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Created September 26, 2019 05:01
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Limited Lisp parser for RC pairing interview
# Represents a valid Lisp expression. Here, the only
# valid 'core' type is a floating point number.
# Note that this 'version' of Lisp does _not_ support
# empty lists; that is, every list must have an explicit
# operator, even if that operator is "list".
class LispExpression:
def __init__(self, src):
cleaned = LispExpression.clean(src)
composed = LispExpression.compose(cleaned)
self.ast = composed
# Converts a variably-spaced input string into a
# uniformly-spaced new string -- that is, there is
# a space between all "components" (including parenthesis).
def clean(src):
src = src.replace("(", " ( ")
src = src.replace(")", " ) ")
while " " in src:
src = src.replace(" ", " ")
src = src.strip()
return src
# Turn a uniformly-spaced input string into an abstract
# syntax tree (AST) representation. This function
# enforces valid syntax trees, but does not enforce
# valid and "evaluatable" expressions.
def compose(src):
stack = [] # the last item is the 'current list'
components = src.split(" ")
for i in range(len(components)): # iterating by index instead of value because
# we will want to ensure we reach the end
# of the stack by the final closing
# parenthesis
component = components[i]
if component == "(":
stack.append([]) # opening parenthesis means 'new list'
elif component == ")":
group = stack.pop() # current list is finished; pop it off the stack
if len(stack) == 0: # if true, then we have reached the end of the 'original' list
if i != len(components) - 1:
# freak out because the original list is closed but there is more to go
raise Exception(
"invalid expression: unexpectedly reached terminating parenthesis before components end")
return group # happily return closed list
# add the finished list as an item to the outer list
if len(stack) == 0: # found non-parenthesis outside of list
raise Exception(
"invalid expression: found value outside of list (`%s`)" % component)
try: # try to convert component to a number
component = float(component)
# append component to current working list
raise Exception(
"invalid expression: missing opening/closing delimeters or contents")
def tree(self):
return self.ast
# Evaluate the expression and return a final value (be it a list or a number)
def evaluate(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
# A few test cases to ensure _most things_ are in working order
assert LispExpression(
"(first (list 1 (+ 2 3) 9))").tree() == ["first", ["list", 1, ["+", 2, 3], 9]]
assert LispExpression("()").tree() == []
assert LispExpression("(((hello)))").tree() == [[["hello"]]]
assert LispExpression("(1 2(3 4)5)").tree() == [1, 2, [3, 4], 5]
assert LispExpression("((((()))))").tree() == [[[[[]]]]]
assert LispExpression("(1 2 3 4 5 (6))").tree() == [
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, [6]]
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