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Last active February 10, 2017 23:25
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## ----====----==== CREDIT CARD FINDER ====----====----
## Usage: .\find-credit-cards.ps1 -path C:\
## - To output to a file, use .\find-credit-cards.ps1 -path C:\ > result.txt
## Features:
## - Searches recursively through the provided path
## searching for valid credit card numbers
## - Large files are read in chunks so as to not
## exhaust system resources
## License:
## Copyright (C) 2011 Jaap Karan Singh
## (
## This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
## Attribution 3.0 United States License. To view a
## copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons
## .org/licenses/by/3.0/us/ or send a letter to
## Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300,
## San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it
## will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
## even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## Contact: Twitter - @jksdua, Email -
## To do:
## - Allow logging to file
## - Add support for word and powerpoint
## - Modularise the file
## Separate scanner and output
## Compress size using techniques in
## - Add debug ability for printing errors
## - Add matcher for key strings such as "credit card, pci, invoice etc"
## - Add support for logging output to file
## - Use Github issue tracker for recording to do items
## - Output file type next to the filename when outputting
## - Provide stats on what filetype had the most findings etc
## - Add support for multiple streams such as db etc
## - Add support for hasehd credit cards
## - Add support for detecting credit card type
## - Add incremental scan support
## - Watch for interrupt and cleanup excel and other variables
"----====----==== Credit Card Finder ====----====----"
"Remember to run me as an Administrator if scanning system directories such as `Program Files` or `Windows`."
## normalise path so both absolute and relative paths work
$path = Resolve-Path($path)
$REGEX = [regex]"(?im)(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?|5[1-5][0-9]{14}|6(?:011|5[0-9][0-9])[0-9]{12}|3[47][0-9]{13}|3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}|(?:2131|1800|35\d{3})\d{11})"
$MAX_SIZE = 50mb
$MAX_SIZE_STR = "50mb"
$BATCH = 1000
[long]$global:found = 0
$global:baseDir = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition;
## Add support for pdf documents
try {
$PdfDll = Join-Path -path $baseDir -childPath "\lib\itextsharp-dll-core\itextsharp.dll"
Add-Type -Path $PdfDll
} catch [Exception] {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor RED ("Failed to load PDF dll. PDF files will be reported, review these manually.")
Write-Host ""
## Add support for excel documents
try {
$global:Excel = New-Object -comobject Excel.Application
$global:Excel.visible = $False
} catch [Exception] {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor RED ("Failed to load Excel dll. Excel files will be reported, review these manually.")
Write-Host ""
## Returns true if the given array of digits represents
## a valid Luhn number, and false otherwise.
## source:
filter Luhn($x){$l=$x.Length-1;$l..0|%{$d=$x[$_]-48;if($_%2-eq$l%2){$s+=$d}elseif($d-le4){$s+=$d*2}else{$s+=$d*2-9}};!($s%10)}
function FindCreditCards($path) {
[long[]]$creditCards = @()
Foreach ($data in $input) {
Select-String -pattern $REGEX -input $data -AllMatches |
Foreach {
Foreach ($match in $_.matches) {
$creditCards += $match.value
# ideally this function should only return an array of findings and then the parent function should decide what to do
ProcessFileResults -path $path -results $creditCards
## cleanup
$creditCards = $data = $path = $match = $null
## Ensures credit cards are valid, increments global counter and prints results to console
function ProcessFileResults($path, $results) {
[long[]]$validatedCreditCards = @()
Foreach($val in $results) {
if (Luhn([string]$val)) {
$validatedCreditCards += $val
PrintFileResults -path $path -results $validatedCreditCards
## cleanup
$validatedCreditCards = $val = $results = $path = $null
function PrintFileResults($path, $results) {
if ($results.length) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor GREEN ("File: " + $path)
$len = $path.length + 6
$line = ''
Do {
$line += '-'
} Until (--$len -le 0)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor GREEN $line
Foreach ($item in $results) {
Write-Host $item
Write-Host "Found:" $results.length
Write-Host ""
## cleanup
$path = $results = $null
function Get-PdfContent($path) {
$reader = New-Object iTextSharp.text.pdf.pdfreader -ArgumentList $path
for ($page = 1; $page -le $reader.NumberOfPages; $page++) {
$strategy = new-object 'iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.SimpleTextExtractionStrategy'
