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DCPU-16e 1.3
DCPU-16e Specification
Version 1.3
=== SUMMARY ====================================================================
* 16 bit words
* 8 banks of 0x10000 words of ram, numbered 0-7
* 8 registers (A, B, C, X, Y, Z, I, J)
* program counter (PC)
* stack pointer (SP)
* extra/excess (EX)
* interrupt address (IA)
* memory bank selector (MB) (3 bits - value 0-7)
* ring mode (RM)
Memory bank 0 is called the primary memory bank. Memory banks 1-7 are called
supplementary memory banks. If only the primary memory bank is used, then
the processor behaves like a DCPU-16. The currently selected memory bank is the
memory bank MB.
The DCPU-16e always starts in kernel mode (RM=0) on memory bank zero (MB=0). If no
ring mode-related or memory bank-related instructions are executedc, the processor
behaves exactly like a DCPU-16 v1.7.
In this document, anything within [brackets] is shorthand for "the value of the
RAM in the currently selected memory bank at the location of the value inside
the brackets". For example, SP means stack pointer, but [SP] means the value of
the RAM in the currently selected memory bank at the location the stack pointer is
pointing at.
Anything within {brackets} is shorthand for "the value of the RAM in bank zero at
the location of the value inside the brackets". For example, IA means interrupt
address and [IA] means the value of the current bank's RAM pointed to by IA, but
{IA} means the value of bank zero's RAM pointed to by IA.
Whenever the CPU needs to read a word, it reads [PC], then increases PC by one.
Shorthand for this is [PC++]. In some cases, the CPU will modify a value before
reading it, in this case the shorthand is [++PC].
For stability and to reduce bugs, it's strongly suggested all multi-word
operations use little endian in all DCPU-16 programs, wherever possible.
=== INSTRUCTIONS ===============================================================
Instructions are 1-3 words long and are fully defined by the first word.
In a basic instruction, the lower five bits of the first word of the instruction
are the opcode, and the remaining eleven bits are split into a five bit value b
and a six bit value a.
b is always handled by the processor after a, and is the lower five bits.
In bits (in LSB-0 format), a basic instruction has the format: aaaaaabbbbbooooo
In the tables below, C is the time required in cycles to look up the value, or
perform the opcode, VALUE is the numerical value, NAME is the mnemonic, and
DESCRIPTION is a short text that describes the opcode or value.
--- Values: (5/6 bits) ---------------------------------------------------------
0 | 0x00-0x07 | register (A, B, C, X, Y, Z, I or J, in that order)
0 | 0x08-0x0f | [register]
1 | 0x10-0x17 | [register + next word]
0 | 0x18 | (PUSH / [--SP]) if in b, or (POP / [SP++]) if in a
0 | 0x19 | [SP] / PEEK
1 | 0x1a | [SP + next word] / PICK n
0 | 0x1b | SP
0 | 0x1c | PC
0 | 0x1d | EX
1 | 0x1e | [next word]
1 | 0x1f | next word (literal)
0 | 0x20-0x3f | literal value 0xffff-0x1e (-1..30) (literal) (only for a)
* "next word" means "[PC++]". Increases the word length of the instruction by 1.
* By using 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a as PEEK, POP/PUSH, and PICK there's a reverse stack
starting at memory location 0xffff. Example: "SET PUSH, 10", "SET X, POP"
* Attempting to write to a literal value fails silently
* "[next word]" means "[[PC++]]". If in user mode, the first memory read requires
the 'execute' bit, while the second memory read requires the 'read' bit.
