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Last active March 28, 2019 22:28
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Updated slp13at420's Premium System script for TrinityCore 3.3.5 (25-March-2019) (
© EmuDev's Premium System ©
By Grumbo / slp13at420 `The Mad Scientist` of ©
with the community of,
for the community of
project info:
Type : CPP
started : 04/20/2016
finished : unfinished Public Release
public released : 04/20/2016
lead programmer : slp13at420
ideas provided by : Wolord, Portals, Kaev, Vitrex, jonmii, slp13at420.
scripting provided by : slp13at420.
scripting guideance provided by : GrandElf, Rochet2.
This is a CPP Premium System.
This allows for either account Premium
rank or character Premium rank.
allows for permenant Premium rank
or timed based duration Premium rank.
© This is an only release. ©
© do not remove or change credits above ©
© dont share this System without prior approval ©
© Dont re-release as yours or anothers work ©
#include "Chat.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "Guild.h"
#include "Language.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "Pet.h"
#include "RBAC.h"
#include "Premium_System.h"
#include "ScriptMgr.h"
#include "SpellMgr.h"
#include "SpellInfo.h"
#include "Unit.h"
#include "World.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "DatabaseEnv.h"
#include "DBCStores.h"
#include "GameTime.h"
#include "WorldSession.h"
#include "Map.h"
int BUFFS[24] = { 24752, 48074, 43223, 36880, 467, 48469, 48162, 48170, 16877, 10220, 13033, 11735, 10952, 23948, 26662, 47440, 53307, 132, 23737, 48470, 43002, 26393, 24705, 69994 };
int DEBUFFS[4] = { 57724, 57723, 80354, 95809 };
PREM::PREM() { }
for (std::unordered_map<uint32, PremiumElements>::iterator itr = Premium.begin(); itr != Premium.end(); ++itr)
delete &itr->second;
for (std::unordered_map<uint32, PremiumItemElements>::iterator itr = PremiumItem.begin(); itr != PremiumItem.end(); ++itr)
delete &itr->second;
for (std::unordered_map<uint32, PremiumLocationElements>::iterator itr = PremiumLocations.begin(); itr != PremiumLocations.end(); ++itr)
delete &itr->second;
for (std::unordered_map<uint32, PremiumLocationElements>::iterator itr = PremiumMallLocations.begin(); itr != PremiumMallLocations.end(); ++itr)
delete &itr->second;
for (std::unordered_map<uint32, PremiumLocationElements>::iterator itr = PremiumPublicMallLocations.begin(); itr != PremiumPublicMallLocations.end(); ++itr)
delete &itr->second;
for (std::unordered_map<uint32, PremiumPlayerLocationElements>::iterator itr = PremiumPlayerLocations.begin(); itr != PremiumPlayerLocations.end(); ++itr)
delete &itr->second;
for (std::unordered_map<uint32, PremiumTeamLocationElements>::iterator itr = PremiumTeamLocations.begin(); itr != PremiumTeamLocations.end(); ++itr)
delete &itr->second;
PREM* PREM::instance()
static PREM instance;
return &instance;
// Global Functions
uint64 PREM::ConvertStringToNumber(std::string arg)
uint64 Value64;
std::istringstream(arg) >> Value64;
return Value64;
std::string PREM::ConvertNumberToString(uint64 numberX)
auto number = numberX;
std::stringstream convert;
std::string number32_to_string;
convert << number;
number32_to_string = convert.str();
return number32_to_string;
std::string PREM::GetAmountInString(uint32 amount)
uint64 tmp;
std::string output = "";
if (amount > 9999)
tmp = floor(amount / 10000);
amount = amount - (tmp * 10000);
output = output + sPREM->ConvertNumberToString(tmp) + " Gold, ";
if (amount > 99)
tmp = floor(amount / 100);
amount = amount - (tmp * 100);
output = output + sPREM->ConvertNumberToString(tmp) + " Silver, ";
if (amount <= 99)
tmp = (amount);
amount = amount - (tmp);
output = output + sPREM->ConvertNumberToString(tmp) + " Copper";
return output;
class PREMIUM_Load_Conf : public WorldScript
PREMIUM_Load_Conf() : WorldScript("PREMIUM_Load_Conf") { };
virtual void OnConfigLoad(bool /*reload*/)
TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "______________________________________");
TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium System -");
sPREM->SetPremiumType(sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("PREM.TYPE", 0)); // 0 = acct :: 1 = character.
sPREM->SetPremiumModifier(sConfigMgr->GetFloatDefault("PREM.MODIFIER", 0.2f));
sPREM->SetPremiumTimed(sConfigMgr->GetBoolDefault("PREM.TIMED", 0)); // 0 = no :: 1 = yes duration -> Premium will reset after x days..
sPREM->SetPremiumDuration(sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("PREM.DURATION", 30)); // x in days.
sPREM->SetGMMinimumRank(sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("PREM.GM_MINIMUM_RANK", 3));
sPREM->SetPremiumUgradeItem(sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("PREM.UPGRADE_ITEM", 64000));
sPREM->SetWaterBreathe(sConfigMgr->GetBoolDefault("PREM.WATER_BREATHE", 0));
sPREM->SetDecreaseSpellCost(sConfigMgr->GetBoolDefault("PREM.SPELL_COST_DECREASE", 0));
sPREM->SetPremiumItemsEnabled(sConfigMgr->GetBoolDefault("PREM.ITEMS", 0));
sPREM->SetPremiumTalentPointBonusEnabled(sConfigMgr->GetBoolDefault("PREM.TP_ENABLE", 0));
sPREM->SetPremiumTalentPointBonus(sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("PREM.TP_BONUS", 14));
sPREM->SetPremiumHealthPointBonusEnabled(sConfigMgr->GetBoolDefault("PREM.HP_ENABLE", 0));
sPREM->SetPremiumManaPointBonusEnabled(sConfigMgr->GetBoolDefault("PREM.MANA_ENABLE", 0));
sPREM->SetPremiumRagePointBonusEnabled(sConfigMgr->GetBoolDefault("PREM.RAGE_ENABLE", 0));
sPREM->SetPremiumTitleId(sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("PREM.TITLE_ID", 500));
sPREM->SetPremiumTitleMaskId(sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("PREM.TITLE_MASK_ID", 156));
sPREM->SetPremiumChatDelay(sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("PREM.CHAT_TIMER", 5)); // in seconds // 5 = 5 seconds.
