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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long int llint;
llint minPrimeFactor[100000000];
void sieveGen(llint limit)
minPrimeFactor[1] = 1;
for (llint i = 2 ; i <= limit ; i++) minPrimeFactor[i] = i;
for (llint i = 4 ; i <= limit ; i += 2) minPrimeFactor[i] = 2;
for (llint i = 3 ; i * i <= limit; i++)
if (minPrimeFactor[i] == i)
for (llint j = i * i ; j <= limit; j += i) if (minPrimeFactor[j] == j) minPrimeFactor[j] = i;
vector <llint> factor(llint x)
vector <llint> vct;
while (x != 1)
x = x / minPrimeFactor[x];
return vct;
// +
llint count; cin >> count;
pair <llint, llint> arr[count - 1];
for (llint i = 0 ; i <= count - 1 ; i++)
llint a, b;
cin >> a >> b;
arr[i].first = a; arr[i].second = b;
llint max = -1e9;
for (llint i = 0 ; i <= count - 1 ; i++)
if (arr[i].second > max) max =arr[i].second;
if (arr[i].first > max) max = arr[i].first;
if (arr[i].second > max) max =arr[i].second;
for (llint i = 0 ; i <= count - 1 ; i++)
llint t1 = arr[i].first, t2 = arr[i].second;
vector <llint> vct = factor(t1);
map <llint, llint> out1;
llint size1 = vct1.size();
for (llint i = 0 ; i <= size1 - 1 ; i++) if (out1.count(vct1[i])) out1[vct1[i]]++; else out1[vct1[i]] = 1;
set <llint> s1 (vct1.begin(), vct1.end());
vct1.assign(s1.begin(), s1.end());
size1 = vct1.size();
for (llint i = 0 ; i <= size1 - 1 ; i++) cout << "[" << vct1[i] << "] @ [" << out1[vct1[i]] << "]\n";
vector <llint> vct2 = factor(t2);
map <llint, llint> out2;
llint size2 = vct2.size();
for (llint i = 0 ; i <= size2 - 1 ; i++) if (out2.count(vct2[i])) out2[vct2[i]]++; else out2[vct2[i]] = 1;
set <llint> s2 (vct2.begin(), vct2.end());
vct2.assign(s2.begin(), s2.end());
size2 = vct2.size();
for (llint i = 0 ; i <= size2 - 1 ; i++) cout << "[" << vct2[i] << "] @ [" << out2[vct2[i]] << "]\n";
//vct.insert(vct.end(), vct1.begin(), vct1.end());
vct.insert(vct.end(), vct2.begin(), vct2.end());
map <llint, llint> out;
llint size = vct.size();
for (llint i = 0 ; i <= size - 1 ; i++) if (out.count(vct[i])) out[vct[i]]++; else out[vct[i]] = 1;
set <llint> s (vct.begin(), vct.end()); vct.assign(s.begin(), s.end());
size = vct.size();
llint o = 1;
for (llint i = 0 ; i <= size - 1 ; i++)
//cout << "[" << vct[i] << "] @ [" << out[vct[i]] << "]\n";
o *= 2 * out[vct[i]] + 1;
cout << o << endl;
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