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Last active July 6, 2019 01:21
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WIP: Collection Consumers and Searchers
/// Collection Consumers
protocol CollectionConsumer {
associatedtype Element
func consumeFront<C: Collection>(_ c: C) -> C.Index? where C.Element == Element
extension CollectionConsumer {
func _clampedConsumeFront<C: Collection>(_ c: C) -> C.Index where C.Element == Element {
return consumeFront(c) ?? c.startIndex
protocol BidirectionalCollectionConsumer: CollectionConsumer {
// Return value is 1-past-the-end
func consumeBack<C: BidirectionalCollection>(_ c: C) -> C.Index? where C.Element == Element
extension BidirectionalCollectionConsumer {
func _clampedConsumeBack<C: BidirectionalCollection>(
_ c: C
) -> C.Index where C.Element == Element {
return consumeBack(c) ?? c.endIndex
func _clampedConsumeBoth<C: BidirectionalCollection>(
_ c: C
) -> Range<C.Index> where C.Element == Element {
return _clampedConsumeFront(c) ..< _clampedConsumeBack(c)
extension Collection {
func trimFront<CC: CollectionConsumer>(_ cc: CC) -> SubSequence where CC.Element == Element {
return self[(cc._clampedConsumeFront(self))...]
extension BidirectionalCollection {
func trimBack<CC: BidirectionalCollectionConsumer>(_ cc: CC) -> SubSequence where CC.Element == Element {
return self[..<(cc._clampedConsumeBack(self))]
func trim<CC: BidirectionalCollectionConsumer>(_ cc: CC) -> SubSequence where CC.Element == Element {
return self[cc._clampedConsumeBoth(self)]
extension Collection where SubSequence == Self {
mutating func eat(upTo idx: Index) -> SubSequence {
defer { self = self[idx...] }
return self[..<idx]
mutating func eat(from idx: Index) -> SubSequence {
defer { self = self[..<idx] }
return self[idx...]
mutating func eat(around range: Range<Index>) -> (prefix: SubSequence, suffix: SubSequence) {
defer { self = self[range] }
return (self[..<range.lowerBound], self[range.upperBound...])
mutating func eat<CC: CollectionConsumer>(_ cc: CC) -> SubSequence where CC.Element == Element {
return cc._clampedConsumeFront(self))
extension RangeReplaceableCollection {
mutating func stripFront<CC: CollectionConsumer>(_ cc: CC) where CC.Element == Element {
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Self: BidirectionalCollection {
mutating func stripBack<CC: BidirectionalCollectionConsumer>(_ cc: CC) where CC.Element == Element {
mutating func strip<CC: BidirectionalCollectionConsumer>(_ cc: CC) where CC.Element == Element {
/// Convenience overloads with types:
/// * Element
/// * Sequence<Element>
/// * Set<Element>
/// * (Element) -> Bool
/// for:
/// * trimFront, trimBack, trim
/// * stripFront, stripBack, strip
/// * eat
struct _ConsumerPredicate<Element>: BidirectionalCollectionConsumer {
let predicate: (Element) -> Bool
init(_ predicate: @escaping (Element) -> Bool) { self.predicate = predicate }
func consumeFront<C: Collection>(_ c: C) -> C.Index? where C.Element == Element {
return c.firstIndex { !predicate($0) }
func consumeBack<C: BidirectionalCollection>(_ c: C) -> C.Index? where C.Element == Element {
return consumeFront(c.reversed())?.base
struct _ConsumerSequence<S: Sequence>: BidirectionalCollectionConsumer where S.Element: Equatable {
let seq: S
init(_ s: S) { self.seq = s }
typealias Element = S.Element
func consumeFront<C: Collection>(_ c: C) -> C.Index? where C.Element == Element {
var idx = c.startIndex
for e in self.seq {
guard e == c[idx] else { return nil }
c.formIndex(after: &idx)
return idx
func consumeBack<C: BidirectionalCollection>(_ c: C) -> C.Index? where C.Element == Element {
// TODO: If `S` is also Bidi, we have a more efficient reverse method available...
