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Created August 23, 2016 17:27
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An startup script for my conemu
-cur_console:t:'GIT' bash
-new_console:s1T50V -cur_console:t:"2b" powershell -NoExit -command [enum]::GetValues([System.ConsoleColor]) | Foreach-Object {Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor $_}; cd desktop; netstat 333;
-new_console:s1T50H -cur_console:t:"3b" powershell -NoExit -command Write-Output 'Good morining mim!' -v; Write-Warning 'Main PS console'; $colors = $host.PrivateData; $colors.VerboseForegroundColor = 15; $colors.VerboseBackgroundColor = 9;$colors.WarningForegroundColor = 14; $colors.WarningBackgroundColor = 2; $colors.ErrorForegroundColor = 15; $colors.ErrorBackgroundColor = 12; cd desktop;
-new_console:s2T50H -cur_console:t:"4b" far C:/Users/mim/Desktop
-new_console:s2T50H -cur_console:t:"W1" powershell -NoExit -command Write-Verbose 'Goodmorining mim!' -v; $console = $host.UI.RawUI;$console.ForegroundColor = 15;$console.BackgroundColor = 1; start-sleep 3; $colors = $host.PrivateData; $colors.VerboseForegroundColor = 15; $colors.VerboseBackgroundColor = 9;$colors.WarningForegroundColor = 14; $colors.WarningBackgroundColor = 2; $colors.ErrorForegroundColor = 15; $colors.ErrorBackgroundColor = 12; cd desktop; Write-Warning 'Use this for watch purposes'; Write-Verbose 'Like npm run jsx:w in our FE project for instance!' -v;
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