--- Basic opcodes (5 bits) ----------------------------------------------------
- | 0x00 | n/a | special instruction - see below
1 | 0x01 | SET b, a | sets b to a
2 | 0x02 | ADD b, a | sets b to b+a, sets EX to 0x0001 if there's an overflow,
| | | 0x0 otherwise
2 | 0x03 | SUB b, a | sets b to b-a, sets EX to 0xffff if there's an underflow,
| | | 0x0 otherwise
2 | 0x04 | MUL b, a | sets b to b*a, sets EX to ((b*a)>>16)&0xffff (treats b,
| | | a as unsigned)
2 | 0x05 | MLI b, a | like MUL, but treat b, a as signed
3 | 0x06 | DIV b, a | sets b to b/a, sets EX to ((b<<16)/a)&0xffff. if a==0,
| | | sets b and EX to 0 instead. (treats b, a as unsigned)
3 | 0x07 | DVI b, a | like DIV, but treat b, a as signed. Rounds towards 0
3 | 0x08 | MOD b, a | sets b to b%a. if a==0, sets b to 0 instead.
3 | 0x09 | MDI b, a | like MOD, but treat b, a as signed. (MDI -7, 16 == -7)
1 | 0x0a | AND b, a | sets b to b&a
1 | 0x0b | BOR b, a | sets b to b|a
1 | 0x0c | XOR b, a | sets b to b^a
1 | 0x0d | SHR b, a | sets b to b>>>a, sets EX to ((b<<16)>>a)&0xffff
| | | (logical shift)
1 | 0x0e | ASR b, a | sets b to b>>a, sets EX to ((b<<16)>>>a)&0xffff
| | | (arithmetic shift) (treats b as signed)
1 | 0x0f | SHL b, a | sets b to b<<a, sets EX to ((b<<a)>>16)&0xffff
2+| 0x10 | IFB b, a | performs next instruction only if (b&a)!=0
2+| 0x11 | IFC b, a | performs next instruction only if (b&a)==0
2+| 0x12 | IFE b, a | performs next instruction only if b==a
2+| 0x13 | IFN b, a | performs next instruction only if b!=a
2+| 0x14 | IFG b, a | performs next instruction only if b>a
2+| 0x15 | IFA b, a | performs next instruction only if b>a (signed)
2+| 0x16 | IFL b, a | performs next instruction only if b<a
2+| 0x17 | IFU b, a | performs next instruction only if b<a (signed)
- | 0x18 | - |
- | 0x19 | - |
3 | 0x1a | ADX b, a | sets b to b+a+EX, sets EX to 0x0001 if there is an over-
| | | flow, 0x0 otherwise
3 | 0x1b | SBX b, a | sets b to b-a+EX, sets EX to 0xFFFF if there is an under-
| | | flow, 0x0001 if there's an overflow, 0x0 otherwise
- | 0x1c | - |
- | 0x1d | - |
2 | 0x1e | STI b, a | sets b to a, then increases I and J by 1
2 | 0x1f | STD b, a | sets b to a, then decreases I and J by 1
* The conditional opcodes take one cycle longer to perform if the test fails.
When they skip a conditional instruction, they will skip an additional
instruction at the cost of one extra cycle. This continues until a non-
conditional instruction has been skipped. This lets you easily chain
conditionals. Interrupts are not triggered while the DCPU-16e is skipping.
* Signed numbers are represented using two's complement.
Special opcodes always have their lower five bits unset, have one value and a
five bit opcode. In binary, they have the format: aaaaaaooooo00000
The value (a) is in the same six bit format as defined earlier.
--- Special opcodes: (5 bits) --------------------------------------------------
- | 0x00 | n/a | reserved for future expansion
3 | 0x01 | JSR a | pushes the address of the next instruction to the stack,
| | | then sets PC to a
- | 0x02 | - |
- | 0x03 | - |
- | 0x04 | - |
1 | 0x05 | MBG a | sets a to MB
1+| 0x06 | MBO a | a is in the format qqqqqqqsssdddPPP.
| | | if MB != P, switches to memory bank P.
| | | copies 512 words from bank s starting at address (q<<9)
| | | to bank d starting at address (q<<9).
| | | (q<<9) == (a & ~(0x1f)).
| | | takes an additional 64 cycles if it copies data.
| | | takes an additional 8 cycles if it switches memory banks.
| | | If s == d, no copying occurs.
