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Last active August 9, 2020 13:01
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A curl based PHP class for CouchDB
class Couch{
private $options = array(
'ip' => '',
'timeout' => 2,
'keep-alive'=> true,
'http-log'=> false,
public $database;
public function __construct($username = null, $password = null, $db = null , $host = null, $port = null, $ip = null) {
$this->options['host'] = (isset($host))?(string)$host:$this->options['host'];
$this->options['port'] = (isset($port))?(int)$port:$this->options['port'];
$this->options['username'] = $username;
$this->options['password'] = $password;
$this->database = $db;
*Creates a database with the name of whatever is stored in $database
public function create_db($name=null){
$this->database = (!empty($name))?$name:$this->database;
$url = $this->build_url();
$result = $this->execute_query('PUT', $url);
return $result;
*Deletes the database currently stored in $database
public function delete_db($name=null){
$this->database = (!empty($name))?$name:$this->database;
$url = $this->build_url();
$result = $this->execute_query('DELETE', $url);
return $result;
//returns database info object
public function db_info(){
$url = $this->build_url();
$result = $this->execute_query('GET', $url);
return $result;
//returns the integer value that should be unique by adding the total docs + deleted docs
public function next_id(){
$result = $this->db_info();
$id = $result['doc_count']+$result['doc_del_count'];
return $id;
/* Creates a document in whatever database is currently set with the document ID that is set
* $data is an array of key value pairs
public function create_doc($data=null, $doc_id=null){
$url = $this->build_url($doc_id);
$data = json_encode($data);
$result = $this->execute_query('PUT', $url, $data);
return $result;
return false;
}else if(empty($doc_id)&&!empty($data)){
$url = $this->build_url();
$data = json_encode($data);
$result = $this->execute_query('POST', $url, $data);
return $result;
return false;
}else return array('error'=>'Please provide a document ID and data');
* Gets a document given a document id and optionally whatever parameters in the form of an array (i.e. key="")
public function get_doc($doc_id=null, $params = null){
$url = $this->build_url($doc_id, $params);
$doc = $this->execute_query('GET', $url);
return $doc;
return false;
public function get_doc_by_view($design_doc=null, $view=null, $key=null, $params=null){
$params['include_docs'] = 'true';
if($result = $this->get_view($design_doc, $view, $key, $params)){
return $result[0]['doc'];
}else return false;
public function get_all($design=false){
$url = $this->build_url('_all_docs', array('include_docs'=>'true'));
$doc = $this->execute_query('GET', $url);
$rows = array();
foreach($doc['rows'] as $row){
if(strpos($row['id'], '_design')===0){}
else $rows[] = $row['doc'];
return $rows;
return $doc['rows'];
return false;
public function get_attributes($doc_id=null, $fields=null, $params=null){
$doc = $this->get_doc($doc_id, $params);
$returning = array();
foreach($fields as $field){
$returning[$field] = $doc[$field];
return $returning;
public function get_attribute($doc_id=null, $field=null, $params=null){
$doc = $this->get_doc($doc_id, $params);
return $doc[$field];
*Checks to see if a document exists and is accessible with a head request. I don't remember why I added it but I'll leave it anyway
public function exists($doc_id = null){
if($doc_id == null) return;
$result = $this->get_head($doc_id);
if(strpos($result['status'], '200')){
return true;
}else {
return false;
* So this accepts an array which is the object you want to add or merge with an existing document essentially set_attributeS
public function add_obj($doc_id, $data){
$doc = $this->get_doc($doc_id);
$keys = array_keys($data);
$doc = array_merge_recursive($doc, $data);
$url = $this->build_url($doc_id);
$data = json_encode($doc);
$revised = $this->execute_query('PUT', $url, $data);
return $revised;
return false;
public function set_attribute($doc_id=null, $field=null, $value=null){
$doc = $this->get_doc($doc_id, $params);
$doc[$field] = $value;
$result = $this->save($doc);
return $doc[$field];
*This takes an array to be turned into an object and PUTS it to the document id you give it. This will completely overwrite whatever is there.
public function revise_doc($doc_id, $data){
$url = $this->build_url($doc_id);
$data = json_encode($data);
$revised = $this->execute_query('PUT', $url, $data);
return $revised;
return false;
*This takes a document that still has its _id and _rev and saves it
public function save($data=null){
if($data==null) return false;
if(isset($data['_id'])){ $url = $this->build_url($data['_id']); $method = "PUT"; }
else{ $url = $this->build_url(); $method = "POST"; }
$data = json_encode($data);
$revised = $this->execute_query($method, $url, $data);
return $revised;
return false;
///params is the query string array with params['q'] being either a string or array of key:values
//if you want to make sure the key:value pair is in the lucene doc prepend the key with a +
//or a - if you want to make sure it is not in the doc.