sPREM->SetPremiumChatTeam(sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("PREM.CHAT_TEAM", 0)); // 0 = team chat only // 1 world chat.
if (sPREM->IsPremiumItemsEnabled())
QueryResult ItemQery = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT `entry`, `premium` FROM `item_template` WHERE `premium`='1';");
if (ItemQery)
Field* fields = ItemQery->Fetch();
uint32 item_id = fields[0].GetUInt32();
uint32 premium = fields[1].GetUInt8();
PremiumItemElements& data1 = sPREM->PremiumItem[item_id];
// Save the DB values to the MyData object = item_id;
data1.premium = premium;
} while (ItemQery->NextRow());
if (sPREM->GetPremiumType() == 0) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium type:Account"); };
if (sPREM->GetPremiumType() > 0) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium type:Character"); };
TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium GM Minimum rank:%u", sPREM->GetGMMinimumRank());
if (sPREM->IsPremiumTimed()) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium rank duration activated"); };
if (sPREM->IsPremiumTimed()) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium rank duration:%u days", sPREM->GetPremiumDurationInDays()); };
if (sPREM->IsPremiumItemsEnabled()) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium Items loaded:%u", PREMIUM_ITEM_COUNT); };
TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium modifier value:%.2f", sPREM->GetPremiumModifier());
if (sPREM->IsPremiumTalentPointBonusEnabled()) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Extra Talent Points Enabled +%u", sPREM->GetPremiumTalentPointBonus()); };
if (sPREM->IsPremiumHealthPointBonusEnabled()) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Extra Health Points Enabled x%.2f", sPREM->GetPremiumModifier()); };
if (sPREM->IsPremiumManaPointBonusEnabled()) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Extra Mana Points Enabled x%.2f", sPREM->GetPremiumModifier()); };
if (sPREM->IsPremiumRagePointBonusEnabled()) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Extra Rage Points Enabled x%.2f", sPREM->GetPremiumModifier()); };
if (sPREM->CanWaterBreathe()) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium Water Breathing enabled"); };
if (sPREM->CanDecreaseSpellCost()) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium Reduced Spell Costs enabled"); };
if (sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId() > 0) // this block is to protect from crashing error where title is enabled but does not exist in the dbc file.
if (!sCharTitlesStore.LookupEntry(sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId()))
TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium Title ID:%u does NOT exist in dbc file.", sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId());
TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium Title:%u Disabled", sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId());
else { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium Title ID:%u enabled", sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId()); };
QueryResult PremLocQry = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT * FROM premium_locations");
if (PremLocQry)
Field *fields = PremLocQry->Fetch();
// Save the DB values to the LocData object
uint8 id = fields[0].GetUInt8();
uint32 map_id = fields[1].GetUInt32();
float x = fields[2].GetFloat();
float y = fields[3].GetFloat();
float z = fields[4].GetFloat();
float o = fields[5].GetFloat();
PremiumLocationElements& data2 = sPREM->PremiumLocations[id]; // like Lua table GWARZ[guild_id].entry = id;
data2.map_id = map_id;
data2.x = x;
data2.y = y;
data2.z = z;
data2.o = o;
} while (PremLocQry->NextRow());
if (PremLocQry) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium Locations Loaded:%u", sPREM->PremiumLocations.size()); };
QueryResult PremMallLocQry = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT * FROM premium_Mall_locations");
if (PremMallLocQry)
Field *fields = PremMallLocQry->Fetch();
// Save the DB values to the LocData object
uint8 id = fields[0].GetUInt8();
uint32 map_id = fields[1].GetUInt32();
float x = fields[2].GetFloat();
float y = fields[3].GetFloat();
float z = fields[4].GetFloat();
float o = fields[5].GetFloat();
PremiumLocationElements& data3 = sPREM->PremiumMallLocations[id]; // like Lua table GWARZ[guild_id].entry = id;
data3.map_id = map_id;
data3.x = x;
data3.y = y;
data3.z = z;
data3.o = o;
} while (PremMallLocQry->NextRow());
if (PremMallLocQry) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium Mall Locations Loaded:%u", sPREM->PremiumMallLocations.size()); };
QueryResult PremPlayerLocQry = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT * FROM premium_player_teleports");
if (PremPlayerLocQry)
Field *fields = PremPlayerLocQry->Fetch();
// Save the DB values to the LocData object
uint32 guid = fields[0].GetUInt32();
uint32 map_id = fields[1].GetUInt32();
float x = fields[2].GetFloat();
float y = fields[3].GetFloat();
float z = fields[4].GetFloat();
float o = fields[5].GetFloat();
PremiumPlayerLocationElements& data4 = sPREM->PremiumPlayerLocations[guid]; // like Lua table GWARZ[guild_id].entry
data4.guid = guid;
data4.map_id = map_id;
data4.x = x;
data4.y = y;
data4.z = z;
data4.o = o;
} while (PremPlayerLocQry->NextRow());
if (PremPlayerLocQry) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium Player Locations Loaded:%u", sPREM->PremiumPlayerLocations.size()); };
