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Last active March 16, 2021 07:33
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Provider Installer overview

Provider Installation


Terraform 0.13 has an entirely new provider installer that allows for greater control over individual provider installation methods. The breaking change is a new, required, subdirectory hierarchy for provider binaries.

Terraform v0.12

Terraform v0.12 Provider Installer

The key differences between Terraform v0.12 and v0.13 are the directory hierarchy. Terraform v0.12 would look for a provider binary under the following directories:


  1. Filesystem
  2. Terraform Registry

Filesystem search paths

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\terraform.d\plugins
  • All others: ~/.terraform.d/plugins
  • Location of the terraform binary (/usr/local/bin, for example)
  • terraform.d/plugins/<OS>_<ARCH> For airgapped installations; see terraform-bundle

Registry lookup

Terraform queries the Registry for providers:

  • if a compatible provider is not found locally
  • unless the -upgrade flag is set

Configuration Options

  • -plugin-dir: disables registry lookup; only search that directory (note: still searches .terraform/plugins for already-installed providers)
  • plugin-cache-dir: search and install providers to the configured directory. Terraform will search other locations, including the registry, as usual.
  • -upgrade: query the registry for all providers required by the local configuration and install the latest matching version.



  • .terraform/plugins


  • -plugin-cache-dir: does not change search paths; installs providers into the specified directory

Terraform v0.13

New Directory layout

A major implication of the provider source work is that terraform can no longer assume that provider types are unique: a user could have multiple provides with the same type in a given configuration. To support this, terraform now requires the all provider binaries are in a specific directory hierarchy corresponding with the source:



  1. Filesystem
  2. Terraform Registry

Filesystem search paths


  • .terraform.d/plugins relative to the CLI configuration directory (configurable, defaults to $HOME/)
  • terraform.d/plugins in the current working directory (documented in terraform-bundle as a place to put plugins as a way to include them in bundles uploaded to Terraform Cloud)
  • .terraform/plugins relative to configuration for any already-installed plugins

OS-specific paths:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%/HashiCorp/Terraform/plugins
  • Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/io.terraform/plugins and /Library/Application Support/io.terraform/plugins
  • Linux and other Unix-like systems: Terraform implements the XDG Base Directory specification and appends terraform/plugins to all of the specified data directories. Without any XDG environment variables set, Terraform will use ~/.local/share/terraform/plugins, /usr/local/share/terraform/plugins, and /usr/share/terraform/plugins.

Configuration Options

  • -plugin-dir command-line flag: only that directory will be searched (no registry lookup). Command-line options override CLI configuration file options.
  • plugin-cache-dir: search and install providers to the configured directory. Terraform will search other locations, including the registry, as usual.
  • -upgrade: query the registry for all providers required by the local configuration and install the latest matching version.

Registry lookup

Same use-facing behavior as 0.12: terraform queries the registry to find providers. If a provider is found in one of the search paths, terraform will not query the registry for that provider (unless the -upgrade command line flag is used).

CLI configuration settings

We've added a CLI configuration setting, provider_installtion, to let users declare plugin search locations for all configurations on a given workstation. This setting overrides the default behavior.

  • filesystem_mirror: used to declare custom local filesystems
  • direct: used to configure the registry provider search behavior
  • network_mirror: used to declare custom network filesystems [targeting future 0.13.* release]


Default: .terraform/plugins/$SOURCEHOST/$NAMESPACE/$TYPE/$VERSION/$OS_$ARCH/


  • -plugin-cache-dir command-line flag: does not change search behavior, just install: plugins will be downloaded into, and installed from, the cache dir
  • plugin_cache_dir CLI config setting: same as above.
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