & 1:
aux_info_type, aux_info_type_parameter = unpack(data, '4sI')
aux_info_type = aux_info_type.decode('latin1')
print(prefix + f'aux_info_type = {repr(aux_info_type)}')
print(prefix + f'aux_info_type_parameter = {aux_info_type_parameter:#x}')
default_sample_info_size, sample_count = unpack(data, 'BI')
print(prefix + f'default_sample_info_size = {default_sample_info_size}')
print(prefix + f'sample_count = {sample_count}')
if default_sample_info_size == 0:
for i in range(sample_count):
sample_info_size, = unpack(data, 'B')
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[sample {i+1:6}] sample_info_size = {sample_info_size:5}')
if sample_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_saio_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, flags = {box_flags:06x}')
if box_flags & 1:
aux_info_type, aux_info_type_parameter = unpack(data, '4sI')
aux_info_type = aux_info_type.decode('latin1')
print(prefix + f'aux_info_type = {repr(aux_info_type)}')
print(prefix + f'aux_info_type_parameter = {aux_info_type_parameter:#x}')
entry_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'entry_count = {entry_count}')
for i in range(entry_count):
offset, = unpack(data, 'I' if version == 0 else 'Q')
if i < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[entry {i+1:6}] offset = {offset:#08x}')
if entry_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_tfdt_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version <= 1, f'invalid version: {version}'
base_media_decode_time, = unpack(data, 'I' if version == 0 else 'Q')
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, flags = {box_flags:06x}')
print(prefix + f'baseMediaDecodeTime = {base_media_decode_time}')
def parse_tfhd_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, flags = {box_flags:06x}')
track_ID, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'track_ID = {track_ID}')
if box_flags & 0x10000: # duration‐is‐empty
print(prefix + 'duration-is-empty flag set')
if box_flags & 0x20000: # default-base-is-moof
print(prefix + 'default-base-is-moof flag set')
if box_flags & 0x1: # base‐data‐offset‐present
base_data_offset, = unpack(data, 'Q')
print(prefix + f'base_data_offset = {base_data_offset}')
if box_flags & 0x2: # sample-description-index-present
sample_description_index, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'sample_description_index = {sample_description_index}')
if box_flags & 0x8: # default‐sample‐duration‐present
default_sample_duration, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'default_sample_duration = {default_sample_duration}')
if box_flags & 0x10: # default‐sample‐size‐present
default_sample_size, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'default_sample_size = {default_sample_size}')
def parse_trun_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
sample_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, flags = {box_flags:06x}, sample_count = {sample_count}')
if box_flags & (1 << 0):
data_offset, = unpack(data, 'i')
print(prefix + f'data_offset = {data_offset:#x}')
if box_flags & (1 << 2):
first_sample_flags, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'first_sample_flags = {first_sample_flags:08x}')
s_offset = 0
s_time = 0
for s_idx in range(sample_count):
s_text = []
if box_flags & (1 << 8):
sample_duration, = unpack(data, 'I')
s_text.append(f'time={s_time:7} + {sample_duration:5}')
s_time += sample_duration
if box_flags & (1 << 9):
sample_size, = unpack(data, 'I')
s_text.append(f'offset={s_offset:#9x} + {sample_size:5}')
s_offset += sample_size
if box_flags & (1 << 10):
sample_flags, = unpack(data, 'I')
if box_flags & (1 << 11):
sample_composition_time_offset, = unpack(data, 'I' if version == 0 else 'i')
if s_idx < max_rows:
print(prefix + f'[sample {s_idx:4}] {", ".join(s_text)}')
if sample_count > max_rows:
print(prefix + '...')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
# FIXME: describe handlers, boxes (from RA, also look at the 'handlers' and 'unlisted' pages), brands
# DRM boxes
def parse_frma_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
data_format, = unpack(data, '4s')
data_format = data_format.decode('latin1')
print(prefix + f'data_format = {repr(data_format)}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_schm_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