QueryResult PremTeamLocQry = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT * FROM premium_team_teleports");
if (PremTeamLocQry)
Field *fields = PremTeamLocQry->Fetch();
// Save the DB values to the LocData object
uint32 team = fields[0].GetUInt32();
uint32 map_id = fields[1].GetUInt32();
float x = fields[2].GetFloat();
float y = fields[3].GetFloat();
float z = fields[4].GetFloat();
float o = fields[5].GetFloat();
PremiumTeamLocationElements& data5 = sPREM->PremiumTeamLocations[team]; // like Lua table GWARZ[guild_id].entry = team;
data5.map_id = map_id;
data5.x = x;
data5.y = y;
data5.z = z;
data5.o = o;
} while (PremTeamLocQry->NextRow());
if (PremTeamLocQry) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium Team Locations Loaded"); };
QueryResult PremPublicMallLocQry = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT * FROM premium_Mall_locations");
if (PremPublicMallLocQry)
Field *fields = PremPublicMallLocQry->Fetch();
// Save the DB values to the LocData object
uint8 id = fields[0].GetUInt8();
uint32 map_id = fields[1].GetUInt32();
float x = fields[2].GetFloat();
float y = fields[3].GetFloat();
float z = fields[4].GetFloat();
float o = fields[5].GetFloat();
PremiumLocationElements& data6 = sPREM->PremiumPublicMallLocations[id]; // like Lua table GWARZ[guild_id].entry = id;
data6.map_id = map_id;
data6.x = x;
data6.y = y;
data6.z = z;
data6.o = o;
} while (PremPublicMallLocQry->NextRow());
TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "- Premium rank upgrade item id:%u", sPREM->GetPremiumUgradeItem());
TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "______________________________________");
// Player Functions
uint32 PREM::GetPlayerPremiumId(Player* player)
uint32 id;
if (sPREM->GetPremiumType() == 0)
id = player->GetSession()->GetAccountId();
id = player->GetSession()->GetGUIDLow();
return id;
class Premium_Reset_Timer : public BasicEvent
Premium_Reset_Timer(Player* player) : player(player)
uint32 id = sPREM->GetPlayerPremiumId(player);
uint64 current_time = GameTime::GetGameTime();
uint64 player_premium_time = sPREM->Premium[id].time;
uint64 duration = sPREM->GetPremiumDurationInSeconds();
uint64 cycle_duration = ((player_premium_time + duration) - current_time);
player->m_Events.AddEvent(this, player->m_Events.CalculateTime(cycle_duration * 1000)); // timed events are in ms while everything else is stored in seconds...
bool Execute(uint64, uint32) override
if (player->IsInWorld())
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Your Premium rank has expired.");
sPREM->UpdatePlayerPremiumValue(player, 0, 0);
return true;
Player* player;
void PREM::AddPremiumToPlayer(Player* player)
uint32 id = sPREM->GetPlayerPremiumId(player);
uint32 maxPower = sPREM->IncreaseValueWithModifier(player, sPREM->Premium[id].power_max);
if (sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId())
if (!player->HasTitle(sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId())) { player->SetTitle(sCharTitlesStore.LookupEntry(sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId()), false); };
player->SetUInt32Value(PLAYER_CHOSEN_TITLE, sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId());
if (sPREM->IsPremiumHealthPointBonusEnabled())
uint32 MaxHP = sPREM->IncreaseValueWithModifier(player, sPREM->Premium[id].hp);
if ((player->GetPowerType() == POWER_MANA) && (sPREM->IsPremiumManaPointBonusEnabled())) { player->SetMaxPower(POWER_MANA, maxPower); };
if ((player->GetPowerType() == POWER_RAGE) && (sPREM->IsPremiumRagePointBonusEnabled())) { player->SetMaxPower(POWER_RAGE, maxPower); };
void PREM::RemovePremiumFromPlayer(Player* player)
uint32 id = sPREM->GetPlayerPremiumId(player);
if (sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId() > 0)
if (player->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_CHOSEN_TITLE) == sPREM->GetPremiumTitleMaskId()) { player->SetUInt32Value(PLAYER_CHOSEN_TITLE, -1); };
if (player->HasTitle(sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId())) { player->SetTitle(sCharTitlesStore.LookupEntry(sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId()), true); };
if ((player->GetPowerType() == POWER_MANA) && (sPREM->IsPremiumManaPointBonusEnabled())) { player->SetMaxPower(POWER_MANA, sPREM->Premium[id].power_max); };
if ((player->GetPowerType() == POWER_RAGE) && (sPREM->IsPremiumRagePointBonusEnabled())) { player->SetMaxPower(POWER_RAGE, sPREM->Premium[id].power_max); };
void PREM::UpdatePlayerCustomHomeTeleport(uint32 guid, uint32 map_id, float x, float y, float z, float o)
WorldDatabase.PExecute("REPLACE INTO `premium_player_teleports` SET guid=%u, `map_id`='%u', `x`='%f', `y`='%f', `z`='%f', `o`='%f';", guid, map_id, x, y, z, o);
PremiumPlayerLocationElements& data = sPREM->PremiumPlayerLocations[guid];
// Save the DB values to the MyData object
data.guid = guid;
data.map_id = map_id;
data.x = x;
data.y = y;
data.z = z;
data.o = o;
void PREM::UpdatePlayerPremiumValue(Player* player, uint8 value, uint64 time)
uint32 id = GetPlayerPremiumId(player);
if (sPREM->GetPremiumType())
CharacterDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE `characters` SET `premium`='%u', `premium_time`='%u' WHERE guid=%u;", value, time, id);
LoginDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE `account` SET `premium`='%u', `premium_time`='%u' WHERE id=%u;", value, time, id);
