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Libraries: JSON Parser MQL4
// $Id: hash.mqh 125 2014-03-03 08:38:32Z ydrol $
//#property strict
This is losely ported from a C version I have which was in turn modified from hashtable.c by Christopher Clark.
Copyright (C) 2014, Andrew Lord (NICKNAME=lordy) <>
Copyright (C) 2002, 2004 Christopher Clark <>
2014/02/21 - Readded PrimeNumber sizes and auto rehashing when load factor hit.
/// Any value stored in a Hash must be a subclass of HashValue
class HashValue {
/// Linked list of values - there will be one list for each hash value
class HashEntry {
string _key;
HashValue * _val;
HashEntry *_next;
HashEntry *_ordered_prev;
HashEntry *_ordered_next;
HashEntry() {
HashEntry(string key,HashValue* val) {
~HashEntry() {
/// Convenience class for storing strings as hash values.
class HashString : public HashValue {
string val;
HashString(string v) { val=v;}
string getVal() { return val; }
/// Convenience class for storing doubles as hash values.
class HashDouble : public HashValue {
double val;
HashDouble(double v) { val=v;}
double getVal() { return val; }
/// Convenience class for storing ints as hash values.
class HashInt : public HashValue {
int val;
HashInt(int v) { val=v;}
int getVal() { return val; }
/// Convenience class for storing longs as hash values.
class HashLong : public HashValue {
long val;
HashLong(datetime v) { val=v;}
long getVal() { return val; }
/// Convenience class for storing datetimes as hash values.
class HashDatetime : public HashValue {
datetime val;
HashDatetime(datetime v) { val=v;}
datetime getVal() { return val; }
/// Hash class allows objects to be stored in a table index by strings.
/// the stored Objects must be a sub class of the HashValue class.
/// There are some convenience classes to hold atomic types as values HashString,HashDouble,HashInt
/// <pre>
/// class myClass: public HashValue {
/// public: int v;
/// myClass(int a) { v = a;}
/// };
/// // Create the objects as needed
/// myClass *a = new myClass(1);
/// myClass *b = new myClass(2);
/// myClass *c = new myClass(3);
/// // Then to insert into hash etc.
/// Hash* h = new Hash(193,true);
/// // 'true' means when the hash will adopt the values and delete them when they are removed from the hash or when the hash is deleted.
/// h.hPut("a",a);
/// h.hPut("b",b);
/// h.hPut("c",c);
/// myClass *d = h.hGet("b");
/// etc.
/// // Iterate over hash
/// HashLoop *l
/// for (l = new HashLoop(h) ; l.hasNext() ; ) {
/// string key = l.key();
/// MyClass *c = l.val();
/// }
/// delete l;
/// // Delete from hash - This will also delete 'a' because we set the 'adopt' flag on the hash.
/// h.hDel("a");
/// //Delete the hash - this will also delete 'b' and 'c' because of the adopt flag.
/// delete h;
/// </pre>
class Hash : public HashValue {
/// Number of slots in the hashtable.
/// this should be approx number of elements to store. Depending on hash algorithm
/// it may optimally be a prime or a power of two etc. but probably not important
/// for MQL4 performance. A future optimisation might be to move the hashcode function to a DLL??
uint _hashSlots;
/// Number of elements at which hash will get resized.
int _resizeThreshold;
/// number of things in the hash
int _hashEntryCount;
/// an array of linked lists (HashEntry). one for each hash value.
/// To store an object against a string(key) - get the string hashcode, then insert pair (key,val) into the linked list for that hashcode.
/// To fetch an object against a string(key) - get the string hashcode, get linked-list at that hashcode index, then search for the key and return the val.
HashEntry* _buckets[];
HashEntry* _ordered_first;
HashEntry* _ordered_last;
/// If true the hash will free(delete) values as they are removed, or at cleanup.
bool _adoptValues;
int _errCode;
string _errText;
void init(uint size,bool adoptValues)
_ordered_first = NULL;
_ordered_last = NULL;
_hashSlots = 0;
_hashEntryCount = 0;
// Hash table distribution is better when size is prime, eg if hash function procduces numbers
// that are multiples of x, then there may be grouping occuring around gcd(x,slots) gcd(2x,slots) etc
// using a prime size helps spread the distribution.