assert version == 0, f'invalid version: {version}'
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, flags = {box_flags:06x}')
scheme_type, scheme_version = unpack(data, '4sI')
scheme_type = scheme_type.decode('latin1')
print(prefix + f'scheme_type = {repr(scheme_type)}')
print(prefix + f'scheme_version = {scheme_version:#x}')
if box_flags & 1:
scheme_uri = read_string(data)
print(prefix + f'scheme_uri = {repr(scheme_uri)}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_tenc_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, flags = {box_flags:06x}')
reserved_1, reserved_2 = unpack(data, 'BB')
assert reserved_1 == 0, f'invalid reserved 1: {reserved_1}'
if version > 0:
default_crypt_byte_block, default_skip_byte_block = split_bits(reserved_2, 8, 4, 0)
print(prefix + f'default_crypt_byte_block = {default_crypt_byte_block}')
print(prefix + f'default_skip_byte_block = {default_skip_byte_block}')
assert reserved_2 == 0, f'invalid reserved 2: {reserved_2}'
default_isProtected, default_Per_Sample_IV_Size, default_KID = unpack(data, 'BB16s')
print(prefix + f'default_isProtected = {default_isProtected}')
print(prefix + f'default_Per_Sample_IV_Size = {default_Per_Sample_IV_Size}')
print(prefix + f'default_KID = {default_KID.hex()}')
if default_isProtected == 1 and default_Per_Sample_IV_Size == 0:
default_constant_IV_size, = unpack(data, 'B')
default_constant_IV =
assert len(default_constant_IV) == default_constant_IV_size, \
f'unexpected EOF within default_constant_IV: expected {default_constant_IV_size}, got {len(default_constant_IV)}'
print(prefix + f'default_constant_IV = {default_constant_IV.hex()}')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
def parse_pssh_box(offset: int, data: memoryview, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
data = io.BytesIO(data)
version, box_flags = parse_fullbox(data, prefix)
print(prefix + f'version = {version}, flags = {box_flags:06x}')
SystemID, = unpack(data, '16s')
system_name, system_comment = protection_systems.get(format_uuid(SystemID), (None, None))
system_desc = f' ({system_name})' if system_name else ''
print(prefix + f'SystemID = {format_uuid(SystemID)}{system_desc}')
if version > 0:
KID_count, = unpack(data, 'I')
for i in range(KID_count):
KID, = unpack(data, '16s')
print(prefix + f'- KID: {KID.hex()}')
DataSize, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'DataSize = {DataSize}')
Data =
assert len(Data) == DataSize, f'unexpected EOF within Data: expected {DataSize}, got {len(Data)}'
print(prefix + f'Data =')
print_hex_dump(Data, prefix + ' ')
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing data'
protection_systems = {
'6dd8b3c3-45f4-4a68-bf3a-64168d01a4a6': ('ABV DRM (MoDRM)', 'For further information please contact ABV International Pte Ltd. Documentation is available under NDA. ABV Content Protection for MPEG DASH (MoDRM v4.7 and above).'),
'f239e769-efa3-4850-9c16-a903c6932efb': ('Adobe Primetime DRM version 4', 'For further information please contact Adobe.'),
'616c7469-6361-7374-2d50-726f74656374': ('Alticast', 'For further information please contact Alticast.'),
'94ce86fb-07ff-4f43-adb8-93d2fa968ca2': ('Apple FairPlay', 'Content Protection System Identifier for Apple FairPlay Streaming.'),
'279fe473-512c-48fe-ade8-d176fee6b40f': ('Arris Titanium', 'For further information please contact Documentation is available under NDA. @value is specified in documentation related to a specific version of the product.'),
'3d5e6d35-9b9a-41e8-b843-dd3c6e72c42c': ('ChinaDRM', 'ChinaDRM is defined by China Radio and Television Film Industry Standard GY/T 277-2014. @value indicates ChinaDRM specific solution provided by various vendors.'),
'3ea8778f-7742-4bf9-b18b-e834b2acbd47': ('Clear Key AES-128', 'Identifier for HLS Clear Key encryption using CBC mode. This is to be used as an identifier when requesting key system information when using CPIX.'),
'be58615b-19c4-4684-88b3-c8c57e99e957': ('Clear Key SAMPLE-AES', 'Identifier for HLS Clear Key encryption using CBCS mode. This is to be used as an identifier when requesting key system information when using CPIX.'),
'e2719d58-a985-b3c9-781a-b030af78d30e': ('Clear Key DASH-IF', 'This identifier is meant to be used to signal the availability of W3C Clear Key in the context of a DASH presentation.'),