- | 0x07 | - |
4 | 0x08 | INT a | triggers a software interrupt with message a
1 | 0x09 | IAG a | sets a to IA
1 | 0x0a | IAS a | sets IA to a
3 | 0x0b | RFI a | disables interrupt queueing, pops A from the stack, then
| | | pops PC from the stack
2 | 0x0c | IAQ a | if a is nonzero, interrupts will be added to the queue
| | | instead of triggered. if a is zero, interrupts will be
| | | triggered as normal again
- | 0x0d | - |
- | 0x0e | - |
- | 0x0f | - |
2 | 0x10 | HWN a | sets a to number of connected hardware devices
4 | 0x11 | HWQ a | sets A, B, C, X, Y registers to information about hardware a
| | | A+(B<<16) is a 32 bit word identifying the hardware id
| | | C is the hardware version
| | | X+(Y<<16) is a 32 bit word identifying the manufacturer
4+| 0x12 | HWI a | sends an interrupt to hardware a
- | 0x13 | - |
- | 0x14 | - |
- | 0x15 | - |
2 | 0x16 | GRM a | Set a to RM
2 | 0x17 | DRM a | Set a to RM. Then set RM to 1.
4 | 0x18 | SRT a | Set global descriptor table. a is the memory address.
| | | a is always interpreted as being in the primary memory bank.
- | 0x19 | - |
- | 0x1a | - |
- | 0x1b | - |
- | 0x1c | - |
- | 0x1d | - |
- | 0x1e | - |
- | 0x1f | - |
=== MEMORY BANKS ===============================================================
Each of the eight memory banks is made up of 0x10000 words of RAM. The intended
purpose of this is to extend the DCPU's memory without introducing backwards
MBO serves two purposes: copying data between memory banks, and switching between
memory banks. It can do both, either or neither. It will never copy from a memory
bank to itself, nor will it switch to the current memory bank. Instead, it will
simply elide those meaningless operations.
=== RING MODES =================================================================
The RM register holds the 'ring mode' of the CPU: kernel (0) or user (non-zero).
When in kernel mode, the behaviour of the CPU is an extension of the behaviour of
the DCPU-16 v1.7. All instructions work as normal.
When in user mode, the instructions HWI, HWN, HWQ, IAQ, IAS, RFI, SRT and MBO
are disabled. When any of these instructions are attemped, an illegal instruction
general protection fault (GPFINS) is raised, triggering an interrupt.
In addition, when in user mode any memory accesses are moderated by the GDT/LDT
mechanism. See below.
--- Global Descriptor Table: -------------------------------------------------
0x0000 Interrupt message used when GPF is thrown
0x0002 Local descriptor table address. If 0xFFFF, local descriptor tables are ignored.
This address is always interpreted in the current memory bank.
This is not the address of the LDT, but the address within each memory bank
where an address is stored that points to the LDT.
0x0003 Entry count
0x0004-* Entries
0x0000 Memory address start and access flags, in the format (in LSB-0):
The bottom three bits (rwe) are the access flags. The next five
bits (lllll) are the length of the entry in bytes divided by 256. The
remaining 8 bits (ssssssss) are the starting address of the page. Since
the page size is always a multiple of 256 words and all pages must be
aligned on 256 word boundaries, the eight least significant bits will
never be used by the memory address.
r: read
w: write
e: execute
Local Descriptor Table:
A Local Descriptor Table is identical to the Global Descriptor Table, but starts at 'Entry Count'.
There is no limit to the number of entries in either the GDT or the LDT except the natural limits of
the CPU's memory.
The GDT and LDTs are only re-evaluated when the SRT instruction is called. When this happens, the
descriptor tables are internally compiled into a single table per bank (comprising the LDT for that
bank and the GDT, which applies to all banks).
