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Last active April 9, 2016 06:35
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Creating png image from SVG command
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.Graphics2D
import java.awt.BasicStroke
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath as Path
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import java.util.ArrayList
class SVGParser {
private val isUpperCase: (s:String)->Boolean = { it==it.toUpperCase() }
private fun createTokenList(svgCmds: String):ArrayList<Token> {
val tokenList = ArrayList<Token>()
val regex = Regex("[MmLlHhVvZz]")
svgCmds.forEach {
if( regex.matches( it.toString() ) ){
val token = Token(it)
else {
val lastToken = tokenList[tokenList.size-1]
lastToken.params += it.toString()
return tokenList
fun parse(svgCmds: String): Path {
val path = Path()
var currentX = 0f
var currentY = 0f
val proc:(token: Token, drawCmd:( x:Float, y:Float)->Unit )->Unit = { token, drawCmd ->
// x,y 値を得る
val x = token.getX(currentX)
val y = token.getY(currentY)
// 描写実行
drawCmd(x, y)
// currentX,Y 値の更新
currentX = x
currentY = y
createTokenList( svgCmds ).forEach { token->
val svgCmd = token.type
when(svgCmd) {
'M', 'm' -> proc(token, {x,y->path.moveTo(x, y)} )
'L', 'H', 'V', 'l', 'h', 'v' -> proc(token, {x,y->path.lineTo(x, y)} )
'Z', 'z' -> path.closePath()
return path
class Token(type: Char) {
val type = type
var params = ""
companion object { val BR = System.getProperty("line.separator") }
// 改行を削除
private fun fix(s: String): String = s.split( delimiters = BR ).map({it.trim()}).joinToString( separator = "" )
private fun toFloat( params: String, index: Int ): Float {
val fixedParams = fix(params)
val array = fixedParams.split( regex=Regex("[, ]") )
return if( index<array.size ){ array[index].toFloat() } else { 0f }
fun getX(currentX: Float):Float {
var retVal:Float = 0f
val v0 = toFloat(params,0)
when(type) {
'H' -> retVal = v0 // X座標だけがかわるタイプ
'h' -> retVal = v0 + currentX // X座標だけがかわるタイプ
'V','v' -> retVal = currentX // Y座標だけがかわるタイプ( Xはカレントを維持 )
'M','L' -> retVal = v0
'm','l' -> retVal = v0 + currentX
return retVal
fun getY(currentY: Float):Float {
var retVal:Float = 0f
val v0 = toFloat(params,0)
val v1 = toFloat(params,1)
when(type) {
'H','h' -> retVal = currentY // X座標だけがかわるタイプ ( Yはカレントを維持 )
'V' -> retVal = v0 // Y座標だけがかわるタイプ
'v' -> retVal = v0 + currentY // Y座標だけがかわるタイプ
'M','L' -> retVal = v1
'm','l' -> retVal = v1 + currentY
return retVal
// SVGの大きさは 24x24 を基準とする.
val svgCmds = if( args.size>0 ){ args[0] } else { "M16 6 l2.29 2.29 l-4.88 4.88 l-4 -4 L2 16.59 L3.41 18 l6 -6 l4 4 l6.3 -6.29 L22 12 V6 z" }
val outputPngFile = if( args.size>1 ){ File(args[1]) } else { File("r.png") }
val width = if(args.size>2){ args[2].toInt() } else { 96 }
val height = if(args.size>3){ args[3].toInt() } else { 96 }
val path = SVGParser().parse(svgCmds)
val img = BufferedImage( width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR )
val g = as Graphics2D
g.color = Color.WHITE
g.fillRect(0,0,width,height )
val scaleX = width.toDouble()/24.toDouble()
val scaleY = height.toDouble()/24.toDouble()
val transform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance( scaleX, scaleY )
val path2 = path.createTransformedShape( transform )
g.color = Color.BLACK
ImageIO.write(img,"PNG", outputPngFile)
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