'644fe7b5-260f-4fad-949a-0762ffb054B4': ('CMLA (OMA DRM)', 'A draft version of the CMLA Technical Specification which is in process with involved adopters is not published. It is planned to be chapter 18 of our CMLA Technical Specification upon completion and approval.Revisions of the CMLA Technical Specification become public upon CMLA approval. UUID will correlate to various related XML schema and PSSH components as well as elements of the content protection element relating to CMLA DASH mapping.'),
'37c33258-7b99-4c7e-b15d-19af74482154': ('Commscope Titanium V3', 'Documentation available under NDA. @value is specified in documentation related to a specific version of the product. Contact for further information.'),
'45d481cb-8fe0-49c0-ada9-ab2d2455b2f2': ('CoreCrypt', 'CoreTrust Content Protection for MPEG-DASH. For further information and specification please contact CoreTurst at'),
'dcf4e3e3-62f1-5818-7ba6-0a6fe33ff3dd': ('DigiCAP SmartXess', 'For further information please contact DigiCAP. Documentation is available under NDA. DigiCAP SmartXess for DASH @value CA/DRM_NAME VERSION (CA 1.0, DRM+ 2.0)'),
'35bf197b-530e-42d7-8b65-1b4bf415070f': ('DivX DRM Series 5', 'Please contact DivX for specifications.'),
'80a6be7e-1448-4c37-9e70-d5aebe04c8d2': ('Irdeto Content Protection', 'For further information please contact Irdeto. Documentation is available under NDA.'),
'5e629af5-38da-4063-8977-97ffbd9902d4': ('Marlin Adaptive Streaming Simple Profile V1.0', 'Details of what can be further specified within the ContentProtection element is in the specifications.'),
'9a04f079-9840-4286-ab92-e65be0885f95': ('Microsoft PlayReady', 'For further information please contact Microsoft.'),
'6a99532d-869f-5922-9a91-113ab7b1e2f3': ('MobiTV DRM', 'Identifier for any version of MobiDRM (MobiTV DRM). The version is signaled in the pssh box.'),
'adb41c24-2dbf-4a6d-958b-4457c0d27b95': ('Nagra MediaAccess PRM 3.0', 'It identifies Nagra MediaAccess PRM 3.0 and above. Documentation is available under NDA.'),
'1f83e1e8-6ee9-4f0d-ba2f-5ec4e3ed1a66': ('SecureMedia', 'Documentation is available under NDA. @value shall be Arris SecureMedia version XXXXXXX. XXXXXX is specified in documentation associated with a particular version of the product. The UUID will be made available in SecureMedia documentation shared with a partner or customer of SecureMedia Arris.'),
'992c46e6-c437-4899-b6a0-50fa91ad0e39': ('SecureMedia SteelKnot', 'Documentation is available under NDA. @value shall be Arris SecureMedia SteelKnot version XXXXXXX. The exact length and syntax of XXXXXXX is specified in documentation associated with a particular version of the product. The UUID will be made available in SecureMedia SteelKnot documentation shared with a partner or customer of SecureMedia SteelKnot.'),
'a68129d3-575b-4f1a-9cba-3223846cf7c3': ('Synamedia/Cisco/NDS VideoGuard DRM', 'Documentation is available under NDA.'),
'aa11967f-cc01-4a4a-8e99-c5d3dddfea2d': ('Unitend DRM (UDRM)', 'For further information please contact'),
'9a27dd82-fde2-4725-8cbc-4234aa06ec09': ('Verimatrix VCAS', '@value is Verimatrix VCAS for DASH ViewRightWeb VV.vv (VV.vv is the version number). If used this can help the client to determine if the current DRM client can play the content.'),
'b4413586-c58c-ffb0-94a5-d4896c1af6c3': ('Viaccess-Orca DRM (VODRM)', 'For further information please contact Viaccess-Orca. VODRM documentation is available under NDA.'),
'793b7956-9f94-4946-a942-23e7ef7e44b4': ('VisionCrypt', 'For further information please contact'),
'1077efec-c0b2-4d02-ace3-3c1e52e2fb4b': ('W3C Common PSSH box', 'This identifier is to be used as the SystemID for the Common PSSH box format defined by W3C as a preferred alternative to DRM system specific PSSH box formats. This identifier may be used in PSSH boxes and MPEG-DASH ContentProtection elements.'),
'edef8ba9-79d6-4ace-a3c8-27dcd51d21ed': ('Widevine Content Protection', 'For further information please contact Widevine.'),
# MPEG-4 part 1 DESCRIPTORS (based on 2010 edition)
# (these aren't specific to ISOBMFF and so we shouldn't parse them buuuut
# they're still part of MPEG-4 and not widely known so we'll make an exception)
def parse_descriptor(data, indent: int, expected=None, namespace='default', contents_fn=None, optional=False):
tag =
if optional and not tag: return None
tag, = tag