if (value == 0)
sPREM->Premium[id].premium = 0;
sPREM->Premium[id].time = 0;
if (value > 0)
sPREM->Premium[id].premium = 1;
sPREM->Premium[id].time = time;
uint64 PREM::GetPlayerPremiumRemainingTimeInSeconds(Player* player)
uint32 id = sPREM->GetPlayerPremiumId(player);
uint64 duration = sPREM->GetPremiumDurationInSeconds();
uint64 current_time = GameTime::GetGameTime();
uint64 player_time = sPREM->Premium[id].time;
uint64 remaining_time = 0;
remaining_time = ((player_time + duration) - current_time);
return (remaining_time);
std::string PREM::GetPlayerPremiumTimeLeftInString(Player* player)
uint64 remaining = sPREM->GetPlayerPremiumRemainingTimeInSeconds(player);
uint64 tmp;
std::string output = "";
if (remaining >= 2592000)
tmp = floor(remaining / 2592000); // (((((remaining / 1000) / 60) / 60) / 24) / 30);
remaining = remaining - (tmp * 2592000);
output = output + sPREM->ConvertNumberToString(tmp) + " Months, ";
if (remaining >= 86400)
tmp = floor(remaining / 86400); // ((((remaining / 1000) / 60) / 60) / 24);
remaining = remaining - (tmp * 86400);
output = output + sPREM->ConvertNumberToString(tmp) + " Days, ";
if (remaining >= 3600)
tmp = floor(remaining / 3600); // (((remaining / 1000) / 60) / 60);
remaining = remaining - (tmp * 3600);
output = output + sPREM->ConvertNumberToString(tmp) + " Hours, ";
if (remaining >= 60)
tmp = floor(remaining / 60); // ((remaining / 1000) / 60);
remaining = remaining - (tmp * 60);
output = output + sPREM->ConvertNumberToString(tmp) + " Minutes, ";
if (remaining < 60)
tmp = (remaining / 1);
remaining = remaining - (tmp * 1);
output = output + sPREM->ConvertNumberToString(tmp) + " Seconds";
return output;
void PREM::DepositGoldToPlayerGuildBank(Player* player, uint32 amount)
Guild* guild = player->GetGuild();
uint32 Deposit_Amount = ceil(amount * sPREM->GetPremiumModifier());
std::string money = sPREM->GetAmountInString(Deposit_Amount);
guild->HandleMemberDepositMoney(player->GetSession(), Deposit_Amount);
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("%s of your loot get's deposited into your Guild's bank.", money.c_str());
player->ModifyMoney((0 - Deposit_Amount));
uint32 PREM::IncreaseValueWithModifier(Player* player, uint32 value)
if (sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
value += ceil(value * sPREM->GetPremiumModifier());
return value;
uint32 PREM::DecreaseValueWithModifier(Player* player, uint32 value)
if (sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
value -= ceil(value * sPREM->GetPremiumModifier());
return value;
void SendPremiumMessage(std::string msg, uint8 team_id)
SessionMap sessions = sWorld->GetAllSessions();
for (SessionMap::iterator itr = sessions.begin(); itr != sessions.end(); ++itr)
if (!itr->second)
Player *player = itr->second->GetPlayer();
bool IsPlayerPremium = sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player);
if ((player->IsGameMaster()) || (IsPlayerPremium && ((player->GetTeamId() == team_id) || ((player->GetTeamId() != team_id) && ((sPREM->GetPremiumChatTeam()) || team_id == 2)))))
class Unit_Premium_Engine : public UnitScript
Unit_Premium_Engine() : UnitScript("Unit_Premium_Engine") { };
virtual void OnHeal(Unit* healer, Unit* reciever, uint32& gain)
Player* healer_player = healer->ToPlayer();
Player* target_player = reciever->ToPlayer();
if (healer_player)
gain = sPREM->IncreaseValueWithModifier(healer_player, gain);
if (target_player)
gain = sPREM->IncreaseValueWithModifier(target_player, gain);
virtual void OnDamage(Unit* attacker, Unit* victim, uint32& damage)
Player* attacking_player = attacker->ToPlayer();
Player* target_player = victim->ToPlayer();
if (attacking_player)
damage = sPREM->IncreaseValueWithModifier(attacking_player, damage);
if (target_player)
damage = sPREM->DecreaseValueWithModifier(target_player, damage);
virtual void ModifyMeleeDamage(Unit* target, Unit* attacker, uint32& damage)
Player* attacking_player = attacker->ToPlayer();
Player* target_player = target->ToPlayer();
if (attacking_player)
damage = sPREM->IncreaseValueWithModifier(attacking_player, damage);
if (target_player)
damage = sPREM->DecreaseValueWithModifier(target_player, damage);
virtual void ModifySpellDamageTaken(Unit* target, Unit* attacker, int32& damage)
Player* attacking_player = attacker->ToPlayer();
Player* target_player = target->ToPlayer();
if (attacking_player)
damage = sPREM->IncreaseValueWithModifier(attacking_player, damage);
if (target_player)
damage = sPREM->DecreaseValueWithModifier(target_player, damage);
class Player_Premium_Engine : public PlayerScript
Player_Premium_Engine() : PlayerScript("Player_Premium_Engine") { };
virtual void OnLogout(Player* player)
uint32 id = sPREM->GetPlayerPremiumId(player);
virtual void OnLogin(Player* player, bool /*firstLogin*/)
uint32 id = sPREM->GetPlayerPremiumId(player);
QueryResult PremiumQery;
if (sPREM->GetPremiumType() == 0)
PremiumQery = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT premium, premium_time FROM account WHERE id=%u;", id);
PremiumQery = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT premium , premium_time FROM characters WHERE guid=%u;", id);
if (PremiumQery)
Field* fields = PremiumQery->Fetch();
uint8 premium = fields[0].GetUInt8();
uint32 premium_time = fields[1].GetUInt64();
PremiumElements& data = sPREM->Premium[id];
