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Last active November 13, 2020 15:24
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Merging assignment scores into a format your LMS requires
lms_export <- tribble(
~Name, ~`Student ID`, ~`HW 01 [Total Pts: 100 Score] |so many more characters`, ~`and many more columns`,
"Dorianne Grey", 12345, NA, NA,
"Krista Rose", 67890, NA, NA
hw_scores <- tribble(
~student_id, ~score,
12345, 80,
67890, 75
hw_var_name <- str_subset(names(lms_export), "HW 01")
lms_export %>%
select(Name:`Student ID`) %>%
left_join(hw_scores, by = c(`Student ID` = "student_id")) %>%
rename(!!hw_var_name := score)
#> # A tibble: 2 x 3
#> Name `Student ID` `HW 01 [Total Pts: 100 Score] |so many more charac…
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Dorianne Grey 12345 80
#> 2 Krista Rose 67890 75
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