assert tag != 0x00 and tag != 0xFF, f'forbidden tag number: {tag}'
size = 0
n_size_bytes = 0
while True:
b =
assert b, f'unexpected EOF when reading descriptor size'
next_byte, size_byte = split_bits(b[0], 8, 7, 0)
size = (size << 7) | size_byte
n_size_bytes += 1
if not next_byte: break
payload =
assert len(payload) == size, f'unexpected EOF within descriptor data: expected {size}, got {len(payload)}'
data = io.BytesIO(payload)
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
size_text = ''
if size.bit_length() <= (n_size_bytes - 1) * 7:
size_text = ansi_fg4(f' ({n_size_bytes} length bytes)')
def get_class_chain(k):
r = [k]
while k['base_class'] != None:
k = class_registry[k['base_class']][1]
return r
nsdata = descriptor_namespaces[namespace]
labels = []
if tag in nsdata['tag_registry']:
klasses = get_class_chain(nsdata['tag_registry'][tag])
labels.append(ansi_fg4('reserved for ISO use' if tag < nsdata['user_private'] else 'user private'))
if k := next((k for (s, e, k) in nsdata['ranges'] if s <= tag < e), None):
klasses = get_class_chain(class_registry[k][1])
labels += [ ansi_bold(k['name']) for k in klasses ]
print(prefix + ansi_bold(f'[{tag}]') + (' ' + ' -> '.join(labels) if show_descriptions else '') + size_text)
(contents_fn or parse_descriptor_contents)(tag, klasses, data, indent + 1)
left =
assert not left, f'{len(left)} bytes of trailing descriptor data'
return tag,
def parse_descriptors(data, indent: int, **kwargs):
while parse_descriptor(data, indent, **kwargs, optional=True) != None:
def parse_descriptor_contents(tag: int, klasses, data, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
for k in klasses[::-1]:
if 'handler' not in k: break
k['handler'](data, indent)
except Exception as e:
print_error(e, prefix)
# FIXME: should we backtrack here a bit? or too much? when a non-indented hexdump is printed, make it clear what it represents
# as fall back (or if error), print hex dump
data =
if not max_dump or not data: return
print_hex_dump(data, prefix)
def parse_BaseDescriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
def parse_ObjectDescriptorBase_descriptor(data, indent: int):
def parse_ExtensionDescriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
def parse_OCI_Descriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
def parse_IP_IdentificationDataSet_descriptor(data, indent: int):
def parse_ES_Descriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
ES_ID, composite_1 = unpack(data, 'HB')
streamDependenceFlag, URL_Flag, OCRstreamFlag, streamPriority = split_bits(composite_1, 8, 7, 6, 5, 0)
print(prefix + f'ES_ID = {ES_ID}')
print(prefix + f'streamPriority = {streamPriority}')
if streamDependenceFlag:
dependsOn_ES_ID, = unpack(data, 'H')
print(prefix + f'dependsOn_ES_ID = {dependsOn_ES_ID}')
if URL_Flag:
URLlength, = unpack(data, 'B')
URLstring =
assert len(URLstring) == URLlength, f'unexpected EOF while reading URL, expected {URLlength}, found {len(URLstring)}'
URLstring = URLstring.decode('utf-8')
print(prefix + f'URL = {repr(URLstring)}')
if OCRstreamFlag:
OCR_ES_ID, = unpack(data, 'H')
print(prefix + f'OCR_ES_ID = {OCR_ES_ID}')
parse_descriptors(data, indent)
def parse_DecoderConfigDescriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
objectTypeIndication, composite, maxBitrate, avgBitrate = unpack(data, 'BIII')
streamType, upStream, reserved, bufferSizeDB = split_bits(composite, 32, 26, 25, 24, 0)
print(prefix + f'objectTypeIndication = {objectTypeIndication}' + (f' ({format_object_type(objectTypeIndication)})' if show_descriptions else ''))
print(prefix + f'streamType = {streamType}' + (f' ({format_stream_type(streamType)})' if show_descriptions else ''))
print(prefix + f'upStream = {bool(upStream)}')
print(prefix + f'bufferSizeDB = {bufferSizeDB}')
print(prefix + f'maxBitrate = {maxBitrate}')
print(prefix + f'avgBitrate = {avgBitrate}')
assert reserved == 1, f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
parse_descriptors(data, indent)
def parse_SLConfigDescriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
predefined, = unpack(data, 'B')
predefined_description = {
0x00: 'Custom',
0x01: 'null SL packet header',
0x02: 'Reserved for use in MP4 files',
}.get(predefined, 'Reserved for ISO use')
print(prefix + f'predefined = {predefined}' + (f' ({predefined_description})' if show_descriptions else ''))
