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Created October 27, 2010 04:44
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Save milligramme/648460 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
create glitch word with Illustrator
#target "Illustrator"
* compress and expand word
* 2010-10-26 mg
//check document. if not exitst, create it
if (app.documents.length === 0) {
var docObj = app.documents.add();
var docObj = app.documents[0];
//show dialog
var ui = script_ui_dlg ();
if(ui !== undefined){
var setword = ui[0];
var font_family = ui[1];
var font_size = ui[2];
var cmp_dir = ui[3];
//compress word 5 times
compress_word ( docObj, setword, font_family, font_size, cmp_dir );
compress_word ( docObj, setword, font_family, font_size, cmp_dir );
compress_word ( docObj, setword, font_family, font_size, cmp_dir );
compress_word ( docObj, setword, font_family, font_size, cmp_dir );
compress_word ( docObj, setword, font_family, font_size, cmp_dir );
//expand words
* @param {Object} doc Document
* @param {String} setword Word to outline
* @param {String} font_family app.textFonts[n]
* @param {Number} font_size Font size
* @param {String} cmp_dir Compress direction
function compress_word (doc, setword, font_family, font_size, cmp_dir) {
font_size = font_size * 1;//string => number
if (doc.selection.length === 0 && setword !== undefined) {
var tf = doc.textFrames.add();
tf.contents = setword;
tf.textRange.paragraphs[0].textFont = app.textFonts.getByName( font_family );
tf.paragraphs[0].size = font_size;
if(doc.selection.typename === "TextRange"){
selObj = doc.selection[0];
//if object is textframe type
if(selObj.typename === "TextFrame"){
var tf = selObj.duplicate();
//create outlined => return group
var outed_word = tf.createOutline();
//remember original size
var gBon = outed_word.geometricBounds;
case "b"://compress both
outed_word.height = 0.001 + Math.random() * 0.01;
outed_word.width = 0.001 + Math.random() * 0.01;
case "h"://height only
outed_word.height = 0.001 + Math.random() * 0.01;
case "w"://width only
outed_word.width = 0.001 + Math.random() * 0.01;
default: ; break;//dont compress
//set label = gBon.toString();
outed_word.selected = false;
* @param {Object} doc Document
function expand_word (doc) {
var pgItem = doc.pageItems;
for (var i=0, iL=pgItem.length; i < iL ; i++) {
if (pgItem[i].name.match(/(\-?\d+\.?\d+\,?)+/)){
//load pageitem's label as geometric bounds array
var gBon = pgItem[i].name.split(",");
//restore to original size
pgItem[i].height = Math.abs(gBon[3]- gBon[1]);
pgItem[i].width = Math.abs(gBon[2]- gBon[0]);
//remove labels
pgItem[i].name = "";
* @returns {Array} [word, font, size, dir]
function script_ui_dlg () {
var fon = app.textFonts
var fon_arr = [];
for (var i=0, iL=fon.length; i < iL ; i++) {
siz_arr = [12,14,16,18,21,24,28,36,48,60,72,96,108,120,180];
dir_arr = ["both", "height", "width"];
var dlg = new Window('dialog', "compress/expand word", undefined);
dlg.panel = dlg.add('panel', undefined, "Nothing is selected Option");
dlg.panel.alignChildren = "left";
dlg.panel.group1 = dlg.panel.add('group');
dlg.panel.group1.add('statictext', undefined, "Word: ");
var textarea = dlg.panel.group1.add('edittext', [60,0,240,30], "Glitch");
dlg.panel.group2 = dlg.panel.add('group');
dlg.panel.group2.add('statictext', undefined, "Font: ");
var fon_ddlist = dlg.panel.group2.add('dropdownlist',[60,0,240,30], fon_arr);
dlg.panel.group3 = dlg.panel.add('group');
dlg.panel.group3.add('statictext', undefined, "Size: ");
var siz_ddlist = dlg.panel.group3.add('dropdownlist',undefined, siz_arr);
dlg.panel.group3.add('statictext', undefined, "Pt");
dlg.panel2 = dlg.add('panel', undefined, "Compress Direction");
dlg.panel2.group4 = dlg.panel2.add('group');
dlg.panel2.group4.add('statictext', undefined, "Compress: ");
var dir1_rdbtn = dlg.panel2.group4.add('radiobutton', undefined, dir_arr[0]);
var dir2_rdbtn = dlg.panel2.group4.add('radiobutton', undefined, dir_arr[1]);
var dir3_rdbtn = dlg.panel2.group4.add('radiobutton', undefined, dir_arr[2]);
//selection default dropdownlist and radiobutton
fon_ddlist.selection = 0;
siz_ddlist.selection = siz_arr.length-1;
dir1_rdbtn.value = false;
dir2_rdbtn.value = true;
dir3_rdbtn.value = false;
dlg_button = dlg.add('group');
var ok_btn = dlg_button.add('button', undefined, "OK", {name:'ok'});
var cancel_btn = dlg_button.add('button', undefined, "Cancel", {name:'cancel'});
ok_btn.onClick = function() {
flg = true;
cancel_btn.onClick = function() {
flg = false;
if (flg) {
var dir;
var s_text = textarea.text;
var f_name = fon_ddlist.selection.text;
var size_f = siz_ddlist.selection.text;
if(dir1_rdbtn.value){dir = "b";}
if(dir2_rdbtn.value){dir = "h";}
if(dir3_rdbtn.value){dir = "w";}
return [s_text, f_name, size_f, dir];
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