uint size2prime(uint size) {
int pmax=ArraySize(_primes);
for(int p=0 ; p<pmax; p++ ) {
if (_primes[p] >= size) {
return _primes[p];
return size;
/// Primes that approx double in size, used for hash table sizes to avoid gcd causing bunching
static uint _primes[];
uint hash32(string s)
{ // FNV-1a 32 hash algorithm
ushort c[];
uint hval = 0x811c9dc5;
const uint FNV_32_PRIME = 0x01000193;
if (s != NULL)
int n = StringToShortArray(s,c);
// n is one bigger than the length of s because it includes the terminating zero
// so do not execute the following loop for this terminating zero.
for(int i = 0 ; i < n-1 ; i++)
ushort code = c[i];
if(code < 128)
hval ^= code;
else if(code < 2048)
hval ^= 192 + (code >> 6);
hval *= FNV_32_PRIME;
hval ^= 128 + (code & 63);
else // code < 65536, because ushort
hval ^= 224 + (code >> 12);
hval *= FNV_32_PRIME;
hval ^= 128 + ((code>>6) & 63);
hval *= FNV_32_PRIME;
hval ^= 128 + (code & 63);
hval *= FNV_32_PRIME;
return hval % _hashSlots;
uint hash64(string s)
{ // FNV-1a 64 hash algorithm
ushort c[];
ulong hval = 0xCBF29CE484222325;
const ulong FNV_64_PRIME = 0x00000100000001B3;
if (s != NULL)
int n = StringToShortArray(s,c);
// n is one bigger than the length of s because it includes the terminating zero
// so do not execute the following loop for this terminating zero.
for(int i = 0 ; i < n-1 ; i++)
ushort code = c[i];
if(code < 128)
hval ^= code;
else if(code < 2048)
hval ^= 192 + (code >> 6);
hval *= FNV_64_PRIME;
hval ^= 128 + (code & 63);
else // code < 65536, because ushort
hval ^= 224 + (code >> 12);
hval *= FNV_64_PRIME;
hval ^= 128 + ((code>>6) & 63);
hval *= FNV_64_PRIME;
hval ^= 128 + (code & 63);
hval *= FNV_64_PRIME;
return (uint)(hval % _hashSlots);
void clearError() {
void setError(int e,string m) {
_errCode = e;
_errText = m;
/// Constructor: Create a Hash Object
Hash() {
/// Constructor: Create a Hash Object
/// @param adoptValues : If true the hash destructor will <b>delete</b> all dynamically allocated hash values.
Hash(bool adoptValues) {
/// Constructor: Create a Hash Object
/// @param size : Approximate size (actual size will be a larger prime number close to a power of 2)
/// @param adoptValues : If true the hash destructor will <b>delete</b> all dynamically allocated hash values.
Hash(int size,bool adoptValues) {
~Hash() {
// Free entries.
for(uint i = 0 ; i< _hashSlots ; i++) {
HashEntry *nextEntry = NULL;
for(HashEntry *entry = _buckets[i] ; entry!= NULL ; entry = nextEntry )
nextEntry = entry._next;
if (_adoptValues && entry._val != NULL && CheckPointer(entry._val) == POINTER_DYNAMIC ) {
delete entry._val;
delete entry;
_buckets[i] = NULL;
/// Return any error that has occured. This should be used when
/// retriving values in a Hash that may contain NULLs. hGet()
/// methods can return NULL if not found, in which case getErrorCode
/// will be set.
int getErrCode() {
return _errCode;
/// Return text of the error message.
string getErrText() {
return _errText;
/// If true the hash destructor will <b>delete</b> all dynamically allocated hash values.
void setAdoptValues(bool v) {
_adoptValues = v;
/// True if the hash destructor will <b>delete</b> all dynamically allocated hash values.
bool getAdoptValues() {
return _adoptValues;
uint _foundIndex; // After find() is called is set to hashindex for name whether found or not.
HashEntry* _foundEntry; // After find() is called is set to the HashEntry that contains the key.
HashEntry* _foundPrev; // After find() is called is set to the HashEntry before the entry
// (could use double linked list but requires more memory).
/// Look for the required entry for key 'name' true if found.
bool find(string keyName) {
bool found = false;
// Get the index using the hashcode of the string
_foundIndex = hash64(keyName);
if (_foundIndex>_hashSlots ) {
setError(1,"hGet: bad hashIndex="+(string)_foundIndex+" size "+(string)_hashSlots);
} else {
// Search the linked list determined by the index.