if predefined != 0: return
flags, timeStampResolution, OCRResolution, timeStampLength, OCRLength, AU_Length, instantBitrateLength, composite = \
unpack(data, 'BIIBBBBH')
useAccessUnitStartFlag, useAccessUnitEndFlag, useRandomAccessPointFlag, hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag, usePaddingFlag, useTimeStampsFlag, useIdleFlag, durationFlag = \
split_bits(flags, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
print(prefix + f'useAccessUnitStartFlag = {bool(useAccessUnitStartFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'useAccessUnitEndFlag = {bool(useAccessUnitEndFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'useRandomAccessPointFlag = {bool(useRandomAccessPointFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag = {bool(hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'usePaddingFlag = {bool(usePaddingFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'useTimeStampsFlag = {bool(useTimeStampsFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'useIdleFlag = {bool(useIdleFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'durationFlag = {bool(durationFlag)}')
print(prefix + f'timeStampResolution = {timeStampResolution}')
print(prefix + f'OCRResolution = {OCRResolution}')
print(prefix + f'timeStampLength = {timeStampLength}')
assert timeStampLength <= 64, f'invalid timeStampLength: {timeStampLength}'
print(prefix + f'OCRLength = {OCRLength}')
assert OCRLength <= 64, f'invalid OCRLength: {OCRLength}'
print(prefix + f'AU_Length = {AU_Length}')
assert AU_Length <= 32, f'invalid AU_Length: {AU_Length}'
print(prefix + f'instantBitrateLength = {instantBitrateLength}')
degradationPriorityLength, AU_seqNumLength, packetSeqNumLength, reserved = split_bits(composite, 16, 12, 7, 2, 0)
print(prefix + f'degradationPriorityLength = {degradationPriorityLength}')
print(prefix + f'AU_seqNumLength = {AU_seqNumLength}')
assert AU_seqNumLength <= 16, f'invalid AU_seqNumLength: {AU_seqNumLength}'
print(prefix + f'packetSeqNumLength = {packetSeqNumLength}')
assert packetSeqNumLength <= 16, f'invalid packetSeqNumLength: {packetSeqNumLength}'
assert reserved == 0b11, f'invalid reserved: {reserved}'
if durationFlag:
timeScale, accessUnitDuration, compositionUnitDuration = unpack(data, 'IHH')
print(prefix + f'timeScale = {timeScale}')
print(prefix + f'accessUnitDuration = {accessUnitDuration}')
print(prefix + f'compositionUnitDuration = {compositionUnitDuration}')
if not useTimeStampsFlag:
assert False, 'FIXME: not implemented yet'
# bit(timeStampLength) startDecodingTimeStamp;
# bit(timeStampLength) startCompositionTimeStamp;
def parse_ES_ID_Inc_descriptor(data, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
Track_ID, = unpack(data, 'I')
print(prefix + f'Track_ID = {Track_ID}')
def parse_ES_ID_Ref_descriptor(data, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
ref_index, = unpack(data, 'H')
print(prefix + f'ref_index = {ref_index}')
def parse_ExtendedSLConfigDescriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
parse_descriptors(data, indent)
def parse_QoS_Descriptor_descriptor(data, indent: int):
prefix = ' ' * (indent * indent_n)
predefined, = unpack(data, 'B')
predefined_description = {
0x00: 'Custom',
}.get(predefined, 'Reserved')
print(prefix + f'predefined = {predefined}' + (f' ({predefined_description})' if show_descriptions else ''))
if predefined != 0: return
parse_descriptors(data, indent, namespace='QoS')
def parse_QoS_Qualifier_descriptor(data, indent: int):
def parse_BaseCommand_descriptor(data, indent: int):
class Namespace(TypedDict):
# classes defined within this namespace
classes: list[ClassEntry]
# ranges for this namespace, if any
ranges: list[NamespaceRange]
# number over which entries are user private, otherwise reserved for ISO
user_private: int
NamespaceRange = tuple[
int, # start (inclusive)
int, # end (noninclusive)
str, # class name
class ClassEntry(TypedDict):
# tag number, if any (unset on some base classes)
tag: Optional[int]
# identifier used to refer to the tag number, if any
# (if typos are found, we prefer the name in the tag list)
tag_name: Optional[str]
# class name (will be used to look up handler)
name: str
# name of base class (None for root class)
base_class: Optional[str]
# handler function to parse this class (will be set automatically from globals)
handler: Callable[...]
