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Created December 8, 2018 07:46
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class Bitmasks:
do bitmasks operations in linear time
def __init__(self):
def reverse_bit(self, mask):
expecting mask with exactly one '1'
returns number of that '1' digit
actually, this calculates log2 of power of 2
reverse_bit(1) == 0 # 1 == 2 ** 0
reverse_bit(4) == 2 # 4 == 2 ** 2
reverse_bit(1024) == 10 # 1024 == 2 ** 10
cur = 0
while mask > 1:
cur += 1
mask //= 2
return cur
def lst2mask(self, lsts):
expecting iterable container of numbers
returns mask with requested bits
lst2mask([0, 3, 5]) = 0b101001 == 2**0 + 2**3 + 2**5
return sum((1 << x) for x in set(lsts))
def popbit(self, mask):
expecting nonzero mask
returns tuple (number of lowest bit, mask without that bit)
popbit(11) == popbit(0b1011) == (0, 0b1010) == (0, 10)
popbit(12) == popbit(0b1100) == (2, 0b1000) == (2, 8)
others = mask & (mask - 1)
repmask = mask ^ others
return self.reverse_bit(repmask), others
def mask2seq(self, mask):
expecting mask
yielding all mask's bits
list(mask2seq(11)) == list(mask2seq(0b1011)) == [0, 2, 3]
while mask:
rep, mask = self.popbit(mask)
yield rep
def popcount(self, mask):
expecting mask
returns total number of '1's
popcount(11) == popcount(0b1011) == 3
return sum(1 for _ in self.mask2seq(mask))
def is_subset(self, left, right):
expecting two masks
returns True if left is subset of right
return (left | right) == right
class FastBitmasks(Bitmasks):
do almost all bitmasks operations in constant time
after precalculations
def __init__(self, n):
precalculate all masks with length = n
self.n = n
def build_reverse_bit(self):
self._rb = [0] * (1 << self.n)
for i in range(self.n):
self._rb[1 << i] = i
def reverse_bit(self, mask):
return self._rb[mask]
def build_popcount(self):
self._pc = [0] * (1 << self.n)
for mask in range(1, 1 << self.n):
_, other = self.popbit(mask)
self._pc[mask] = self._pc[other] + 1
def popcount(self, mask):
return self._pc[mask]
class Cliquer:
Find max clique in every subgraph
def __init__(self, G, bitmasks=None):
expecting list of masks G which represents adjacency matrix
builds self.max_clique list, where for every mask max_clique[mask]
stores information about maximal clique among vertecies in mask
max_clique[mask] = (size of max clique among mask, submask of mask equal to that clique)
self.G = G
self.n = len(G)
self.bitmasks = bitmasks or Bitmasks(self.n)
def build_is_clique(self):
builds self.is_clique
self.is_clique[mask] = True if verticies from mask forms a clique
dp = self.is_clique = [None] * (1 << self.n)
dp[0] = True # empty subgraph is clique
for mask in range(1, 1 << self.n):
# divide mask into one vertice `rep` and mask of other verticies in mask
rep, others = self.bitmasks.popbit(mask)
# `mask` is clique iff `others` is clique and `rep` is adjacent to all verticies from `other`
dp[mask] = dp[others] and self.bitmasks.is_subset(others, self.G[rep])
def build_max_clique(self):
builds max_clique
read __init__ help for more info
dp = self.max_clique = [(0, 0)] * (1 << self.n)
for mask in range(1, 1 << self.n):
if self.is_clique[mask]:
# if `mask` is clique then max subgraph which froms a clique is `mask` itself
dp[mask] = (self.bitmasks.popcount(mask), mask)
# divide mask into one vertice `rep` and mask of other verticies in mask
rep, others = self.bitmasks.popbit(mask)
# max clique in `mask` is at least as in `others` (`rep` is not in max clique)
dp[mask] = dp[others]
# check if `rep` is in max clique
rep_adj_size, rep_adj_ans = dp[(self.G[rep] & mask) ^ (1 << rep)]
if rep_adj_size >= dp[mask][0]:
dp[mask] = (rep_adj_size + 1, rep_adj_ans | (1 << rep))
class FastCliquer:
Optimize Cliquer using Meet-in-the-middle trick
bitmasks = Bitmasks()
def __init__(self, G):
self.n = len(G)
self.G = G
self.n0 = self.n // 2
self.n1 = self.n - self.n0
self.fastbitmasks = FastBitmasks(self.n1)
self.c0 = Cliquer(self.g0, self.fastbitmasks)
self.c1 = Cliquer(self.g1, self.fastbitmasks)
def __call__(self):
ret = []
for v0 in self.bitmasks.mask2seq(self.ans[1]):
for v1 in self.bitmasks.mask2seq(self.ans[2]):
ret.append(v1 + self.n0)
return ret
def find_max_clique(self):
ans = (0, 0, 0)
for mask0 in range(1 << self.n0):
mask1 = self.mid_grouped[mask0]
a0, mc0 = self.c0.max_clique[mask0]
a1, mc1 = self.c1.max_clique[mask1]
cur = (a0+a1, mc0, mc1)
ans = max(ans, cur)
self.ans = ans
return ans
def build_subgraphs(self):
self.g0 = [[] for i in range(self.n0)]
self.g1 = [[] for i in range(self.n1)] = [self.g0, self.g1]
self.mid = [[] for i in range(self.n0)]
for v in range(self.n):
gv, av = self.assign_vertex(v)
for u in self.bitmasks.mask2seq(self.G[v]):
gu, au = self.assign_vertex(u)
if gv == gu:[gv][av].append(au)
elif gv < gu:
for gg in (self.g0, self.g1, self.mid):
for i in range(len(gg)):
gg[i] = self.bitmasks.lst2mask(gg[i])
def build_mid_grouped(self):
dp = self.mid_grouped = [0] * (1 << self.n0)
dp[0] = (1 << self.n1) - 1
for mask in range(1, 1 << self.n0):
rep, others = self.fastbitmasks.popbit(mask)
dp[mask] = dp[others] & self.mid[rep]
def assign_vertex(self, v):
if v < self.n0:
return 0, v
return 1, v - self.n0
def list_matching(lsts):
n = len(lsts)
G = [[i] for i in range(n)]
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i):
if not (set(lsts[i]) & set(lsts[j])):
G = [Bitmasks().lst2mask(x) for x in G]
return FastCliquer(G)()
l = [[0, 1, 12], [0, 4, 11], [0, 7, 19], [0, 15, 17], [0, 16, 18], [1, 4, 16], [1, 13, 25], [2, 4, 23], [2, 10, 27], [2, 12, 19], [2, 14, 22], [2, 16, 20], [3, 6, 13], [3, 7, 22], [3, 10, 14], [3, 20, 26], [4, 7, 13], [4, 17, 22], [5, 7, 25], [5, 9, 22], [5, 10, 21], [5, 11, 23], [5, 12, 20], [5, 13, 16], [5, 14, 15], [6, 7, 17], [6, 10, 23], [7, 11, 20], [7, 14, 27], [7, 18, 23], [8, 12, 26], [8, 14, 17], [8, 22, 23], [11, 12, 18], [12, 17, 21], [12, 23, 25], [13, 19, 20], [13, 21, 24], [18, 20, 25], [18, 24, 26], [19, 24, 27]]
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