public function text_search($design_doc, $index, $params){
$string = "_fti/_design/".$design_doc."/".$index;
$url = $this->build_url($string);
$query_string = $this->build_fulltext_query($params);
$url .= "?".rtrim($query_string);
$result = $this->execute_query('GET', $url);
return $result;
return false;
public function download_attachment($doc_id, $attachment){
$string = $doc_id."/".$attachment;
$url = $this->build_url($string);
$output = $this->execute_query('GET', $url, null, false, true);
return $output;
public function upload_attachment($doc_id, $attachment_name, $data, $content_type){
$rev = $this->get_head($doc_id, 'ETag');
$rev = ltrim(rtrim($rev, "\""),"\"");
$string = $doc_id."/".$attachment_name;
$url = $this->build_url($string, array('rev'=>$rev));
$result = $this->execute_query('PUT', $url, $data, false, true, $content_type);
return $result;
*Deletes a document or a specific revision of a document
public function delete_doc($doc_id=null, $revision=null){
$url = $this->build_url($doc_id);
$rev = (!empty($revision))?$revision:trim($this->get_head($doc_id, 'ETag'), '"');;
$url = $this->build_url($doc_id, array('rev'=>$rev));
$result = $this->execute_query('DELETE', $url, null);
return $result;
return false;
//takes a document id and the number of revisions you want to keep and deletes all but those
public function delete_revs($doc_id=null, $num=null){
$data = array('revs_info'=>'true');
$result = $this->get_doc($doc_id, $data);
for($x=$num; $x<count($result['_revs_info']); $x++){
$this->delete_doc($result['_id'], $result['_revs_info'][$x]['rev']);
$resulting = $this->get_doc($doc_id);
return $resulting;
*Returns a specific revision of a document
public function get_rev($doc_id, $num){
$data = array('revs_info'=>'true');
$result = $this->get_doc($doc_id, $data);
foreach($result['_revs_info'] as $value){
$rev_num = (int)substr($value['rev'], 0, 1);
$dat = array('rev'=>$value['rev']);
$frezult = $this->get_doc($doc_id, $dat);
return $frezult;
//Takes the name of the desgin doc, the view name, and an array of parameters to find
public function get_view($design_doc=null, $view=null, $params=null, $include_docs=false){
$url = $this->build_url($this->build_view($design_doc, $view), $params);
$result = $this->execute_query('GET', $url);
return $result['rows'];
return false;
public function get_list($design_doc=null, $list=null, $view=null, $params=null){
$url = $this->build_url($this->build_view($design_doc, $view), $params);
$result = $this->execute_query('GET', $url);
return $result['rows'];
return false;
*Include an array of parameters like array('since'=>25);
public function get_changes($params){
$url = $this->build_url('_changes', $params);
$result = $this->execute_query('GET', $url);
return $result;
*Uses PHPs Build in curl functionality to make requests to the couchdb when provided an HTTP verb(method), the RESTful URL, and a json object as the $data, the $header is for a head request
private function execute_query($method, $url, $data=null, $header=false, $file=false, $content_type=false){
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, $file);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, $header);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, $header);
if(!$file) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-type: application/json'));
else curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-type: '.$content_type));
//if($this->options['password'])curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->options['username'].':'.$this->options['password']);
if(!empty($data))curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
return $result;
$result = json_decode($result, true);
return $result;
*Makes a head request. Useful for just getting a piece of the headers. Second favorite function name.
private function get_head($doc_id, $chunk=null){
$url = $this->build_url($doc_id);
$head = $this->execute_query('HEAD', $url, null, true);
$head = $this->http_parse_headers($head);
return $head[$chunk];
return $head;
*Builds the view section of the url
private function build_view($design_doc=null, $view=null, $include_docs=false){
$view = "_design/".$design_doc."/_view/".$view;
$view .= ($include_docs)?"?include_docs=true":"";
return $view;
*Builds the RESTful url of what youre trying to access
*Can accept an array for 'key' and url encodes it correctly. I think. its worked so far for me.
private function build_url($doc_id=null, $param=null){
$url = 'http://'.$this->options['host']. ':'. $this->options['port'] . '/' . $this->database;
$url .= ($doc_id)? '/'.$doc_id:'';
if($param && count($param)>0){
$url .= '?';
foreach($param as $key=>$value){
$url .= $key .'=[';
foreach($value as $v){
$url .= '"'.urlencode($v).'",';
$url = rtrim($url, ",").']&';
$url .= $key.'='.$value.'&';
$url.= $key.'="'.urlencode($value).'"&';
$url.= $key.'='.$value.'&';
$url = rtrim($url, '&');
return $url;
private function build_fulltext_query($params){
$query_string = "q=";
foreach($params['q'] as $key=>$value){
$query_string .= urlencode($key).":".urlencode($value)." ";
$query_string .= urlencode($params['q']);
}else return;
$query_string .= "&";
foreach($params as $key=>$value){
if($key!="q")$query_string .= $key."=".urlencode($value)."&";
$query_string = substr($query_string, 0, -1);
return $query_string;
*Separates the http headers into an associative array (copied from php docs with a couple changes)
private function http_parse_headers($headers=false){
if($headers === false){
return false;
$headers = explode("\r\n",$headers);
foreach($headers as $value){
$header = explode(": ",$value);
$headerdata['status'] = $header[0];
else if($header[0] && isset($header[1]) && $header[1]){
$headerdata[$header[0]] = $header[1];
return $headerdata;
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