let revSeq = seq.reversed()
let revConsumer = _ConsumerSequence<Array<S.Element>>(revSeq)
return revConsumer.consumeFront(c.reversed())?.base
/// Trim
extension Collection {
func trimFront(_ predicate: (Element) -> Bool) -> SubSequence {
return withoutActuallyEscaping(predicate) {
return self.trimFront(_ConsumerPredicate($0))
extension Collection where Element: Equatable {
func trimFront(_ e: Element) -> SubSequence {
return self.trimFront { (other: Element) in other == e }
func trimFront<S: Sequence>(_ s: S) -> SubSequence where S.Element == Element {
return self.trimFront(_ConsumerSequence(s))
extension Collection where Element: Hashable {
func trimFront(_ s: Set<Element>) -> SubSequence {
return self.trimFront { s.contains($0) }
extension BidirectionalCollection {
func trimBack(_ predicate: (Element) -> Bool) -> SubSequence {
return withoutActuallyEscaping(predicate) {
return self.trimBack(_ConsumerPredicate($0))
func trim(_ predicate: (Element) -> Bool) -> SubSequence {
return withoutActuallyEscaping(predicate) {
return self.trim(_ConsumerPredicate($0))
extension BidirectionalCollection where Element: Equatable {
func trimBack(_ e: Element) -> SubSequence {
return self.trimBack { (other: Element) in other == e }
func trimBack<S: Sequence>(_ s: S) -> SubSequence where S.Element == Element {
return self.trimBack(_ConsumerSequence(s))
func trim<S: Sequence>(_ s: S) -> SubSequence where S.Element == Element {
return self.trim(_ConsumerSequence(s))
extension BidirectionalCollection where Element: Hashable {
func trimBack(_ s: Set<Element>) -> SubSequence {
return self.trimBack { s.contains($0) }
func trim(_ s: Set<Element>) -> SubSequence {
return self.trim { s.contains($0) }
/// Strip
extension RangeReplaceableCollection {
mutating func stripFront(_ predicate: (Element) -> Bool) {
withoutActuallyEscaping(predicate) {
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Element: Equatable {
mutating func stripFront(_ e: Element) {
self.stripFront { (other: Element) in other == e }
mutating func stripFront<S: Sequence>(_ s: S) where S.Element == Element {
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Element: Hashable {
mutating func stripFront(_ s: Set<Element>) {
self.stripFront { s.contains($0) }
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Self: BidirectionalCollection {
mutating func stripBack(_ predicate: (Element) -> Bool) {
withoutActuallyEscaping(predicate) { self.stripBack(_ConsumerPredicate($0)) }
mutating func strip(_ predicate: (Element) -> Bool) {
withoutActuallyEscaping(predicate) { self.strip(_ConsumerPredicate($0)) }
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Self: BidirectionalCollection, Element: Equatable {
mutating func stripBack(_ e: Element) {
self.stripBack { (other: Element) in other == e }
mutating func stripBack<S: Sequence>(_ s: S) where S.Element == Element {
mutating func strip<S: Sequence>(_ s: S) where S.Element == Element {
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Self: BidirectionalCollection, Element: Hashable {
mutating func stripBack(_ s: Set<Element>) {
self.stripBack { s.contains($0) }
mutating func strip(_ s: Set<Element>) {
self.strip { s.contains($0) }
/// Eat
extension Collection where SubSequence == Self {
mutating func eat(_ predicate: (Element) -> Bool) -> SubSequence {
return withoutActuallyEscaping(predicate) {
extension Collection where SubSequence == Self, Element: Equatable {
mutating func eat(_ e: Element) -> SubSequence {
return { (other: Element) in other == e }
mutating func eat<S: Sequence>(_ s: S) -> SubSequence where S.Element == Element {
extension Collection where SubSequence == Self, Element: Hashable {
mutating func eat(_ s: Set<Element>) -> SubSequence {
return { s.contains($0) }
/// Collection Searchers
// TODO: Front and Bidi searcher. No local state, init is fine...