// Save the values to the Data object. Build the players unordered_map table. = id;
data.premium = premium;
data.time = premium_time;
data.hp = player->GetMaxHealth();
data.power_max = player->GetMaxPower(player->GetPowerType()); = 0;
data.chat_time = 0;
if (sPREM->GetPremiumType() == 0)
TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "PREMIUM_LOAD_ERROR ID:%u", id);
TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "PREMIUM_LOAD_ERROR GUID:%u", id);
if (sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Greetings %s. You are ranked Premium.", player->GetName());
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Greetings %s.You can donate to recieve the Premium rank.", player->GetName());
} // On Login
virtual void OnDuelEnd(Player* killer, Player* victim, DuelCompleteType /*type*/)
{ // idea from Kaev
if (sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(killer))
if (killer->GetPowerType() == POWER_MANA) { killer->SetPower(POWER_MANA, killer->GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA)); };
for (uint32 i = 0; i < sizeof(DEBUFFS) / sizeof(DEBUFFS); i++)
if (killer->HasAura(DEBUFFS[i])) { killer->RemoveAura(DEBUFFS[i]); };
if (sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(victim))
if (victim->GetPowerType() == POWER_MANA) { victim->SetPower(POWER_MANA, victim->GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA)); };
for (uint32 i = 0; i < sizeof(DEBUFFS) / sizeof(DEBUFFS); i++)
if (victim->HasAura(DEBUFFS[i])) { victim->RemoveAura(DEBUFFS[i]); };
} // Duel end
virtual void OnChat(Player* player, uint32 type, uint32 lang, std::string& msg)
uint64 current_time = GameTime::GetGameTime();
uint32 id = sPREM->GetPlayerPremiumId(player);
std::string PCMSG = "";
std::string ChannelColor = "|cff808080";
std::string TeamColor[2] = { "|cff0080FF", "|cffCC0000" };
if (player->IsGameMaster()) // here we will set the gm's stored values so they clear the checks.
sPREM->Premium[id].time = current_time - sPREM->SetPremiumChatDelay();
sPREM->Premium[id].last_message = "";
if ((msg != "") && (lang != LANG_ADDON) && (msg != "Away") && (player->CanSpeak() == true) && (sPREM->Premium[id].chat == 1))
if ((current_time < (sPREM->Premium[id].time + sPREM->SetPremiumChatDelay())) || (sPREM->Premium[id].last_message == msg))
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("-Spam detect triggered-");
sPREM->Premium[id].last_message = msg;
sPREM->Premium[id].time = current_time;
uint8 team_id = player->GetTeamId();
PCMSG += "[" + ChannelColor + "Premium|r][" + TeamColor[team_id] + player->GetName() + "|r]";
if (player->IsGameMaster())
PCMSG += "[GM]";
team_id = 2;
PCMSG += ":" + msg;
SendPremiumMessage(PCMSG, team_id);
msg = -1;
virtual void OnGiveXP(Player* player, uint32& amount, Unit* /*victim*/)
amount = sPREM->IncreaseValueWithModifier(player, amount);
virtual void OnReputationChange(Player* player, uint32 /*factionId*/, int32& standing, bool /*incremental*/)
standing = sPREM->IncreaseValueWithModifier(player, standing);
// Item Functions
void PREM::UpdateItemPremiumValue(uint32 item_id, uint8 value)
WorldDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE `item_template` SET `premium`='%u' WHERE `entry`=%u;", value, item_id);
sPREM->PremiumItem[item_id].premium = value;
//mindsear: added PREM:: to function
void PREM::RemoveItem(uint32 id, Player * player)
player->DestroyItemCount(uint32(id), 1, true);
//mindsear: added PREM:: to function
bool PREM::CheckIfPlayerInCombatOrDead(Player * player)
bool return_type = true;
if (player->IsFrozen())
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("ermm .. your frozen...");
return_type = false;
if (player->isDying())
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("ermm .. your dying...");
return_type = false;
if (player->isDead())
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("ermm .. your dead...");
return_type = false;
if (player->InArena())
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You are in an arena.");
return_type = false;
if (player->IsInCombat())
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You are in combat.");
return_type = false;
if (player->InBattleground())
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You are in a battleground.");
return_type = false;
return return_type;
//mindsear: added PREM:: to function
void PREM::TeleportPlayer(Player * player, uint8 id)
bool IsPrem = sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player);
auto team_id = player->GetTeamId();
uint32 guid = player->GetGUID();
if (!IsPrem)
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
if (CheckIfPlayerInCombatOrDead(player))
switch (id)
if (sPREM->PremiumLocations.size() != 2)
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Under Construction.");
player->TeleportTo(sPREM->PremiumLocations[team_id].map_id, sPREM->PremiumLocations[team_id].x, sPREM->PremiumLocations[team_id].y, sPREM->PremiumLocations[team_id].z, sPREM->PremiumLocations[team_id].o);
if (sPREM->PremiumMallLocations.size() != 2)
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Under Construction.");
player->TeleportTo(sPREM->PremiumMallLocations[team_id].map_id, sPREM->PremiumMallLocations[team_id].x, sPREM->PremiumMallLocations[team_id].y, sPREM->PremiumMallLocations[team_id].z, sPREM->PremiumMallLocations[team_id].o);
if (sPREM->PremiumPlayerLocations[guid].guid != 0) // player customizable home gps.
