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Created February 10, 2020 18:15
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import CSS from 'csstype';
type SheetType = 'global' | 'low-pri' | 'high-pri';
type Properties = CSS.Properties;
type Property = string;
type Value = string | number;
type Cache = {
className: string;
rank: number;
type: SheetType;
const cache = new Map<Property, Map<Value, Cache[]>>();
function getDocumentStyleSheet(type: SheetType): CSSStyleSheet {
const id = `aesthetic-${type}`;
let element = document.getElementById(id);
if (!element) {
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.setAttribute('id', id);
style.setAttribute('media', 'screen');
element = style;
return (element as HTMLStyleElement).sheet as CSSStyleSheet;
function findInCache<K extends keyof Properties>(
property: K,
value: Properties[K],
type: SheetType,
): Cache | null {
const pc = cache.get(property);
if (!pc) {
return null;
const vc = pc.get(value!);
if (!vc || vc.length === 0) {
return null;
return vc.find(i => i.type === type) ?? null;
function addToCache<K extends keyof Properties>(property: K, value: Properties[K], item: Cache) {
let pc = cache.get(property);
if (!pc) {
pc = new Map();
cache.set(property, pc);
let vc = pc.get(value!);
if (!vc) {
vc = [];
pc.set(value!, vc);
function compileDeclaration<K extends keyof Properties>(
property: K,
value: Properties[K],
type: SheetType,
): string {
const item = findInCache(property, value, type);
if (item) {
return item.className;
const sheet = getDocumentStyleSheet(type);
const rank = sheet.cssRules.length;
const className = rank.toString(36); // TODO deterministic
sheet.insertRule(`.${className} { ${property}: ${value} }`, rank);
addToCache(property, value, {
return className;
function compile(props: Properties, type: SheetType): string {
return Object.keys(props)
.map(k => {
const key = k as keyof Properties;
const value = props[key];
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
return '';
return compileDeclaration(key, value, type);
.join(' ');
export {};
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