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Last active November 1, 2017 17:31
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Sudoku Solver 3 - Appendix 1 #blog #bernard
neural_net module. Please create a directory neural_net with a blank and in it in order to read
the pickle archive provided as it requires this module.
import numpy as np
import cv2
def read_image(path):
"""Reads image as grayscale and normalises and flattens the array."""
img = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) # Load as grayscale
img = img / 255 # Normalise values
return img.flatten() # Flatten to shape [784]
def convert_to_one_hot(digit):
"""Converts an integer between 0-9 into an"""
if 0 > digit or digit > 9:
raise ValueError('Only accepts integers between 0 and 9')
x = [0.] * 10
x[int(digit)] = 1.
return x
class Subset:
def __init__(self, images, labels):
"""Class for a subset of a dataset, e.g. training or test data."""
self.num_items = len(images)
self.images = images
self.labels = labels
self.used = [] # Holds all of the indices that have already been used in a previous batch
def next_batch(self, n):
Gets a random batch of images and associated labels to use. Tries not to reuse elements until all elements in
the set have been used once. This isn't perfect but due to randomisation should still be useful for training.
n (int): Number of items to receive.
tuple: The first is an `np.array` of randomly selected images and the second is and `np.array` of their
associated labels.
# Reset the used array when it is full
if len(self.used) + n > self.num_items:
self.used = np.array([])
# Restricts to only the unused indices
possible = range(self.num_items)
possible = np.array(list(filter(lambda x: x not in self.used, possible)))
rand = np.random.permutation(len(possible)) # Randomises the order
batch_idx = rand[:n] # Takes n elements
batch_idx = possible[batch_idx] # Takes the random elements from the list of possible indices to use
self.used = np.concatenate((self.used, batch_idx), axis=0)
return self.images[batch_idx], self.labels[batch_idx]
class Dataset:
def __init__(self, images, labels, from_path=False, normalise=True, flatten=True, one_hot=True, training_ratio=0.8,
subsets=False, image_size=28, split=True):
Class for holding datasets of images and associated labels. Specifically written for square images of digits.
images (list|tuple): List of images read directly from `cv2`. Expects images to be grayscale.
labels (list|tuple): List of integers, with each integer indicating the label from 0-9.
from_path (bool): If True, will load the images from paths given.
normalise (bool): If True, will normalise the image so each pixel is measured between 0 and 1.
flatten (bool): If True, will flatten each image array so it is one-dimensional.
one_hot (bool): If True will convert integer digit labels to lists of length 10 with a 1 indicating the
position of the value and 0 in each other position.
training_ratio (float): Indicates the percentage that should be used to randomly split the data into training
and test segments. E.g. `training=0.8` would mean 80% training data, 20% test.
subsets (bool): If True, will expect images and labels to be lists or tuples where the first element is
the array for training data and the second is for test data.
image_size (int): Length of side of the square image in pixels.
split (bool): If True, will automatically split the whole dataset according to the `training_ratio`. Otherwise
will accept tuples for `images` and `labels` where the first element is the training data and the second
element is the test data.
def process(imgs, labs):
if from_path or normalise or flatten: # Handles various loading options
images_ = []
for img in imgs:
if from_path: # Read the image as grayscale
img = cv2.imread(img, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
if len(img) != image_size ** 2: # Resize the image if it is not already a square
img = cv2.resize(img, (28, 28))
if normalise: # Normalise the data
img = img / 255
if flatten: # Flatten the array into 1-D
img = img.flatten()
imgs = images_
del images_
if one_hot:
labs = [convert_to_one_hot(digit) for digit in labs]
if len(imgs) != len(labs):
raise AssertionError('Different number of images compared to labels.')
if type(imgs) is not np.array:
imgs = np.array(imgs)
if type(labs) is not np.array:
labs = np.array(labs)
return imgs, labs
if not subsets:
if split:
images, labels = process(images, labels)
self.num_items = len(images)
# Randomly shuffle the indices and split into a training and test set based on the input ratio
indices = np.random.permutation(images.shape[0])
ratio_idx = int(training_ratio * self.num_items)
training_idx, test_idx = indices[:ratio_idx], indices[ratio_idx:]
# Creates subsets based on the training and test split
self.train = Subset(images[training_idx], labels[training_idx])
self.test = Subset(images[test_idx], labels[test_idx])
self.train = Subset(*process(images[0], labels[0]))
self.test = Subset(*process(images[1], labels[1]))
self.train = Subset(images[0], labels[0])
self.test = Subset(images[1], labels[1])
def train_size(self):
return len(self.train.images)
def test_size(self):
return len(self.test.images)
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