player->TeleportTo(sPREM->PremiumPlayerLocations[guid].map_id, sPREM->PremiumPlayerLocations[guid].x, sPREM->PremiumPlayerLocations[guid].y, sPREM->PremiumPlayerLocations[guid].z, sPREM->PremiumPlayerLocations[guid].o);
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You must set a location as home first.");
if (sPREM->PremiumTeamLocations.size() != 2)
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Under Construction.");
player->TeleportTo(sPREM->PremiumTeamLocations[team_id].map_id, sPREM->PremiumTeamLocations[team_id].x, sPREM->PremiumTeamLocations[team_id].y, sPREM->PremiumTeamLocations[team_id].z, sPREM->PremiumTeamLocations[team_id].o);
if (sPREM->PremiumPublicMallLocations.size() != 2)
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Under Construction.");
player->TeleportTo(sPREM->PremiumPublicMallLocations[team_id].map_id, sPREM->PremiumPublicMallLocations[team_id].x, sPREM->PremiumPublicMallLocations[team_id].y, sPREM->PremiumPublicMallLocations[team_id].z, sPREM->PremiumPublicMallLocations[team_id].o);
class Premium_Coin_Script : public ItemScript
Premium_Coin_Script() : ItemScript("Premium_Coin_Script") { };
virtual bool OnUse(Player* player, Item* item, SpellCastTargets const& targets)
uint32 id = sPREM->GetPlayerPremiumId(player);
if (sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player)) // i may just remove this and let players update while they still are Premium ranked.
std::string output = sPREM->GetPlayerPremiumTimeLeftInString(player);
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You allready have the Premium rank.");
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Your Premium Rank will expire in %s.", output.c_str());
sPREM->RemoveItem(item->GetEntry(), player);
sPREM->UpdatePlayerPremiumValue(player, 1, GameTime::GetGameTime());
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Congratulations. You have been awarded the Premium Rank.");
if (sPREM->IsPremiumTimed())
std::string output = sPREM->GetPlayerPremiumTimeLeftInString(player);
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Your Premium Rank will expire in %s days.", output.c_str());
return true;
class Premium_Commands : public CommandScript
Premium_Commands() : CommandScript("Premium_Commands") { }
std::vector<ChatCommand> GetCommands() const
static std::vector<ChatCommand> SetPlayerPremiumCommandTable =
{ "on", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumSetPlayerRankTrueCommand, "allows the Admin to set a players Premium rank to 1." },
{ "off", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumSetPlayerRankFalseCommand, "allows the Admin to set a players Premium rank to 0." },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> SetItemPremiumCommandTable =
{ "on", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumSetItemRankTrueCommand, "allows the Admin to set an items Premium rank to 1." },
{ "off", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumSetItemRankFalseCommand, "allows the Admin to set an items Premium rank to 0." },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> SetPremiumCommandSetTable =
{ "player", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, NULL, "Player Premium set sub command tree.", SetPlayerPremiumCommandTable },
{ "item", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, NULL, "Item Premium set sub command tree.", SetItemPremiumCommandTable },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> ResetPremiumCommandTable =
{ "tp", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumResetTPCommand, "allows the player to reset there talent points without cost." },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> SetPremiumCommandChangeTable =
{ "home", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumSetHomeTeleport, "allows the player to set there custom teleport location." },
{ "drink", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumDrinkCommand, "allows the player to increase +5 to Drunk." },
{ "drunk", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumDrunkCommand, "allows the player become 100 drunk." },
{ "sober", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumSoborCommand, "allows the player to become sobor." },
{ "premium", rbac::RBAC_PERM_COMMAND_SERVER, true, NULL, "Premium set sub command tree.", SetPremiumCommandSetTable },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> CharacterPremiumCommandChangeTable =
{ "race", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumChangeRaceCommand, "allows the player to change there race during next login." },
{ "faction", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumChangeFactionCommand, "allows the player to change there faction during next login." },
{ "customize", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumCustomizeCommand, "allows the player to re-costumize there character during next login." },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> ChatPremiumCommandChangeTable =
{ "on", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumChatOnCommand, "allows the player to set there /s channel to a Premium only chat channel.." },
{ "off", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumChatOffCommand, "allows the player to reset there /say to normal function." },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> PremiumTeleportLocations =
{ "location", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumLocationTeleport, "allows the player to teleport to custom Premium only location." },
{ "mall", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumMallTeleport, "allows the player to teleport to custom Premium mall location." },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> PremiumTeleportTable =
{ "home", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumTeleportHome, "allows the player to teleport to there personal custom location." },
{ "base", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumTeleportBase, "allows the player to teleport to there team base location." },
{ "mall", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumTeleportMall, "allows the player to teleport to a public mall custom location." },
{ "premium", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, NULL, "Premium locations sub location tree.", PremiumTeleportLocations },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> PremiumCommandLearnMyTable =
{ "spells", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumLearnMySpells, "allows the player to learn all there class spells." },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> PremiumCommandLearnTable =
{ "my", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, NULL, "Premium learn my sub command tree.", PremiumCommandLearnMyTable },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> PremiumCommandUnlearnMyTable =
{ "spells", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumUnlearnMySpells, "allows the player to unlearn all there class spells." },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> PremiumCommandUnlearnTable =
{ "my", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, NULL, "Premium learn my sub command tree.", PremiumCommandUnlearnMyTable },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> PremiumCommandDnDAppearTable =
{ "off", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumDnDAppearOffCommand, "allows Premium playesr to appear to you." },
{ "on", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumDnDAppearOnCommand, "Blocks Premium players from appearing to you." },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> PremiumCommandDnDTable =