descriptor_namespaces: dict[str, Namespace]
descriptor_namespaces = {
'default': {
'classes': [
{ 'name': 'BaseDescriptor', 'base_class': None },
{ 'tag': 0x03, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'ES_Descriptor', 'tag_name': 'ES_DescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x05, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'DecoderSpecificInfo', 'tag_name': 'DecSpecificInfoTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x04, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'DecoderConfigDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'DecoderConfigDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x09, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'IPI_DescrPointer', 'tag_name': 'IPI_DescrPointerTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x0a, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'IPMP_DescriptorPointer', 'tag_name': 'IPMP_DescrPointerTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x0b, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'IPMP_Descriptor', 'tag_name': 'IPMP_DescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x60, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'IPMP_ToolListDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'IPMP_ToolsListDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x61, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'IPMP_Tool', 'tag_name': 'IPMP_ToolTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x0c, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'QoS_Descriptor', 'tag_name': 'QoS_DescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x0d, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'RegistrationDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'RegistrationDescrTag' },
{ 'name': 'ObjectDescriptorBase', 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor' },
{ 'tag': 0x01, 'base_class': 'ObjectDescriptorBase', 'name': 'ObjectDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ObjectDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x02, 'base_class': 'ObjectDescriptorBase', 'name': 'InitialObjectDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'InitialObjectDescrTag' },
{ 'name': 'IP_IdentificationDataSet', 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor' },
{ 'tag': 0x07, 'base_class': 'IP_IdentificationDataSet', 'name': 'ContentIdentificationDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ContentIdentDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x08, 'base_class': 'IP_IdentificationDataSet', 'name': 'SupplementaryContentIdentificationDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'SupplContentIdentDescrTag' },
{ 'name': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor' },
{ 'tag': 0x40, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'ContentClassificationDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ContentClassificationDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x41, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'KeyWordDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'KeyWordDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x42, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'RatingDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'RatingDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x43, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'LanguageDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'LanguageDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x44, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'ShortTextualDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ShortTextualDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x45, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'ExpandedTextualDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ExpandedTextualDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x46, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'ContentCreatorNameDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ContentCreatorNameDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x47, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'ContentCreationDateDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ContentCreationDateDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x48, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'OCICreatorNameDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'OCICreatorNameDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x49, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'OCICreationDateDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'OCICreationDateDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x4a, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'SmpteCameraPositionDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'SmpteCameraPositionDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x4b, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'SegmentDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'SegmentDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x4c, 'base_class': 'OCI_Descriptor', 'name': 'MediaTimeDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'MediaTimeDescrTag' },
{ 'name': 'ExtensionDescriptor', 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor' },
{ 'tag': 0x13, 'base_class': 'ExtensionDescriptor', 'name': 'ExtensionProfileLevelDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ExtensionProfileLevelDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x14, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'ProfileLevelIndicationIndexDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ProfileLevelIndicationIndexDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x06, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'SLConfigDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'SLConfigDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x64, 'base_class': 'SLConfigDescriptor', 'name': 'ExtendedSLConfigDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'ExtSLConfigDescrTag' },
{ 'name': 'SLExtensionDescriptor', 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor' }, # quirk, this class doesn't have a base class in the spec
