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Forked from jedypod/Transform.cpp
Created September 18, 2021 07:07
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Nuke blinkscript implementation of a simple image Transform operator. This blinkscript demonstrates pixel filter interpolation algorithms.
Nuke blinkscript implementation of a simple image Transform operator.
Demonstrates pixel filter interpolation algorithms.
The following pixel filters are implemented:
0 - Blackman-Harris : Similar to cubic, but better performance in high frequencies
1 - Lanczos4 : 2x2 lanczos windowed sinc function
2 - Lanczos6 : 3x3 lanczos windowed sinc function
3 - Cubic : (Bicubic interpolation) - a=0.0, b=0.0
4 - Mitchell : (Bicubic interpolation) - a=1/3, b=1/3
5 - Keys : Catmull-Rom (Bicubic interpolation) - a=0.5, b=0.0
6 - Simon : (Bicubic interpolation) - a=0.75, b=0.0
7 - Rifman : (Bicubic interpolation) - a=1.0, b=0.0
8 - Parzen : (Bicubic interpolation) - a=0.0, b=1.0
9 - Guassian : gaussian interpolation width=6
10 - Sharp Guassian : gaussian interpolation width=4.5
11- Bilinear : bilinear interpolation between 4 nearest pixels
12 - Impulse : Round to the nearest pixel.
Bernd Jähne - Digital Image Processing_ Concepts, Algorithms, and Scientific Applications (1997, Springer) - p284
Wilhelm Burger, Mark James Burge - Principles of Digital Image Processing: Core Algorithms - (2009, Springer-Verlag London) - p220-224
Fletcher Dunn, Ian Parberry - 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development, 2nd Edition (2011, A K Peters_CRC Press) - p660
image reconstruction and filtering
Further reading on sampling theory and aliasing
Digital Image Processing by Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods
interpolation introduction p65
bilinear: 4 nearest neighbors
bicubic: 16 nearest neighbors
p71 - distance measures: euclidean, city block (d4) distance, chessboard distance (d8)
D(p, q) = ((x - s)^2 + (y - t)^2)^0.5
d4(p,q) = |x-s|+|y-t|
d8(p,q) = max(|x-s|, |y-t|)
p87 - geometric spatial transformations - matrixes
affine transformation represented by a 3x3 matrix: scale, rotation, translation, shear
categories of image processing:
intensity transformations
spatial filtering
frequency domain
p145 - fundamentals of spatial filtering
J. R. Parker - Algorithms for image processing and computer vision (2010, Wiley)
p253 - fourier transform
Bernd Jähne - Digital Image Processing_ Concepts, Algorithms, and Scientific Applications (1997, Springer)
p212 homogenous coordinates
OpenImageIO Filter Algorithms
overview of sampling interpolation methods with discussion of ringing in constant values with lanczos
kernel Transform : ImageComputationKernel<ePixelWise> {
Image<eRead, eAccessRandom, eEdgeConstant> src;
Image<eWrite, eAccessPoint> dst;
float2 translate;
float rotate;
float2 scale;
float2 skew;
float2 center;
bool invert;
int filter;
bool range_compress;
float3x3 M;
float pi;
bool rcomp;
float weights[512]; // Array to hold lookup table of interpolation weights
int wlut_size;
int n; // filter size
// Multiply a float3 by a matrix3x3
float3 mult_f3_f33( float3 src, float3x3 mtx) {
return float3(mtx[0][0] * src.x + mtx[0][1] * src.y +
mtx[0][2] * src.z, mtx[1][0] * src.x + mtx[1][1] * src.y +
mtx[1][2] * src.z, mtx[2][0] * src.x + mtx[2][1] * src.y +
mtx[2][2] * src.z);
void init() {
pi = 3.1415926535f;
float t = rotate*pi/180.0f; // rotation angle in radians
// Assemble affine transformation matrix
float3x3 R = float3x3( // rotation matrix
cos(t), -sin(t), 0.0f,
sin(t), cos(t), 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
float3x3 S = float3x3( // scale matrix
scale.x, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, scale.y, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
float3x3 T = float3x3( // translation matrix
1.0f, 0.0f, translate.x,
0.0f, 1.0f, translate.y,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
float3x3 SHX = float3x3( // skew x matrix
1.0f, skew.x, 0.0f,
0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
float3x3 SHY = float3x3( // skew y matrix
1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
skew.y, 1.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// Combine all transforms into transformation matrix M
// Only enable range compression if filter has negative lobes
rcomp = 0;
if (range_compress) {
if (filter == 1 || filter == 2 || filter == 5 || filter == 6 || filter == 7) {
rcomp = 1;
// Set filter size based on filter parameter
// size of pixel neighborhood = n*2+1 by n*2+1
n = 2; // default size is 3x3 except the following...
