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Created August 14, 2012 03:02
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Data.Array
type State = (Int, IM.IntMap Int)
data Dir = Up | Down
interpret :: String -> IO ()
interpret inp = fn 0 (0, IM.fromList $ zip [0..] (replicate 100000 0)) where
fn :: Int -> State -> IO ()
fn i (pd, dat)
| i == length inp = return ()
| x == '>' = fn (succ i) (succ pd, dat)
| x == '<' = fn (succ i) (pred pd, dat)
| x == '+' = fn (succ i) (pd, update succ)
| x == '-' = fn (succ i) (pd, update pred)
| x == '.' = putChar (chr $ dat IM.! pd) >> fn (succ i) (pd, dat)
| x == ',' = getChar >>= \c -> fn (succ i) (pd, update (const (ord c)))
| x == '[' && dat IM.! pd == 0 = fn (succ (matchUp IM.! i)) (pd, dat)
| x == '[' = fn (succ i) (pd, dat)
| x == ']' = fn (matchDn IM.! i) (pd, dat)
| otherwise = fn (succ i) (pd, dat)
where instrs = listArray (0, length inp - 1) inp
x = instrs !i
update fn = IM.update (Just . fn) pd dat
matchUp = buildTable Up '[' instrs
matchDn = buildTable Down ']' instrs
buildTable dir start instrs = IM.fromList
[(p, matchBrackets dir instrs p) | p <- [0 .. snd $ bounds instrs], instrs !p == start]
matchBrackets :: Dir -> Array Int Char -> Int -> Int
matchBrackets Up instrs p = m (succ p) 0 where
m p depth
| instrs !p == '[' = m (succ p) (depth + 1)
| instrs !p == ']' = if depth == 0 then p else m (succ p) (depth - 1)
| otherwise = m (succ p) depth
matchBrackets Down instrs p = m (pred p) 0 where
m p depth
| instrs !p == ']' = m (pred p) (depth + 1)
| instrs !p == '[' = if depth == 0 then p else m (pred p) (depth - 1)
| otherwise = m (pred p) depth
main = getContents >>= interpret
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Pet3ris commented Aug 21, 2012

This should be useful: Monad Transformers Step by Step.

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