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Illustrates Actor message flow control with "work pulling pattern". This code is licensed under the Apache 2 license.
package flowcontrol
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* This example illustrates Actor message flow control with
* "work pulling pattern".
object FlowControlSample {
* The producer will not send more messages than requested by the consumer.
* It expects an initial [[Producer.Request]] message before sending anything, and that
* `Request` also contains the destination consumer `ActorRef` that the messages
* will be sent to.
* Each message is wrapped in [[Consumer.SequencedMessage]] with a monotonically increasing
* sequence number without gaps, starting at 1.
object Producer {
import Consumer.SequencedMessage
sealed trait ProducerMessage
final case class Request(seqNr: Long, consumer: ActorRef[SequencedMessage]) extends ProducerMessage
private final case object ProducerTick extends ProducerMessage
def producer(): Behavior[Request] = Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Request(seqNr, receiver) ⇒
// simulate fast producer
Behaviors.withTimers[ProducerMessage] { timers ⇒
timers.startPeriodicTimer(ProducerTick, ProducerTick, 20.millis)
activeProducer(receiver, currentSeqNr = 1, requestedSeqNr = seqNr)
private def activeProducer(receiver: ActorRef[SequencedMessage], currentSeqNr: Long, requestedSeqNr: Long): Behavior[ProducerMessage] =
Behaviors.receive { (ctx, msg) ⇒
msg match {
case Request(seqNr, `receiver`) ⇒
if (seqNr > requestedSeqNr) activeProducer(receiver, currentSeqNr, seqNr)
else Behaviors.same
case ProducerTick ⇒
if (currentSeqNr == 500)
if (currentSeqNr <= requestedSeqNr) {"sent {}", currentSeqNr)
receiver ! SequencedMessage(currentSeqNr, "msg")
activeProducer(receiver, currentSeqNr + 1, requestedSeqNr)
} else
* The consumer will send [[Producer.Request]] to tell the `producer` that it's ready to
* receive up to the requested sequence number. It sends new `Request` when
* half of the requested window is remaining, but it also retries the `Request`
* if no messages are received because that could be caused by lost messages.
* The producer will not send more messages than requested.
object Consumer {
import Producer.Request
sealed trait ConsumerMessage
final case class SequencedMessage(seqNr: Long, msg: String) extends ConsumerMessage
private final case object RetryRequest extends ConsumerMessage
private val RequestWindow = 50
def consumer(producer: ActorRef[Request]): Behavior[SequencedMessage] = {
Behaviors.setup[ConsumerMessage] { ctx ⇒
producer ! Request(RequestWindow, ctx.self)
ctx.setReceiveTimeout(1.second, RetryRequest)
consumer(producer, receivedSeqNr = 0, requestedSeqNr = RequestWindow)
private def consumer(sender: ActorRef[Request], receivedSeqNr: Long, requestedSeqNr: Long): Behavior[ConsumerMessage] = {
Behaviors.receive { (ctx, msg) ⇒
msg match {
case SequencedMessage(seqNr, msg) ⇒"received {}", seqNr)
// simulate slow consumer
if ((requestedSeqNr - seqNr) == RequestWindow / 2) {
val newRequestedSeqNr = requestedSeqNr + RequestWindow / 2"request seqNr: {}", newRequestedSeqNr)
sender ! Request(newRequestedSeqNr, ctx.self)
consumer(sender, seqNr, newRequestedSeqNr)
} else {
consumer(sender, seqNr, requestedSeqNr)
case RetryRequest ⇒
// in case the Request or the SequencedMessage triggering the Request is lost
val newRequestedSeqNr = receivedSeqNr + RequestWindow"resend request seqNr: {}", newRequestedSeqNr)
sender ! Request(newRequestedSeqNr, ctx.self)
consumer(sender, receivedSeqNr, newRequestedSeqNr)
// TODO could be expanded with detection of lost messages (gaps in sequence numbers)
// TODO could use watch to detect when producer or consumer are terminated
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
ActorSystem[Nothing](mainBehavior, "DeliveryDemo")
def mainBehavior: Behavior[Nothing] = Behaviors.setup[Nothing] { ctx ⇒
val p = ctx.spawn(Producer.producer(), "sender")
ctx.spawn(Consumer.consumer(p), "receiver")
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