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Created December 29, 2010 17:51
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Functions to include in .profile to enable OSX style aliases in the terminal.
function resolvealias {
echo $(osascript << EOS
tell application "Finder"
set theItem to (POSIX file "${1}") as alias
if the kind of theItem is "alias" then
get the posix path of ((original item of theItem) as text)
end if
end tell
function cd {
if [ ${#1} == 0 ]; then
builtin cd
elif [[ -d "${1}" || -L "${1}" ]]; then
builtin cd "${1}"
elif [[ -f "${1}" ]]; then
path=$(resolvealias "$1")
if [[ -z $path ]]; then
builtin cd "${1}"
builtin cd "${path}"
builtin cd "${1}"
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