{ 'tag': 0x67, 'base_class': 'SLExtensionDescriptor', 'name': 'DependencyPointer', 'tag_name': 'DependencyPointerTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x68, 'base_class': 'SLExtensionDescriptor', 'name': 'MarkerDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'DependencyMarkerTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x69, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'M4MuxChannelDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'M4MuxChannelDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x65, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'M4MuxBufferSizeDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'M4MuxBufferSizeDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x62, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'M4MuxTimingDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'M4MuxTimingDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x63, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'M4MuxCodeTableDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'M4MuxCodeTableDescrTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x66, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'M4MuxIdentDescriptor', 'tag_name': 'M4MuxIdentDescrTag' },
# defined in ISO/IEC 14496-14. names for the last two are made up as not defined formally anywhere
{ 'tag': 0x0e, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'ES_ID_Inc', 'tag_name': 'ES_ID_IncTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x0f, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': 'ES_ID_Ref', 'tag_name': 'ES_ID_RefTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x11, 'base_class': 'ObjectDescriptor', 'name': '<MP4ObjectDescriptor>', 'tag_name': 'MP4_OD_Tag' },
{ 'tag': 0x10, 'base_class': 'InitialObjectDescriptor', 'name': '<MP4InitialObjectDescriptor>', 'tag_name': 'MP4_IOD_Tag' },
# was unable to find where this is defined
{ 'tag': 0x12, 'base_class': 'BaseDescriptor', 'name': '<IPL_DescrPointerRef>', 'tag_name': 'IPL_DescrPointerRefTag' },
'ranges': [
(0x40, 0x60, 'OCI_Descriptor'),
(0x6A, 0xFF, 'ExtensionDescriptor'),
'user_private': 0xC0,
'command': {
'classes': [
{ 'name': 'BaseCommand', 'base_class': None },
{ 'tag': 0x01, 'base_class': 'BaseCommand', 'name': 'ObjectDescriptorUpdate', 'tag_name': 'ObjectDescrUpdateTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x02, 'base_class': 'BaseCommand', 'name': 'ObjectDescriptorRemove', 'tag_name': 'ObjectDescrRemoveTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x03, 'base_class': 'BaseCommand', 'name': 'ES_DescriptorUpdate', 'tag_name': 'ES_DescrUpdateTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x04, 'base_class': 'BaseCommand', 'name': 'ES_DescriptorRemove', 'tag_name': 'ES_DescrRemoveTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x05, 'base_class': 'BaseCommand', 'name': 'IPMP_DescriptorUpdate', 'tag_name': 'IPMP_DescrUpdateTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x06, 'base_class': 'BaseCommand', 'name': 'IPMP_DescriptorRemove', 'tag_name': 'IPMP_DescrRemoveTag' },
{ 'tag': 0x08, 'base_class': 'BaseCommand', 'name': 'ObjectDescriptorExecute', 'tag_name': 'ObjectDescrExecuteTag' },
# defined in ISO/IEC 14496-14. names is made up as not defined formally anywhere
{ 'tag': 0x07, 'base_class': 'ES_DescriptorRemove', 'name': '<ES_DescriptorRemoveRef>', 'tag_name': 'ES_DescrRemoveRefTag' },
'user_private': 0xC0,
'QoS': {
'classes': [
{ 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'base_class': None },
{ 'tag': 0x01, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_MAX_DELAY' },
{ 'tag': 0x02, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_PREF_MAX_DELAY' },
{ 'tag': 0x03, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_LOSS_PROB' },
{ 'tag': 0x04, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_MAX_GAP_LOSS' },
{ 'tag': 0x41, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_MAX_AU_SIZE' },
{ 'tag': 0x42, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_AVG_AU_SIZE' },
{ 'tag': 0x43, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_MAX_AU_RATE' },
{ 'tag': 0x44, 'base_class': 'QoS_Qualifier', 'name': 'QoS_Qualifier_REBUFFERING_RATIO' },
'user_private': 0x80,
'IPMP': {
'classes': [
{ 'name': 'IPMP_Data_BaseClass', 'base_class': None }, # <- keep in mind this has fields
{ 'tag': 0x10, 'base_class': 'IPMP_Data_BaseClass', 'name': 'IPMP_ParamtericDescription', 'tag_name': 'IPMP_ParamtericDescription_tag' },
# tag numbers defined in ISO/IEC 14496-13
# FIXME: define them here, and set user_private
def init_descriptors():
global class_registry
# do sanity checks on the data defined above. for every namespace, make sure:
# - class names are globally unique
class_registry = unique_dict((k['name'], (nsname, k)) for nsname, ns in descriptor_namespaces.items() for k in ns['classes'])
for nsname, ns in descriptor_namespaces.items():
# - there's exactly one root class
assert len({ k['name'] for k in ns['classes'] if k['base_class'] == None }) == 1, f'namespace {nsname} must have 1 root'
# - tags are unique
ns['tag_registry'] = unique_dict(( k['tag'], k ) for k in ns['classes'] if 'tag' in k)
# - range class names are valid
assert all(class_registry.get(klname, (None,))[0] == nsname for (_, _, klname) in ns.get('ranges', [])), f'namespace {nsname} has invalid ranges'
# - base classes are valid, and there are no cycles
for k in ns['classes']:
while k['base_class'] != None:
assert class_registry.get(k['base_class'], (None,))[0] == nsname, f'class {k["base_class"]} not defined'
k = class_registry[k['base_class']][1]
# register handlers defined above
for k, v in globals().items():
if m := re.fullmatch(r'parse_(.+)_descriptor', k):
k =
assert k in class_registry, f'descriptor {k} not defined'
class_registry[k][1]['handler'] = v
# check base classes of defined handlers also have a defined handler
for k in class_registry.items():
if 'handler' in k:
while k['base_class'] != None:
k = class_registry[k['base_class']][1]
assert 'handler' in k
# FIXME: implement decoder specific info:
# - ISO/IEC 14496-2 Annex K
# - ISO/IEC 14496-3 1.1.6
# - ISO/IEC 14496-11
# - ISO/IEC 13818-7 „adif_header()“
# - ISO/IEC 11172-3 or ISO/IEC 13818-3 -> empty
# - defined locally:
# - IPMPDecoderConfiguration
# - OCIDecoderConfiguration
# - JPEG_DecoderConfig
# - UIConfig
# - BIFSConfigEx
# - AFXConfig
# - JPEG2000_DecoderConfig
# - AVCDecoderSpecificInfo
# FIXME: Implements AFXExtDescriptor, which has its own namespace
# based on <>
# kind: Optional[Literal['audio', 'video', 'image', 'text', 'font']
# name: str # full name
# notes: Optional[list[str]] # notes indicated in CSV, if any
# short: Optional[str] # short / common name
# withdrawn: Optional[bool] # true if removed and shouldn't be used
object_types = {