if (filter == 0) n = 1; // Blackman-Harris = 2x2
if (filter == 3) n = 1; // Cubic = 2x2
if (filter == 2) n = 3; // Lanczos6 = 7x7
if (filter == 9) n = 1; // Gaussian4
// Pre-calculate interpolation weights and store them in a lookup table
wlut_size = 512; // Needs to match size of weights[] array
// Loop over all indices of weights
for (int i=0; i < wlut_size; i++) {
// Calc weight for position at weight
float x = float(i) * float(n) / float(wlut_size);
weights[i] = weight(x);
// Logarithmically compress values above 0.18. Matches OpenImageIO oiiotool rangecompress
// Using log2shaper as this function can still cause overshoots
float rangecompress(float x, bool inverse) {
float x1 = 0.18f;
float a = -0.54576885700225830078f;
float b = 0.18351669609546661377f;
float c = 284.3577880859375f;
float absx = fabs(x);
if (!inverse) {
return absx <= x1 ? x : (a + b * log(fabs(c * absx + 1.0f))) * sign(x);
} else {
if (absx <= x1) return x;
float e = exp((absx - a) / b);
float _x = (e - 1.0f) / c;
if (_x < x1) _x = (-e - 1.0f) / c;
return _x * sign(x);
// ACEScct log transform
float acescct(float x, bool inverse) {
if (inverse) {
if (x > 0.155251141552511f) {
return pow( 2.0f, x*17.52f - 9.72f);
} else {
return (x - 0.0729055341958355f) / 10.5402377416545f;
} else {
if (x <= 0.0078125f) {
return 10.5402377416545f * x + 0.0729055341958355f;
} else {
return (log2(x) + 9.72f) / 17.52f;
// Generic Log2 shaper
float log2shaper(float x, bool inverse) {
float max_exp = 2.0f;
float min_exp = -2.0f;
float mid_grey = 0.18f;
float cut = 0.008;
float slope = 1.0f/(log(2)*cut*(max_exp-min_exp));
float offset = (log(cut/mid_grey)/log(2)-min_exp)/(max_exp-min_exp);
if (inverse) {
return x >= offset ? pow(2.0f, x*(max_exp-min_exp)+min_exp)*mid_grey : (x-offset)/slope+cut;
} else {
return x >= cut ? (log(x/mid_grey)/log(2)-min_exp)/(max_exp-min_exp) : slope*(x-cut)+offset;
// Bilinear Interpolation
float bilinear_filter(float x, float y, int k) {
int u = floor(x);
int v = floor(y);
float a = x-u;
float b = y-v;
float p1 = src(u, v, k);
float p2 = src(u+1, v, k);
float p3 = src(u, v+1, k);
float p4 = src(u+1, v+1, k);
float r1 = p1 + a*(p2-p1);
float r2 = p3 + a*(p4-p3);
float r3 = r1 + b*(r2-r1);
return r3;
// Gaussian interpolation
float gaussian(float x, float w) {
x = fabs(x);
float xw = 6*x/w;
return x < w ? exp(-2*xw*xw) : 0.0f;
// Parameterized Cubic spline interpolation -
float bicubic(float x, float a, float b, float n) {
x = fabs(x);
if (x > n) return 0.0f;
float x2 = x*x;
float x3 = x*x*x;
return x < 1.0f ? ((-6*a-9*b+12)*x3+(6*a+12*b-18)*x2-2*b+6)/6 : x < 2.0f ? ((-6*a-b)*x3+(30*a+6*b)*x2+(-48*a-12*b)*x+24*a+8*b)/6 : 0.0f;
// Catmull-Rom interpolation. Same as Keys (not used but included for posterity)
float catrom(float x) {
x = fabs(x);
float x2 = x * x;
float x3 = x * x2;
return (x >= 2.0f) ? 0.0f
: ((x < 1.0f) ? (3.0f * x3 - 5.0f * x2 + 2.0f)/2.0f
: (-x3 + 5.0f * x2 - 8.0f * x + 4.0f)/2.0f);
// Lanczos windowed sinc interpolation.