{ "appear", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, NULL, "Premium learn my sub command tree.", PremiumCommandDnDAppearTable },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> PremiumCommandTable =
{ "chat", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, NULL, "Premium Chat sub command tree.", ChatPremiumCommandChangeTable },
{ "buff", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumBuffCommand, "Premium Command used to Buff your character." },
{ "maxskills", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumMaxSkillsCommand, "Premium Command used to repair all items without cost." },
{ "morph", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumMorphPlayerCommand, "Premium Command used to morph." },
{ "demorph", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumDeMorphPlayerCommand, "Premium Command used to demorph." },
{ "repair", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumRepairCommand, "Premium Command used to repair all items without cost." },
{ "reset", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, NULL, "Premium reset sub command tree.", ResetPremiumCommandTable },
{ "teleport", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, NULL, "Premium set sub command tree.", PremiumTeleportTable },
{ "set", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, NULL, "Premium set sub command tree.", SetPremiumCommandChangeTable },
{ "character", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, NULL, "Premium Character customizing commands.", CharacterPremiumCommandChangeTable },
{ "on", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumOnCommand, "Fast activate Premium Title." },
{ "off", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumOffCommand, "Fast un-activate Premium Title." },
{ "learn", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, NULL, "Premium Learn sub command tree.", PremiumCommandLearnTable },
{ "unlearn", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, NULL, "Premium Unlearn sub command tree.", PremiumCommandUnlearnTable },
{ "who", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, &HandlePremiumWhoCommand, "List online premium members." },
{ "appear", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, false, &HandlePremiumAppearCommand, "" },
{ "dnd", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, NULL, "Premium DnD sub command tree.", PremiumCommandDnDTable },
static std::vector<ChatCommand> commandTable =
{ "premium", rbac::RBAC_IN_GRANTED_LIST, true, NULL, "Premium custom commands.", PremiumCommandTable },
return commandTable;
static bool HandlePremiumRepairCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
player->DurabilityRepairAll(0, 0, false);
return_type = true;
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumBuffCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
for (uint8 i = 0; i < sizeof(BUFFS) / sizeof(*BUFFS); i++)
player->AddAura(BUFFS[i], player);
return_type = true;
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumResetTPCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
uint32 tp = player->GetFreeTalentPoints();
uint32 extratp = sPREM->GetPremiumTalentPointBonus();
player->SetFreeTalentPoints(tp + extratp);
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Your Talent Points have been reset.");
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("+ %utp.", extratp);
return_type = true;
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumDrinkCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
uint8 drink = player->GetDrunkValue();
player->SetDrunkValue(drink + 5);
handler->PSendSysMessage("!Down the hatch!");
return_type = true;
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumDrunkCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
handler->PSendSysMessage("!You drunk!");
return_type = true;
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumSoborCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
handler->PSendSysMessage("You're now sobor..");
return_type = true;
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumChangeRaceCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
handler->PSendSysMessage("Relog to change race of your character.");
return_type = true;
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumChangeFactionCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
handler->PSendSysMessage("Relog to change faction of your character.");
return_type = true;
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumCustomizeCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
handler->PSendSysMessage("Relog to customize your character.");
return_type = true;
return return_type;
// Player commands
static bool HandlePremiumChatOnCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player) || !player->IsGameMaster())
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
uint32 id = sPREM->GetPlayerPremiumId(player);
sPREM->Premium[id].chat = true;
sPREM->Premium[id].chat_time = GameTime::GetGameTime() - sPREM->SetPremiumChatDelay();
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Premium Chat on.");
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("now switch to `/s` and chat away.");
return_type = true;
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumChatOffCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player) || !player->IsGameMaster())
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
uint32 id = sPREM->GetPlayerPremiumId(player);
sPREM->Premium[id].chat = false;
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Premium Chat off.");
return_type = true;
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumMorphPlayerCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
return_type = true;
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumDeMorphPlayerCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
return_type = true;
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumMaxSkillsCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
handler->PSendSysMessage("Your skills have been maxed.");
return_type = true;
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumOnCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
if (sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId() == 0)
handler->PSendSysMessage("The Admin hasn't added a custom title yet.");
return_type = false;
if (!player->HasTitle(sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId())) { player->SetTitle(sCharTitlesStore.LookupEntry(sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId()), false); };
player->SetUInt32Value(PLAYER_CHOSEN_TITLE, sPREM->GetPremiumTitleMaskId());
return_type = true;
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumOffCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
if (sPREM->GetPremiumTitleId() == 0)
handler->PSendSysMessage("The Admin hasn't added a custom title yet.");
return_type = false;
player->SetUInt32Value(PLAYER_CHOSEN_TITLE, -1);
return_type = true;
return return_type;
static void PremiumLearUnlearnSpells(ChatHandler* handler, bool learn)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
uint8 pClass = player->getClass();
ChrClassesEntry const* classEntry = sChrClassesStore.LookupEntry(pClass);
uint32 family = classEntry->spellfamily;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < sSkillLineAbilityStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
SkillLineAbilityEntry const* entry = sSkillLineAbilityStore.LookupEntry(i);
if (!entry)
SpellInfo const* spellInfo = sSpellMgr->GetSpellInfo(entry->spellId);
if (!spellInfo)
// skip server-side/triggered spells
if (spellInfo->SpellLevel == 0)
// skip wrong class/race skills
if (!handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer()->IsSpellFitByClassAndRace(spellInfo->Id))
// skip other spell families
if (spellInfo->SpellFamilyName != family)