_foundPrev = NULL;
for(HashEntry *e = _buckets[_foundIndex] ; e != NULL ; e = e._next ) {
if (e._key == keyName) {
_foundEntry = e;
// Track the item before the target item in case deleting from single linked list.
_foundPrev = e;
return found;
/// This is used by the HashLoop class to get start of LinkedList at bucket[i]
HashEntry*getEntry(int i) {
return _buckets[i];
/// Return the number of slots/buckets (not number of elements)
uint getSlots() {
return _hashSlots;
/// Return the number of elements in the Hash
int getCount() {
return _hashEntryCount;
/// Change the hash size and re-allocate values to new buckets.
bool rehash(uint newSize) {
bool ret = false;
HashEntry* oldTable[];
uint oldSize = _hashSlots;
newSize = size2prime(newSize);
//info("rehashing from "+(string)_hashSlots+" to "+(string)newSize+" "+(string)GetTickCount());
if (newSize <= getSlots()) {
setError(2,"rehash "+(string)newSize+" <= "+(string)_hashSlots);
} else if (ArrayResize(_buckets,newSize) != newSize) {
setError(3,"unable to resize ");
} else if (ArrayResize(oldTable,oldSize) != oldSize) {
setError(4,"unable to resize old copy ");
} else {
uint i;
//Copy old table.
for(i = 0 ; i < oldSize ; i++ ) oldTable[i] = _buckets[i];
// Init new entries - not sure if MQL does this anyway
for(i = 0 ; i<newSize ; i++ ) _buckets[i] = NULL;
// Move entries to new slots
_hashSlots = newSize;
_resizeThreshold = (int)_hashSlots / 4 * 3; // Just use the default load factor value of Javas HashTable
// Look through all slots
for(uint oldHashCode = 0 ; oldHashCode<oldSize ; oldHashCode++ ) {
HashEntry *next = NULL;
// Walk linked list
for(HashEntry *e = oldTable[oldHashCode] ; e != NULL ; e = next ) {
next = e._next;
uint newHashCode = hash64(e._key);
// Insert at head of new list.
e._next = _buckets[newHashCode];
_buckets[newHashCode] = e;
oldTable[oldHashCode] = NULL;
ret = true;
return ret;
/// Check if the hash contains the given key
/// @param keyName : The key
/// @return: true if found otherwise false
bool hContainsKey(string keyName) {
return find(keyName);
/// Fetch a value using string key
/// @return :HashValue associated with the key (or NULL if none found)
/// If the Hashtable contains legitimate NULL values then also check errCode()
/// Examples:
/// If not storing nulls use
/// obj = hash.hGet(x); if (obj != NULL) OK
/// If storing nulls use
/// obj = hash.hGet(x); if (obj != NULL || hash.errCode() == 0 ) OK
HashValue* hGet(string keyName) {
HashValue *obj = NULL;
bool found=false;
if (find(keyName)) {
obj = _foundEntry._val;
} else {
//If Hash contains nulls then also check the errorCode=0 when retrieving
if (!found) {
setError(1,"not found");
return obj;
/// Convenience method for getting values from a HashString value (see hPutString())
string hGetString(string keyName) {
string ret = NULL;
HashString *v = hGet(keyName);
if (v != NULL) {
ret = v.getVal();
return ret;
/// Convenience method for getting values from a HashDouble value (see hPutDouble())
double hGetDouble(string keyName) {
double ret = NULL;
HashDouble *v = hGet(keyName);
if (v != NULL) {
ret = v.getVal();
return ret;
/// Convenience method for getting values from a HashInt value (see hPutInt())
int hGetInt(string keyName) {
int ret = NULL;
HashInt *v = hGet(keyName);
if (v != NULL) {
ret = v.getVal();
return ret;
/// Convenience method for getting values from a HashLong ( see hPutLong())
long hGetLong(string keyName) {
long ret = NULL;
HashLong *v = hGet(keyName);
if (v != NULL) {
ret = v.getVal();
return ret;
/// Convenience method for getting values from a HashDatetime ( see hPutDatetime())
datetime hGetDatetime(string keyName) {
datetime ret = NULL;
HashDatetime *v = hGet(keyName);
if (v != NULL) {
ret = v.getVal();
return ret;
/// Store a hash value against the <b>keyName</b> key. This will overwrite any existing
/// value. It adoptValues is set, it will also free the value if applicable.
