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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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<Aggregate type="min" required="true">
<Compare metric="inequality" required="false">
<Input path="?a" />
<Input path="?b" />
<Aggregate type="average">
<Compare metric="equality" required="true">
<TransformInput function="lowerCase">
<TransformInput function="removeSpecialChars">
<Input path="?a/gr:legalName"/>
<TransformInput function="lowerCase">
<TransformInput function="removeSpecialChars">
<Input path="?b/gr:legalName"/>
<Compare metric="wgs84" required="true" threshold="2">
<Input path="?a/schema:address/schema:geo/wgs84:geometry" />
<Input path="?b/schema:address/schema:geo/wgs84:geometry" />
<Param name="unit" value="km"/>
@prefix gr: <> .
@prefix e: <> .
@prefix wgs84: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
e:e1 gr:legalName "abcd" ;
a gr:BusinessEntity ;
schema:address e:e1a .
e:e1a schema:geo e:e1ag .
e:e1ag wgs84:geometry "50.0839201 14.4415697" .
e:e2 gr:legalName "abcd" ;
a gr:BusinessEntity ;
schema:address e:e2a .
e:e2a schema:geo e:e2ag .
e:e2ag wgs84:geometry "50.089617 14.4130565" .
e:e3 gr:legalName "abcd" ;
a gr:BusinessEntity ;
schema:address e:e3a .
e:e3a schema:geo e:e3ag .
e:e3ag wgs84:geometry "50.0957209 14.3857314" .
e:e4 gr:legalName "abcd" ;
a gr:BusinessEntity ;
schema:address e:e4a .
e:e4a schema:geo e:e4ag .
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