// Lanczos4 a=2, Lanczos6 a=3
float lanczos(float x, float a) {
x = fabs(x);
if (x > a) return 0.0f;
if (x < 0.0001f) return 1.0f;
float pi_x = pi*x;
return a*(sin(pi_x)*(sin((pi_x)/a))/(pi_x*pi_x));
// Blackman-Harris interpolation
float blackman_harris(float x) {
if (x < -1.0f || x > 1.0f) return 0.0f;
x /= 1.5f;
x = (x + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
const float a0 = 0.35875f;
const float a1 = -0.48829f;
const float a2 = 0.14128f;
const float a3 = 0.01168f;
float cos2pix = cos(2.0f * pi * x);
float cos4pix = 2.0f * cos2pix * cos2pix - 1.0f;
float cos6pix = cos2pix * (2.0f * cos4pix - 1.0f);
return a0 + a1 * cos2pix + a2 * cos4pix - a3 * cos6pix;
float lerp(float a, float b, float f) { // Linear interpolation between a and b given position f
return a + f * (b - a);
float get_weight(float x) {
// Calculate linear interpolation at float position x in lookup
float d = fabs(x)/n*wlut_size;
int d0 = floor(d);
int d1 = ceil(d);
return lerp(weights[d0], weights[d1], d-d0);
// Choose filter interpolation to weight value x
float weight(float x) {
if (filter == 0) { // Blackman-Harris
return blackman_harris(x);
} else if (filter == 1 || filter == 2) { // Lanczos
return lanczos(x, n);
} else if (filter == 3) { // Cubic
return bicubic(x, 0.0f, 0.0f, n);
} else if (filter == 4) { // Mitchell
return bicubic(x, 0.33333333f, 0.33333333f, n);
} else if (filter == 5) { // Keys or Catmull-Rom
return catrom(x);
} else if (filter == 6) { // Simon
return bicubic(x, 0.75f, 0.0f, n);
} else if (filter == 7) { // Rifman
return bicubic(x, 1.0f, 0.0f, n);
} else if (filter == 8) { // Parzen
return bicubic(x, 0.0f, 1.0f, n);
} else if (filter == 9) { // Gaussian
return gaussian(x, 6);
} else if (filter == 10) { // Sharp Gaussian
return gaussian(x, 4.25f);
} else { // Default
return blackman_harris(x);
// Sample pixel at continuous float position (x, y) in channel k
float sample(float x, float y, int k) {
int u0 = round(x); // nearest x
int v0 = round(y); // nearest y
// Normalization factor for lanczos & blackman-harris & gaussian filter windows
// These weighting functions do not sum to 1 and cause variations in constant input values
// We sum the weights and then normalize the value after to counteract this
bool normalize = (filter < 3 || filter == 9 || filter == 10);
float norm = 0.0f;
// Loop over neighboring pixels and return weighted sum of pixel values
float q = 0.0f;
for (int j = -n; j <= n; j++) {
int v = v0 + j;
float p = 0.0f;
float row_norm = 0.0f;
for (int i = -n; i <= n; i++) {
int u = u0 + i;
float c = src(u, v, k);
// float w = weight(u-x);
float w = get_weight(u-x);
if (rcomp) c = log2shaper(c, 0);
p += c * w;
if (normalize) row_norm += w;
// float w = weight(v-y);
float w = get_weight(v-y);
q += p * w;
if (normalize) norm += row_norm * w;
if (normalize) q /= norm;
if (rcomp) return log2shaper(q, 1);
return q;
void process(int2 pos) {
For all pixels of destination:
- Find continuous float source pixel location given transformation matrix
- Interpolate pixel value given pixel filter weighting function
- Write interpolated value to destination
float x, y, dx, dy;
// Current pixel location
x = float(pos.x+0.5f);
y = float(pos.y+0.5f);
// Translate to center of transform
dx = x - center.x;
dy = y - center.y;
// Multiply by transformation matrix
float3 result;
if (invert) {
result = mult_f3_f33(float3(dx, dy, 1.0f), M);
} else {
result = mult_f3_f33(float3(dx, dy, 1.0f), M.invert());
// Translate back to origin
dx = result.x + center.x-0.5f;
dy = result.y + center.y-0.5f;
// Write interpolated pixel value from source location (dx, dy)
for (int k = 0; k <=3; k++) {
if (filter < 11) {
dst(k) = sample(dx, dy, k);
} else if (filter == 11) { // Bilinear interpolation
dst(k) = bilinear_filter(dx, dy, k);
} else if (filter == 12) { // Impulse
dst(k) = src(round(dx), round(dy), k);
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