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Created August 5, 2010 18:16
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  • Save millermedeiros/510134 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save millermedeiros/510134 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Mr.doob's entry for JS1K <>
* @author Mr.doob <>
* extra optimizations by Miller Medeiros <> (see comments on source code)
( function () {
var res = 25, res3 = res * res * res,
i = 0, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, s, size, sizeHalf,
vx, vy, vz, rsx, rcx, rsy, rcy, rsz, rcz,
xy, xz, yx, yz, zx, zy,
cx = 0, cy = 0, cz = 1, rx = 1, ry = 1, rz = 0,
t, t1, t2, t3,
sin = Math.sin, cos = Math.cos, pi = Math.PI * 3,
mouseX = 0, mouseY = 0, color,
doc = document, body = doc.body,
canvas, context, mesh = [],
width = innerWidth,
height = innerHeight,
widthHalf = width / 2,
heightHalf = height / 2; = 'margin:0;overflow:hidden'; //cssText causes a single reflow and is smaller, also is good to remind that when setting values to zero you don't need to specify the unit '0px' == '0em' == '0'.
canvas = body.children[0]; //was using doc.body for no reason
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
context.translate( widthHalf, heightHalf );
doc.onmousemove = function ( event ) {
mouseX = ( event.clientX - widthHalf ) / 1000;
mouseY = ( event.clientY + heightHalf ) / 1000;
while ( i++ < res3 ) {
mesh.push( x / res - 0.5, y / res - 0.5, z / res - 0.5); //push allow multiple items (
z = i % res;
y = !z ? ++y %res : y;
x = !z && !y ? ++x : x;
setInterval( function () {
context.clearRect( - widthHalf, - heightHalf, width, height );
cx += ( mouseX - cx ) / 10;
cz += ( mouseY - cz ) / 10;
t = new Date().getTime();
rx = t / 10000;
t1 = sin( t / 20000 ) * pi;
t2 = sin( rx ) * pi; //used rx since both are same value
t3 = sin( t / 15000 ) * pi;
rsx = sin( rx ); rcx = cos( rx );
rsy = sin( ry ); rcy = cos( ry );
rsz = sin( rz ); rcz = cos( rz );
i = 0;
while ( ( i += 3 ) < res3 * 3 ) {
x = mesh[ i ];
y = mesh[ i + 1 ];
z = mesh[ i + 2 ];
s = sin( t1 + x * t1 ) + sin( t2 + y * t2 ) + sin( t3 + z * t3 );
if ( s >= 0 ) {
xy = rcx * y - rsx * z;
xz = rsx * y + rcx * z;
yz = rcy * xz - rsy * x;
yx = rsy * xz + rcy * x;
zx = rcz * yx - rsz * xy;
zy = rsz * yx + rcz * xy;
vx = zx - cx;
vy = zy - cy;
vz = yz + cz;
if ( vz > 0 ) {
color = ( 64 / vz ) >> 0;
context.fillStyle = 'rgb('+ ( color - 16 ) + ','+ ( color * 2 - 128 ) + ','+ ( color + 64 ) + ')';
size = s * 30 / vz;
sizeHalf = size / 2;
context.fillRect( ( vx / vz ) * widthHalf - sizeHalf, ( vy / vz ) * widthHalf - sizeHalf, size, size );
}, 16 );
} )();
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