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Created March 10, 2011 01:41
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JS-Signals 0.5.3
/*jslint onevar:true, undef:true, newcap:true, regexp:true, bitwise:true, maxerr:50, indent:4, white:false, nomen:false, plusplus:false */
* JS Signals <>
* Released under the MIT license <>
* @author Miller Medeiros <>
* @version 0.5.3
* @build 143 (02/21/2011 07:18 PM)
var signals = (function(){
var signals = {
VERSION : '0.5.3'
// SignalBinding -------------------------------------------------
function SignalBinding(signal, listener, isOnce, listenerContext, priority){
this._listener = listener;
this._isOnce = isOnce;
this.context = listenerContext;
this._signal = signal;
this._priority = priority || 0;
SignalBinding.prototype = {
_isEnabled : true,
execute : function(paramsArr){
var r;
r = this._listener.apply(this.context, paramsArr);
return r;
detach : function(){
return this._signal.remove(this._listener);
getListener : function(){
return this._listener;
dispose : function(){
_destroy : function(){
delete this._signal;
delete this._isOnce;
delete this._listener;
delete this.context;
disable : function(){
this._isEnabled = false;
enable : function(){
this._isEnabled = true;
isEnabled : function(){
return this._isEnabled;
isOnce : function(){
return this._isOnce;
toString : function(){
return '[SignalBinding isOnce: '+ this._isOnce +', isEnabled: '+ this._isEnabled +']';
// Signal --------------------------------------------------------
signals.Signal = function(){
this._bindings = [];
signals.Signal.prototype = {
_shouldPropagate : true,
_isEnabled : true,
_registerListener : function(listener, isOnce, scope, priority){
if(typeof listener !== 'function'){
throw new Error('listener is a required param of add() and addOnce() and should be a Function.');
var prevIndex = this._indexOfListener(listener),
if(prevIndex !== -1){ //avoid creating a new Binding for same listener if already added to list
binding = this._bindings[prevIndex];
if(binding.isOnce() !== isOnce){
throw new Error('You cannot add'+ (isOnce? '' : 'Once') +'() then add'+ (!isOnce? '' : 'Once') +'() the same listener without removing the relationship first.');
} else {
binding = new SignalBinding(this, listener, isOnce, scope, priority);
return binding;
_addBinding : function(binding){
//simplified insertion sort
var n = this._bindings.length;
do { --n; } while (this._bindings[n] && binding._priority <= this._bindings[n]._priority);
this._bindings.splice(n+1, 0, binding);
_indexOfListener : function(listener){
var n = this._bindings.length;
if(this._bindings[n]._listener === listener){
return n;
return -1;
add : function(listener, scope, priority){
return this._registerListener(listener, false, scope, priority);
addOnce : function(listener, scope, priority){
return this._registerListener(listener, true, scope, priority);
remove : function(listener){
if(typeof listener !== 'function'){
throw new Error('listener is a required param of remove() and should be a Function.');
var i = this._indexOfListener(listener);
if(i !== -1){
this._bindings[i]._destroy(); //no reason to a SignalBinding exist if it isn't attached to a signal
this._bindings.splice(i, 1);
return listener;
removeAll : function(){
var n = this._bindings.length;
this._bindings.length = 0;
getNumListeners : function(){
return this._bindings.length;
disable : function(){
this._isEnabled = false;
enable : function(){
this._isEnabled = true;
isEnabled : function(){
return this._isEnabled;
halt : function(){
this._shouldPropagate = false;
dispatch : function(params){
if(! this._isEnabled){
var paramsArr =,
bindings = this._bindings.slice(), //clone array in case add/remove items during dispatch
n = this._bindings.length;
this._shouldPropagate = true; //in case `halt` was called before dispatch or during the previous dispatch.
//execute all callbacks until end of the list or until a callback returns `false` or stops propagation
//reverse loop since listeners with higher priority will be added at the end of the list
do { n--; } while (bindings[n] && this._shouldPropagate && bindings[n].execute(paramsArr) !== false);
dispose : function(){
delete this._bindings;
toString : function(){
return '[Signal isEnabled: '+ this._isEnabled +' numListeners: '+ this.getNumListeners() +']';
return signals;
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