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Created March 22, 2011 18:36
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Naive Bayesian Algorithm
crazy <- function(sym1, sym2) {
require ("quantmod")
# FIRST get the objects (price series returns) correctly formatted
x <- getSymbols(sym1, auto.assign=FALSE)
y <- getSymbols(sym2, auto.assign=FALSE)
x <- Delt(x[,4])
y <- Delt(y[,4])
x <- na.locf(x, na.rm=TRUE)
y <- na.locf(y, na.rm=TRUE)
xy <- cbind(x,y)
# SECOND: get the positive values isolated
x.num <- 0
# y.num <- 0
xy.num <- 0
x_y.num <- 0
for(i in 1:NROW(x))
if (x[i] > 0)
x.num <- x.num + 1 # x.num
# for(i in 1:NROW(y))
# if (y[i] > 0)
# y.num <- y.num + 1 # y.num
for(i in 1:NROW(xy))
if (xy[i,1] > 0 &
xy[i,2] > 0)
xy.num <- xy.num + 1 # xy.num
xy.num <- as.matrix(xy.num)
for(i in 1:NROW(xy))
if (xy[i,1] < 0 &&
xy[i,2] > 0)
x_y.num <- x_y.num + 1 # x_y.num
# THIRD derive other important values with trivial algebra
# but first, some ASCII art
# /-- x.up.y.up
# /--- x.up__/
# / \
# ___/ \___ x.up.y.dn
# \
# \ /-- x.dn.y.up
# \___ x.dn__/
# \
# \___ x.dn.y.dn
x.up <- x.num/NROW(x)
x.dn <- 1 - x.up
x.up.y.up <- xy.num/x.num
x.up.y.dn <- 1 - x.up.y.up
x.dn.y.up <- x_y.num/(NROW(x)-x.num)
x.dn.y.dn <- 1 - x.dn.y.up
# FOURTH implement Bayes Theorem
# P(x|y) is the standard Probability notation that reads
# "Probability of x given y"
# The diagram's equivalent is references inside <>
# P(y.up | x.up) * P(x.up) <x.up.y.up> * <x.up>
# P(x.up | y.up) = ___________________________ = _________________________
# P(y.up) <(x.up * x.up.y.up) + (x.dn * x.dn.y.up)>
# We know what x.up is unconditionally, but what is it if we have
# super secret information that y is up?
nugget <- (x.up.y.up * x.up)/((x.up.y.up * x.up) + (x.dn.y.up * x.dn))
# FIFTH return bayesian wisdom (along with some sanity checking)
cat(" Probability of " , sym1, " going up : " ,round(x.up *100, digits=2), "\n",
"Probability of " , sym1, " going dn : " ,round(x.dn *100, digits=2), "\n",
"Probability of " , sym1, " going up and", sym2, " going up : " ,round(x.up.y.up*100, digits=2), "\n",
"Probability of " , sym1, " going up and", sym2, " going dn : " ,round(x.up.y.dn*100, digits=2), "\n",
"Probability of " , sym1, " going dn and", sym2, " going up: " ,round(x.dn.y.up*100, digits=2), "\n",
"Probability of " , sym1, " going dn and", sym2, " going dn: " ,round(x.dn.y.dn*100, digits=2), "\n",
"Probability that " , sym1, " goes up when", sym2, " goes up: " ,round(nugget *100, digits=2), "\n")
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