// skip spells with first rank learned as talent (and all talents then also)
if (GetTalentSpellCost(spellInfo->GetFirstRankSpell()->Id) > 0)
// skip broken spells
if (!SpellMgr::IsSpellValid(spellInfo, player, false))
if (learn) { player->LearnSpell(spellInfo->Id, false); }
if (player->HasSpell(spellInfo->Id))
player->RemoveSpell(spellInfo->Id, false, true);
if (learn) { handler->SendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_LEARN_CLASS_SPELLS); }
static bool HandlePremiumLearnMySpells(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
uint8 pClass = player->getClass();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
PremiumLearUnlearnSpells(handler, true);
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumUnlearnMySpells(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
uint8 pClass = player->getClass();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
PremiumLearUnlearnSpells(handler, false);
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumWhoCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
uint8 pClass = player->getClass();
bool return_type;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
SessionMap sessions = sWorld->GetAllSessions();
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Current Premium players online:");
for (SessionMap::iterator itr = sessions.begin(); itr != sessions.end(); ++itr)
if (!itr->second)
Player *target = itr->second->GetPlayer();
if (sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(target))
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("%s, ", target->GetName().c_str());
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumAppearCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
uint8 pClass = player->getClass();
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return false;
Player* target;
ObjectGuid targetGuid;
std::string targetName;
if (!handler->extractPlayerTarget((char*)args, &target, &targetGuid, &targetName))
return false;
if (!target)
return false;
bool check = sPREM->DnDAppear(target);
if (!check)
if (target == player || targetGuid == player->GetGUID())
return false;
Map* map = target->GetMap();
std::string chrNameLink = handler->playerLink(targetName);
if (map->IsBattlegroundOrArena())
handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_CANNOT_GO_TO_BG_GM, chrNameLink.c_str());
return false;
if (map->IsDungeon())
handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_CANNOT_GO_TO_INST_PARTY, chrNameLink.c_str());
return false;
float x, y, z;
target->GetContactPoint(player, x, y, z);
player->TeleportTo(target->GetMapId(), x, y, z, player->GetAbsoluteAngle(target), TEXT_EMOTE_BOGGLE);
player->SetPhaseMask(target->GetPhaseMask(), true);
ChatHandler(target->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("%s Has Premium appeared to You.", player->GetName().c_str());
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You have Premium appeared to %s.", target->GetName().c_str());
return true;
ChatHandler(target->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("%s Has attempted to Premium appear to You.", player->GetName().c_str());
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("%s Has -DnD- blocked Premium appear.", target->GetName().c_str());
return true;
return false;
static bool HandlePremiumDnDAppearOffCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
uint8 pClass = player->getClass();
bool return_type;
uint32 id = sPREM->GetPlayerPremiumId(player);
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
sPREM->Premium[id].dndappear = false;
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You have allowed other Premiums to appear to you.");
return return_type;
static bool HandlePremiumDnDAppearOnCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
uint8 pClass = player->getClass();
bool return_type;
uint32 id = sPREM->GetPlayerPremiumId(player);
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
sPREM->Premium[id].dndappear = true;
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You have blocked other Premiums from appearing to you.");
return return_type;
// GM Player Commands
static bool HandlePremiumSetPlayerRankTrueCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
Player* target = player->GetSelectedPlayer();
uint64 game_time = GameTime::GetGameTime();
if (player->GetSession()->GetSecurity() >= sPREM->GetGMMinimumRank())
if (target)
sPREM->UpdatePlayerPremiumValue(target, 1, game_time);
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You have added the Premium rank to %s.", target->GetName().c_str());
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Please target a player.");
return true;
static bool HandlePremiumSetPlayerRankFalseCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
Player* target = player->GetSelectedPlayer();
uint64 game_time = GameTime::GetGameTime();
std::string arg = args;
if (player->GetSession()->GetSecurity() >= sPREM->GetGMMinimumRank())
if (target)
sPREM->UpdatePlayerPremiumValue(target, 0, 0);
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You have removed %s`s Premium rank.", target->GetName().c_str());
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Please target a player.");
return true;
// GM Item Commands
static bool HandlePremiumSetItemRankTrueCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
std::string arg = args;
if (player->GetSession()->GetSecurity() >= sPREM->GetGMMinimumRank())
if (arg != "")
sPREM->UpdateItemPremiumValue(sPREM->ConvertStringToNumber(arg), 1);
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Item %u set to %u", sPREM->ConvertStringToNumber(arg), 1);
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("enter an item id.");
return true;
static bool HandlePremiumSetItemRankFalseCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
std::string arg = args;
if (player->GetSession()->GetSecurity() >= sPREM->GetGMMinimumRank())
if (arg != "")
sPREM->UpdateItemPremiumValue(sPREM->ConvertStringToNumber(arg), 0);
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Item %u set to %u", sPREM->ConvertStringToNumber(arg), 0);
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("enter an item id.");
return true;
// Player Teleports
static bool HandlePremiumLocationTeleport(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
sPREM->TeleportPlayer(player, 1);
return true;
static bool HandlePremiumMallTeleport(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
sPREM->TeleportPlayer(player, 2);
return true;
static bool HandlePremiumTeleportHome(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
sPREM->TeleportPlayer(player, 3);
return true;
static bool HandlePremiumTeleportBase(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
sPREM->TeleportPlayer(player, 4);
return true;
static bool HandlePremiumTeleportMall(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
sPREM->TeleportPlayer(player, 5);
return true;
static bool HandlePremiumSetHomeTeleport(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
// teleport to player custom location
Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
bool return_type = true;
if (!sPREM->IsPlayerPremium(player))
handler->PSendSysMessage("You dont have the Premium rank. You must have the Premium rank to use this command.");
return_type = false;
sPREM->UpdatePlayerCustomHomeTeleport(player->GetGUID(), player->GetMapId(), player->GetPositionX(), player->GetPositionY(), player->GetPositionZ(), player->GetOrientation());
handler->PSendSysMessage("Location set.");
return return_type;
void AddSC_Premium_System()
new PREMIUM_Load_Conf;
new Unit_Premium_Engine;
new Player_Premium_Engine;
new Premium_Coin_Script;
new Premium_Commands;
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