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Created February 24, 2010 20:14
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abstract attribute_normalizer authlogic authlogic_rpx autotest-rails aws aws_cloud_map aws_credentials aws-ext aws-s3 aws-sdb bcrypt-ruby blueprints bmabey-email_spec
builder bundler cancan capistrano cgi_multipart_eof_fix compass chronic classifier closure-compiler colored columnize compass-960-plugin compass-colors configuration construct
contacts crack culerity daemons database_cleaner data_objects delayed_job delayed_paperclip diff-lcs directory_watcher validatable erubis eventmachine extlib facebooker
facets factory_girl factory_girl_extensions fakeweb fancy-buttons fastercsv fastthread fcoury-matchy ffi ffmike-test_benchmark flay flexmock flog metric_fu formtastic frankie
friendly fssm gdata gembox gemcutter gem_plugin geoip geokit trample git github git_remote_branch glue gravtastic haml haml-edge has_scope heckle helperful heroku highline hirb
hitimes hoe hpricot httparty http_connection i18n inherited_resources interlock jammit jekyll jekyll_generator jeweler validatable launchy
will_paginate less libxml-ruby linecache liquid little-plugger log_buddy logging jintastic machinist machinist_mongo magent mail mailtrap maruku mechanize memcache-client memcached
mime-types cli chronic mongo mongo_ext mongoid mongo_mapper mongrel mysql netrecorder net-scp net-sftp net-ssh net-ssh-gateway nifty-generators nokogiri oauth ohai open4
ParseTree pickle polyglot rack rackamole rack-contrib rack-jekyll rack-mount rack-rewrite rack-test rails_best_practices rails-footnotes rails-upgrade randexp rb-inotify
rconfig rcov rdiscount rdoc redgreen reek reflection remarkable remarkable_activerecord remarkable_mongo remarkable_rails responders rest-client rmagick roodi rpx_now
rr rsl-stringex rspec_validation_expectations rubigen ruby2ruby ruby-debug RubyInline ruby-openid ruby_parser ruby-stemmer sake searchlogic sequel serve sexp_processor shotgun sinatra spree stackdeck
stomp stringex super_exception_notifier syntax systemu tabs_on_rails term-ansicolor test-spec test-unit text-format text-hyphen thin thor thor-ext tilt tlsmail
toto treetop tropo-webapi-ruby twitter4r tzinfo unicorn uuidtools validatable validation_reflection validation_scopes vegas view_mapper vigetlabs-simplest_auth warden watch weary whatlanguage whenever wirble xml-simple
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