0x01: { 'name': 'Systems ISO/IEC 14496-1', 'notes': ['a'] },
0x02: { 'name': 'Systems ISO/IEC 14496-1', 'notes': ['b'] },
0x03: { 'name': 'Interaction Stream', },
0x04: { 'name': 'Extended BIFS', 'notes': ['h'] },
0x05: { 'name': 'AFX Stream', 'notes': ['i'] },
0x06: { 'kind': 'font', 'name': 'Font Data Stream', },
0x07: { 'name': 'Synthetised Texture', },
0x08: { 'kind': 'text', 'name': 'Text Stream', },
0x09: { 'name': 'LASeR Stream', },
0x0A: { 'name': 'Simple Aggregation Format (SAF) Stream', },
0x20: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 14496-2', 'short': 'MPEG-4 Video', 'notes': ['c'] },
0x21: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ITU-T Recommendation H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10', 'short': 'H.264 / AVC', 'notes': ['g'] },
0x22: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Parameter Sets for ITU-T Recommendation H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10', 'short': 'H.264 / AVC (PPS / SPS)', 'notes': ['g'] },
0x23: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 23008-2 | ITU-T Recommendation H.265', 'short': 'H.265 / HEVC', },
0x40: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Audio ISO/IEC 14496-3', 'short': 'AAC', 'notes': ['d'] },
0x60: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 13818-2 Simple Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 Video (Simple Profile)', },
0x61: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 13818-2 Main Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 Video (Main Profile)', },
0x62: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 13818-2 SNR Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 Video (SNR Profile)', },
0x63: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 13818-2 Spatial Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 Video (Spatial Profile)', },
0x64: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 13818-2 High Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 Video (High Profile)', },
0x65: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 13818-2 422 Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 Video (422 Profile)', },
0x66: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Audio ISO/IEC 13818-7 Main Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 AAC', },
0x67: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Audio ISO/IEC 13818-7 LowComplexity Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 AAC-LC', },
0x68: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Audio ISO/IEC 13818-7 Scaleable Sampling Rate Profile', 'short': 'MPEG-2 AAC-SSR', },
0x69: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Audio ISO/IEC 13818-3', 'short': 'MPEG-2 BC Audio', },
0x6A: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 11172-2', 'short': 'MPEG-1 Video', },
0x6B: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Audio ISO/IEC 11172-3', 'short': 'MPEG-1 Audio (usually MP3)', },
0x6C: { 'kind': 'image', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 10918-1', 'short': 'JPEG', },
0x6D: { 'kind': 'image', 'name': 'Portable Network Graphics', 'short': 'PNG', 'notes': ['f'] },
0x6E: { 'kind': 'image', 'name': 'Visual ISO/IEC 15444-1 (JPEG 2000)', 'short': 'JPEG 2000', },
0xA0: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'EVRC Voice', },
0xA1: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'SMV Voice', },
0xA2: { 'name': '3GPP2 Compact Multimedia Format (CMF)', 'short': 'CMF', },
0xA3: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'SMPTE VC-1 Video', },
0xA4: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'Dirac Video Coder', },
0xA5: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'AC-3', 'withdrawn': True, },
0xA6: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Enhanced AC-3', 'withdrawn': True, },
0xA7: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'DRA Audio', },
0xA8: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'ITU G.719 Audio', },
0xA9: { 'name': 'Core Substream', },
0xAA: { 'name': 'Core Substream + Extension Substream', },
0xAB: { 'name': 'Extension Substream containing only XLL', },
0xAC: { 'name': 'Extension Substream containing only LBR', },
0xAD: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Opus audio', 'short': 'Opus', },
0xAE: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'AC-4', 'withdrawn': True, },
0xAF: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'Auro-Cx 3D audio', },
0xB0: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'RealVideo Codec 11', },
0xB1: { 'kind': 'video', 'name': 'VP9 Video', 'short': 'VP9', },
0xB2: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'DTS-UHD profile 2', },
0xB3: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': 'DTS-UHD profile 3 or higher', },
0xE1: { 'kind': 'audio', 'name': '13K Voice', },
def format_object_type(oti: int) -> str:
assert 0 <= oti < 0x100
if oti == 0x00:
raise AssertionError('forbidden object type')
elif oti == 0xFF:
return ansi_dim('no object type specified')
elif e := (object_types.get(oti)):
description = e.get('short') or e['name']
if e.get('withdrawn'):
description += ansi_fg1(' (withdrawn, unused, do not use)')
return description
return ansi_fg4('reserved for ISO use' if oti < 0xC0 else 'user private')
stream_types = {
0x01: 'ObjectDescriptorStream',
0x02: 'ClockReferenceStream',
0x03: 'SceneDescriptionStream',
0x04: 'VisualStream',
0x05: 'AudioStream',
0x06: 'MPEG7Stream',
0x07: 'IPMPStream',
0x08: 'ObjectContentInfoStream',
0x09: 'MPEGJStream',
0x0A: 'Interaction Stream',
0x0B: 'IPMPToolStream',
0x0C: 'FontDataStream',
0x0D: 'StreamingText',
def format_stream_type(sti: int) -> str:
assert 0 <= sti < 0x40
if sti == 0x00:
raise AssertionError('forbidden stream type')
elif e := (stream_types.get(sti)):
return e
return ansi_fg4('reserved for ISO use' if sti < 0x20 else 'user private')
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ntrrgc commented Dec 1, 2022

This is a very nice parser! It would be neat if this was in a proper repo so it could take pull requests. I added tfhd and tfdt parsing:

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Thanks! I've merged that revision into this gist, but you're right that a repo would be in order. I'll try to migrate it later :)

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