// protocol CollectionSearcher {
// associatedtype C: Collection
// init(_ c: C)
// func search(startingFrom idx: C.Index) -> Range<C.Index>?
// }
// extension CollectionSearcher where C: BidirectionalCollection {
// func searchBack(endingAt idx: C.Index) -> Range<C.Index>? {
// ???
// }
// }
/// TODO: Searchers, with find, replace, replaceAll, split, seek(to/through?)
/// TODO: Strawman destructuring pattern matching with a consumer via (consumedPrefix, rest)
/// TODO: Strawman destructuring pattern matching with a searcher via (prior, matched, rest)
/// TODO: Strawman destructuring pattern matching with a value-producing adapter
/// TODO: Conform PatternKit
/// TODO: Conform NSRegularExpression
// protocol CollectionSearcher {
// associatedtype C: Collection
// func search(_ c: C) -> Range<C.Index>?
// }
// extension CollectionSearcher where C: BidirectionalCollection {
// func rsearch(_ c: C) -> Range<C.Index>? {
// fatalError("unimplemented")
// }
// }
// extension Collection {
// func _split<RE: RangeExpression>(
// around re: RE
// ) -> (SubSequence, SubSequence, SubSequence) where RE.Bound == Index {
// let range = re.relative(to: self)
// return (self[..<range.lowerBound], self[range], self[range.upperBound...])
// }
// }
/// Test Harness
var testsPassed = true
defer {
if testsPassed {
print("[OK] Tests Passed")
} else {
print("[FAIL] Tests Failed")
func checkExpect(
_ condition: @autoclosure () -> Bool,
expected: @autoclosure () -> String, saw: @autoclosure () -> String,
file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line
) {
if !condition() {
[FAIL] \(file):\(line)
expected: \(expected())
saw: \(saw())
testsPassed = false
func expectEqual<C: Equatable>(
_ lhs: C, _ rhs: C, file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line
) {
lhs == rhs, expected: "\(lhs)", saw: "\(rhs)", file: file, line: line)
func expectNotEqual<C: Equatable>(
_ lhs: C, _ rhs: C, file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line
) {
lhs != rhs, expected: "not \(lhs)", saw: "\(rhs)", file: file, line: line)
func expectNil<T>(
_ t: T?, file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line
) {
checkExpect(t == nil, expected: "nil", saw: "\(t!)", file: file, line: line)
func expectTrue(
_ t: Bool, file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line
) {
checkExpect(t, expected: "true", saw: "\(t)", file: file, line: line)
func expectEqualSequence<S1: Sequence, S2: Sequence>(
_ lhs: S1, _ rhs: S2, file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line
) where S1.Element == S2.Element, S1.Element: Equatable {
checkExpect(lhs.elementsEqual(rhs), expected: "\(lhs)", saw: "\(rhs)",
file: file, line: line)
var allTests: [(name: String, run: () -> ())] = []
struct TestSuite {
let name: String
init(_ s: String) { = s
func test(_ name: String, _ f: @escaping () -> ()) {
allTests.append((name, f))
func runAllTests() {
for (test, run) in allTests {
print("Running test \(test)")
defer { runAllTests() }
/// Tests
var SearcherTests = TestSuite("SearcherTests")
// Need exhaustive tests for:
// Trim, strip, eat, ...
// SearcherTests.test("_split(around:)") {
// let array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
// let split = array._split(around: 3..<5)
// expectEqual([1,2,3], split.0)
// expectEqual([4,5], split.1)
// expectEqual([6,7,8,9,10], split.2)
// }
// SearcherTests.test("Trimmer") {
// let array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
// expectEqual([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], array.trim(Trimmer({ $0 < 4 })))
// expectEqual([4, 5, 6, 7], array.trim(Trimmer({ !(4..<8).contains($0) })))
// }
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