If there are any duplicate address blocks on either of the tables (including duplicates within the
same table), the entries are collapsed additively into a single set of permission flags.
For example, if the GDT specifies that address block 0-0x100 should have access --x, and the LDT
specifies that address block 0-0x100 on memory bank 2 should have access r--, the resulting
access for address block 0-0x100 on memory bank 2 is r-x.
In other words, LDTs and the GDT grant permission. They don't take it away.
The 'execute' flag refers to loading from memory any values that are going to be executed,
or any literals that follow. If this is violated, a GPF is thrown.
The 'read' flag is not required for code being executed.
Whenever an address is read from memory in usermode, the address is checked against the
LDT (first), and then the GDT. If the 'read' or 'execute' flag is not set (depending on
whether it's being read as instruction memory), or no rule exists for the given memory
address, a GPF is thrown.
When an address is written to memory in usermode, the address is checked against the LDT,
and then the GDT. If the 'write' flag is not set or no rule exists for the given
memory address, a GPF is thrown.
Each time a descriptor table is consulted, there is a cost of 1 cycle.
--- General Protection Faults: -----------------------------------------------
- | 0x0000 | reserved for future expansion
GPFINS | 0x0001 | illegal instruction execution
GPFMEM | 0x0002 | illegal memory access
When a GPF is thrown, an interrupt is triggered with the following interrupt message:
(GDT message) | (GPF message)
Attempting to execute in memory that is locked (i.e, the 'execute' flag is not set)
is an illegal memory access, not an illegal instruction execution.
If SRT has been called at least once, the following change occurs to interrupts:
4 | 0x08 | INT a | triggers a software interrupt with message a:
| | | turn on interrupt queueing, push RM to the stack, push
| | | PC to the stack, push A to the stack, set PC to IA, then
| | | set A to a, then set RM to 0.
3 | 0x0b | RFI a | disables interrupt queueing, pops A from the stack, then
| | | pops PC from the stack, then pops RM from the stack.
| | |
=== INTERRUPTS =================================================================
The DCPU-16e will perform at most one interrupt between each instruction. If
multiple interrupts are triggered at the same time, they are added to a queue.
If the queue grows longer than 256 interrupts, the DCPU-16e will catch fire.
When IA is set to something other than 0, interrupts triggered on the DCPU-16e
will turn on interrupt queueing, push PC to the stack, followed by pushing A to
the stack, then set the PC to IA, and A to the interrupt message.
If IA is set to 0, a triggered interrupt does nothing. Software interrupts still
take up four clock cycles, but immediately return, incoming hardware interrupts
are ignored. Note that a queued interrupt is considered triggered when it leaves
the queue, not when it enters it.
Interrupt handlers should end with RFI, which will disable interrupt queueing
and pop A and PC from the stack as a single atomic instruction.
IAQ is normally not needed within an interrupt handler, but is useful for time
critical code.
=== HARDWARE ===================================================================
The DCPU-16e supports up to 65535 connected hardware devices. These devices can
be anything from additional storage, sensors, monitors or speakers.
How to control the hardware is specified per hardware device, but the DCPU-16e
supports a standard enumeration method for detecting connected hardware via
the HWN, HWQ and HWI instructions.
Interrupts sent to hardware can't contain messages, can take additional cycles,
and can read or modify any registers or memory adresses on the DCPU-16e. This
behavior changes per hardware device and is described in the hardware's
Hardware must NOT start modifying registers or ram on the DCPU-16e before at
least one HWI call has been made to the hardware. Hardware only accesses the
primary memory bank, unless otherwise specified by the hardware.
The DPCU-16e does not support hot swapping hardware. The behavior of connecting
or disconnecting hardware while the DCPU-16e is running is undefined.
It possibly could be useful to add overflow/excess modes for the equivalent of -ftrapv and divide-by-zero exceptions.
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