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Created November 29, 2017 05:56
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Gradle init script that adds a new task to all projects, `checkBlacklist`, which can be used to check if any of the project's resolvable dependencies are included in a configurable blacklist.
* This init script modifies the Gradle project by adding a new task to all projects, `checkBlacklist`, which
* can be used to check if any of the project's resolvable dependencies are included in a configurable blacklist.
* To add it dynamically with a Gradle build command, add the `-I` option with the path to this file, e.g.:
* > gradle -I /path/to/blacklist.gradle checkBlacklist
gradle.allprojects {
task checkBlacklist() {
group 'Security'
ext {
// File to write blacklist violations to
// example: file(new File(rootProject.buildDir, "reports/${}-checkBlacklist.txt"))
reportFile = file(new File(project.buildDir, 'reports/blacklisted-dependencies.txt'))
// Whether to fail build if checkBlacklist finds blacklisted dependencies
failBuildOnViolations = true
// Configurations to check for blacklisted dependencies (Default: all configurations)
// example: ['compile', 'providedCompile', 'runtime']
includeConfigurations = null
// Configurations to exclude from blacklisted dependencies check
// example: project.configurations.names.findAll { it.startsWith('test') }
excludeConfigurations = [] as Set<String>
// Closure to target blacklisted dependencies
// example: { Dependency d -> !'org.apache.struts') }
dependencyFilter = { Dependency d ->
def rules = [
{ ( ==~ /^org\.springframework\..*/) && ( ==~ /.*actuator.*/) },
//{'org.') },
{'org.apache.struts') }
rules.any { r -> r(d) }
afterEvaluate { p ->
p.checkBlacklist {
includeConfigurations = includeConfigurations ?: project.configurations.names
Set<String> invalidConfigs = (includeConfigurations + excludeConfigurations) - project.configurations.names
if (invalidConfigs)
logger.warn "includeConfigurations & excludeConfigurations contain invalid name(s): ${invalidConfigs}"
Set<String> filteredConfigs = includeConfigurations - excludeConfigurations"Included configurations:\n\t{}", filteredConfigs.join('\n\t'))"Excluded configurations:\n\t{}",
(project.configurations.names - filteredConfigs).join('\n\t'))
if (filteredConfigs.containsAll(project.configurations.names))
description "Reports all blacklisted dependencies"
description "Reports blacklisted dependencies in ${filteredConfigs}"
doLast {
Set<Dependency> filteredDependencies = project.configurations.findAll { c ->
boolean canBeResolved = c.metaClass.respondsTo(c, 'isCanBeResolved') ? c.isCanBeResolved() : true
canBeResolved && ( in filteredConfigs)
}.collectMany { Configuration c ->
if (filteredDependencies) {
String msg = "${p} has blacklisted dependencies: \n\t" + filteredDependencies.collect {
}.join('\n\t')"Writing dependency blacklist violations to: ${reportFile}")
reportFile.text = msg
if (failBuildOnViolations)
throw new GradleException(msg)
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