$currentText = [iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.PdfTextExtractor]::GetTextFromPage($reader, $page, $strategy);
[string[]]$Text += [system.text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Text.ASCIIEncoding]::Convert( [system.text.encoding]::default , [system.text.encoding]::UTF8, [system.text.Encoding]::Default.GetBytes($currentText)));
return $Text
function Get-ExcelContent($path) {
[long[]]$creditCards = @()
$excelSheet = Get-Item -Path $path -ea stop
$workbook = $global:Excel.Workbooks.Open($excelSheet)
For($i = 1 ; $i -le $workbook.Sheets.count ; $i++) {
$worksheet = $workbook.sheets.item($i)
#"`tLooking for matches on $($ worksheet"
$rowMax = ($worksheet.usedRange.rows).count
$columnMax = ($worksheet.usedRange.columns).count
For($row = 1 ; $row -le $rowMax ; $row ++) {
For($column = 1 ; $column -le $columnMax ; $column ++) {
[string]$formula = $workSheet.cells.item($row,$column).formula
if($formula -match [regex]$REGEX) {
$creditCards += "`t`t$($formula)"
} #end for $column
} #end for $row
$worksheet = $rowmax = $columnMax = $row = $column = $formula = $null
} #end for
$workbook.saved = $True
ProcessFileResults -path $path -results $creditCards
$creditCards = $path = $null
# Checks if the user pressed Ctrl+C
function gotInterrupt() {
if ([console]::KeyAvailable) {
$key = [system.console]::readkey($true)
return (($key.modifiers -band [consolemodifiers]"control") -and ($key.key -eq "C"))
## Loops through the provided path running a scan on files and
## returns subfolders found
function Scan([string]$path) {
## reduce memory load if possible
[string[]]$todo = @()
$fc = new-object -com scripting.filesystemobject
$folder = $fc.getfolder($path)
foreach ($i in $folder.files) {
## get out if user wants to exit
if (gotInterrupt) { throw "INTERRUPT" }
$path = [string]$i.path
try {
if ($i.Size -gt $MAX_SIZE) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor YELLOW "Review $path manually. File size of $([Math]::Truncate($i.Size/1mb))mb is greater than the max allowed size of $MAX_SIZE_STR."
Write-Host ""
} else {
## dev
#Write-Host "Processing file: " + $path
if ($path -cmatch ".*\.(doc|ppt).{0,1}$") {
## dev
#Write-Host "File type: office"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor YELLOW "Review $path manually. Office files are currently not supported."
Write-Host ""
} elseif ($path -cmatch ".*\.(zip|tar|gz).{0,1}$") {
## dev
#Write-Host "File type: zipped"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor YELLOW "Review $path manually. Zipped files are currently not supported."
Write-Host ""
} elseif ($path -cmatch ".*\.(xls|xlsx).{0,1}$") {
## dev
#Write-Host "File type: excel"
Get-ExcelContent -path $path
} elseif ($path -cmatch "\.pdf$") {
## dev
#Write-Host "File type: pdf"
# pdf by default reads line by line
# still need to run benchmarks to ensure memory is flushed after a line has been read
Get-PdfContent $path | FindCreditCards -path $path
} else {
## dev
#Write-Host "File type: anything really"
# using get content and batch reads the file in chunks
# -ea stop added because open files still print an error to the console
# see:
Get-Content $path -ReadCount $BATCH -ea stop |
FindCreditCards -path $path
} catch [Exception] {
## required since streamreader may throw this
if (!$($_.Exception.Message).CompareTo("INTERRUPT")) {
throw $_.Exception
Write-Host -ForegroundColor RED ("Failed to process file: " + $i.Path)
Write-Host ""
try {
foreach ($i in $folder.subfolders) {
## Dev
#Write-Host "Found additional folder: " + $i.path
$todo += $i.path
} catch [Exception] {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor RED ("Failed to queue folder for scanning: " + $i.path)
Write-Host ""
return $todo
function ScanManager() {
[string[]]$todo = @()
[string]$next = $path
while ($next) {
try {
# add any additional folders identified to todo list
$todo += Scan($next)
} catch [Exception] {
if (!$($_.Exception.Message).CompareTo("INTERRUPT")) {
Write-Host "[Ctrl+C] Caught user interrupt"
throw $_.Exception
Write-Host -ForegroundColor RED ("Failed to scan folder: " + $next + ". Reason: " + $($_.Exception.Message))
Write-Host ""
# shift array to get next element
$next, $todo = $todo
## Catch Ctrl+C to garbage collect on exit
try {
[console]::TreatControlCAsInput = $true
"Total found: " + $found
# ignore exception
} catch [Exception] {
} finally {
# No matter what the user did, reset the console to process Ctrl-C inputs 'normally'
[console]::TreatControlCAsInput = $false
Write-Host "Cleaning up..."
Write-Host ""
# wrapped since excel is only optionally loaded if it exists on the system
try {
## cleanup excel objects
$global:Excel = $null
} catch [Exception] {}
## cleanup memory
# force clean since in some instances it does not shut properly
try {
ps excel | kill
} catch [Exception] {}
# Sample credit card data for testing
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