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Last active January 20, 2025 07:26
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Monzo's Alertmanager Slack templates
## Alertmanager YAML configuration for routing.
## Will route alerts with a code_owner label to the slack-code-owners receiver
## configured above, but will continue processing them to send to both a
## central Slack channel (slack-monitoring) and PagerDuty receivers
## (pd-warning and pd-critical)
## Duplicate code_owner routes to teams
## These will send alerts to team channels but continue
## processing through the rest of the tree to handled by on-call
- match_re:
code_owner: '.+'
- match: {severity: info|warning|critical}
continue: true
receiver: slack-code-owners
## Standard on-call routes
- match_re:
severity: info|warning|critical
receiver: slack-monitoring
continue: true
## Pagerduty routes
- match: {severity: warning}
- receiver: pd-warning
- match: {severity: critical}
- receiver: pd-critical
## Slack Receivers
- name: slack-code-owners
- channel: '#{{- template "slack.monzo.code_owner_channel" . -}}'
send_resolved: true
title: '{{ template "slack.monzo.title" . }}'
icon_emoji: '{{ template "slack.monzo.icon_emoji" . }}'
color: '{{ template "slack.monzo.color" . }}'
text: '{{ template "slack.monzo.text" . }}'
- type: button
text: 'Runbook :green_book:'
url: '{{ (index .Alerts 0).Annotations.runbook }}'
- type: button
text: 'Query :mag:'
url: '{{ (index .Alerts 0).GeneratorURL }}'
- type: button
text: 'Dashboard :grafana:'
url: '{{ (index .Alerts 0).Annotations.dashboard }}'
- type: button
text: 'Silence :no_bell:'
url: '{{ template "__alert_silence_link" . }}'
- type: button
text: '{{ template "slack.monzo.link_button_text" . }}'
url: '{{ .CommonAnnotations.link_url }}'
# This builds the silence URL. We exclude the alertname in the range
# to avoid the issue of having trailing comma separator (%2C) at the end
# of the generated URL
{{ define "__alert_silence_link" -}}
{{ .ExternalURL }}/#/silences/new?filter=%7B
{{- range .CommonLabels.SortedPairs -}}
{{- if ne .Name "alertname" -}}
{{- .Name }}%3D"{{- .Value -}}"%2C%20
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
alertname%3D"{{ .CommonLabels.alertname }}"%7D
{{- end }}
{{ define "__alert_severity_prefix" -}}
{{ if ne .Status "firing" -}}
{{- else if eq .Labels.severity "critical" -}}
{{- else if eq .Labels.severity "warning" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{ define "__alert_severity_prefix_title" -}}
{{ if ne .Status "firing" -}}
{{- else if eq .CommonLabels.severity "critical" -}}
{{- else if eq .CommonLabels.severity "warning" -}}
{{- else if eq .CommonLabels.severity "info" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{/* First line of Slack alerts */}}
{{ define "slack.monzo.title" -}}
[{{ .Status | toUpper -}}
{{ if eq .Status "firing" }}:{{ .Alerts.Firing | len }}{{- end -}}
] {{ template "__alert_severity_prefix_title" . }} {{ .CommonLabels.alertname }}
{{- end }}
{{/* Color of Slack attachment (appears as line next to alert )*/}}
{{ define "slack.monzo.color" -}}
{{ if eq .Status "firing" -}}
{{ if eq .CommonLabels.severity "warning" -}}
{{- else if eq .CommonLabels.severity "critical" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ else -}}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{/* Emoji to display as user icon (custom emoji supported!) */}}
{{ define "slack.monzo.icon_emoji" }}:prometheus:{{ end }}
{{/* The test to display in the alert */}}
{{ define "slack.monzo.text" -}}
{{ range .Alerts }}
{{- if .Annotations.message }}
{{ .Annotations.message }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Annotations.description }}
{{ .Annotations.description }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- /* If none of the below matches, send to #monitoring-no-owner, and we
can then assign the expected code_owner to the alert or map the code_owner
to the correct channel */ -}}
{{ define "__get_channel_for_code_owner" -}}
{{- if eq . "platform-team" -}}
{{- else if eq . "security-team" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
{{- /* Select the channel based on the code_owner. We only expect to get
into this template function if the code_owners label is present on an alert.
This is to defend against us accidentally breaking the routing logic. */ -}}
{{ define "slack.monzo.code_owner_channel" -}}
{{- if .CommonLabels.code_owner }}
{{ template "__get_channel_for_code_owner" .CommonLabels.code_owner }}
{{- else -}}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{ define "slack.monzo.link_button_text" -}}
{{- if .CommonAnnotations.link_text -}}
{{- .CommonAnnotations.link_text -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- end }} :link:
{{- end }}
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@stefaneacsu147 see my previous answer, you might need to add name: field to each button.

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hi guys how can use this? should you create docs dude

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Zorato commented Jul 17, 2024

If someone has missing Silence button, then double check your alert name. If alert name has spaces, then your link is malformed.
You can use this template

{{ define "__alert_silence_link" -}}
          {{ .ExternalURL }}/#/silences/new?filter=%7B
          {{- range .CommonLabels.SortedPairs -}}
              {{- if ne .Name "alertname" -}}
                  {{- .Name }}%3D"{{- .Value | urlquery -}}"%2C%20
              {{- end -}}
          {{- end -}}
          alertname%3D"{{- .CommonLabels.alertname | urlquery  -}}"%7D
      {{- end }}

Notice .CommonLabels.alertname | urlquery change in the end.
Buttons are going to disappear if you link is malformed (i.e. non-urlencoded spaces or other chars). The best way to check it is to add the same link to message text and check the result:

    - name: slack-receiver
        - channel: "#alerts" # slack channel for notrifications
          send_resolved: true
          color: '{{ template "slack.monzo.color" . }}'
          title: '{{ template "slack.monzo.title" . }}'
          text: '{{ template "slack.monzo.text" . }} LINK: `{{ template "__alert_silence_link" . }}` '

Hope this will help!

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My case is there are too many labels value with a space " ",
this is how i solved it.

{{ define "__alert_silence_link" -}}
    {{ .ExternalURL }}/#/silences/new?filter=%7B
    {{- range .CommonLabels.SortedPairs -}}
        {{- if ne .Name "alertname" -}}
            {{- .Name }}%3D"{{- urlquery .Value | reReplaceAll "\\+" "%20" -}}"%2C%20
        {{- end -}}
    {{- end -}}
    alertname%3D"{{- urlquery .CommonLabels.alertname | reReplaceAll "\\+" "%20" -}}"%7D
{{- end }}

Hope this will help solving the same case

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