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Last active January 17, 2023 15:43
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Deno minimal router
import { serve, ServeInit } from "";
export type PathParams = Record<string, string> | undefined;
export type CallbackHandler<T> = (
request: Request,
params: PathParams,
ctx: T
) => Promise<Response>;
type HttpMethod =
| "GET"
| "HEAD"
| "POST"
| "PUT"
| "PATCH";
interface RouteHandler<T> {
pattern: URLPattern;
handler: CallbackHandler<T>;
type CreateContext<T> = (req: Request) => Promise<T>;
* # Usage
* export const app = new Router<RequestContext>({ context: createContext });
* app.add("GET", "/organizations/:id", getOrganizationHandler);
* app.add("POST", "/organizations", createOrganizationHandler);
export class Router<T> {
private createContext: CreateContext<T>;
constructor({ context }: { context: CreateContext<T> }) {
this.createContext = context;
private routes: Record<HttpMethod, Array<RouteHandler<T>>> = {
GET: [],
HEAD: [],
POST: [],
PUT: [],
TRACE: [],
PATCH: [],
add(method: HttpMethod, pathname: string, handler: CallbackHandler<T>) {
pattern: new URLPattern({ pathname }),
async serve(init?: ServeInit) {
await serve(this.handler, init);
async handler(req: Request) {
const route = this.match(req);
if (!route) {
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ message: "Route not found." }), {
status: 404,
const params: PathParams = route.pattern.exec(req.url)?.pathname.groups;
try {
const response = await route.handler(
await this.createContext(req)
return response;
} catch (error) {
const response = new Response(
JSON.stringify({ message: error.message }),
status: 500,
return response;
private match(req: Request): RouteHandler<T> | null {
for (const r of this.routes[req.method as HttpMethod]) {
if (r.pattern.test(req.url)) {
return r;
return null;
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