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Created November 21, 2015 15:05
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# makeCacheMatrix accepts a matrix as an argument and generates a list object
# which provides various functions to retrieve and modify the underlying matrix
# and its inverse matrix
makeCacheMatrix <- function(x = matrix()) {
# stop and return error if supplied matrix is not invertible
if (!(class(try(solve(x),silent=T))=="matrix")){
stop("supplied matrix is not invertible")
# inverse matrix
inv <- NULL
# Initialize the underlying matrix object, NULLs its inverse cache
# If the matrix hasn't changed we won't modify the underlying matrix
set <- function(y = matrix()) {
# only change the underlying matrix IF new matrix is not the same
if (!(dim(x) == dim(y) && all(x == y))) {
x <<- y
inv <<- NULL
# returns underlying matrix
get <- function() x
# sets matrix's inverse cache
setinv <- function(invMatrix = matrix()) inv <<- invMatrix
# returns inverse cache value
getinv <- function() inv
# returns matrix object
list(set = set, get = get,
setinv = setinv,
getinv = getinv)
# cacheSolve accepts a special list object that provides get, set, setinv and getinv
# function objects which allow to calculat an inverse matrix of passed in matrix
# object or returns a cached data if there is any.
cacheSolve <- function(x = list(), ...) {
# retrieve cached inverse matrix
inv <- x$getinv()
# check if the cache exists and if the matrix hasn't changed
message("getting cached data")
# read in matrix
data <- x$get()
# calculate inverse matrix
inv <- solve(data)
# set inverse cache value
# return inverse matrix
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