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Created May 2, 2015 06:32
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Diff two Json files
cat /tmp/json_a | php -r '$f=file("php://stdin"); $a = json_decode(join($f), true); function ksortRecursive(&$array, $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR) { if (!is_array($array)) return false; ksort($array, $sort_flags); foreach ($array as &$arr) { ksortRecursive($arr, $sort_flags); } return true; }; ksortRecursive($a); echo var_export($a,true);' > /tmp/json_a_sorted
cat /tmp/json_b | php -r '$f=file("php://stdin"); $a = json_decode(join($f), true); function ksortRecursive(&$array, $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR) { if (!is_array($array)) return false; ksort($array, $sort_flags); foreach ($array as &$arr) { ksortRecursive($arr, $sort_flags); } return true; }; ksortRecursive($a); echo var_export($a,true);' > /tmp/json_b_sorted
diff /tmp/json_a_sorted /tmp/json_b_sorted -u --ignore-all-space
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