/// @param keyName : key name
/// @param obj : Value to store
/// @return the previous value of the key or NULL if there wasnt one
void hPut(string keyName,HashValue *obj) {
if (find(keyName)) {
// Replace entry contents
if (_adoptValues && _foundEntry._val != NULL && CheckPointer(_foundEntry._val) == POINTER_DYNAMIC ) {
delete _foundEntry._val;
_foundEntry._val = obj;
} else {
// Insert new entry at head of list
HashEntry* e = new HashEntry(keyName,obj);
HashEntry* first = _buckets[_foundIndex];
e._next = first;
_buckets[_foundIndex] = e;
_ordered_first = e;
_ordered_last = e;
e._ordered_prev = NULL;
e._ordered_next = NULL;
e._ordered_prev = _ordered_last;
e._ordered_next = NULL;
_ordered_last._ordered_next = e;
_ordered_last = e;
//info((string)_hashEntryCount+" vs. "+(string)_resizeThreshold);
// Auto Resize if number of entries hits _resizeThreshold
if (_hashEntryCount > _resizeThreshold ) {
rehash(_hashSlots/2*3); // this will snap to the next prime
/// Store a string as hash value (HashString)
/// @the previous value of the key or NULL if there wasnt one
void hPutString(string keyName,string s) {
HashString *v = new HashString(s);
/// Store a double as hash value (HashDouble)
/// @the previous value of the key or NULL if there wasnt one
void hPutDouble(string keyName,double d) {
HashDouble *v = new HashDouble(d);
/// Store an int as hash value (HashInt)
/// @the previous value of the key or NULL if there wasnt one
void hPutInt(string keyName,int i) {
HashInt *v = new HashInt(i);
/// Store a datetime as hash value (HashLong)
/// @the previous value of the key or NULL if there wasnt one
void hPutLong(string keyName,long i) {
HashLong *v = new HashLong(i);
/// Store a datetime as hash value (HashDatetime)
/// @the previous value of the key or NULL if there wasnt one
void hPutDatetime(string keyName,datetime i) {
HashDatetime *v = new HashDatetime(i);
/// Delete an entry from the hash.
bool hDel(string keyName) {
bool found = false;
if (find(keyName)) {
HashEntry *next = _foundEntry._next;
if (_foundPrev != NULL) {
//Remove entry from the middle of the list.
_foundPrev._next = next;
} else {
// remove from head of list
_buckets[_foundIndex] = next;
if(NULL == _foundEntry._ordered_prev)
_ordered_first = _foundEntry._ordered_next;
_foundEntry._ordered_prev._ordered_next = _foundEntry._ordered_next;
if(NULL == _foundEntry._ordered_next)
_ordered_last = _foundEntry._ordered_prev;
_foundEntry._ordered_next._ordered_prev = _foundEntry._ordered_prev;
if (_adoptValues && _foundEntry._val != NULL&& CheckPointer(_foundEntry._val) == POINTER_DYNAMIC) {
delete _foundEntry._val;
delete _foundEntry;
return found;
HashEntry* get_ordered_first() { return _ordered_first; }
HashEntry* get_ordered_last() { return _ordered_last; }
uint Hash::_primes[] = {
17, 53, 97, 193, 389,
769, 1543, 3079, 6151,
12289, 24593, 49157, 98317,
196613, 393241, 786433, 1572869,
3145739, 6291469, 12582917, 25165843,
50331653, 100663319, 201326611, 402653189,
805306457, 1610612741};
/// Class to iterate over a Hash using ...
/// <pre>
/// HashLoop *l
/// for (l = new HashLoop(h) ; l.hasNext() ; ) {
/// string key = l.key();
/// MyClass *c = l.val();
/// }
/// delete l;
/// </pre>
class HashLoop {
HashEntry *_currentEntry;
Hash *_hash;
/// Create iterator for a hash - move to first item
HashLoop(Hash *h, bool reset_to_last_object=false) {
setHash(h, reset_to_last_object);
~HashLoop() {};
/// Clear current state and move to first item (if any).
void reset(bool reset_to_last_object=false) {
_currentEntry = reset_to_last_object ? _hash.get_ordered_last() : _hash.get_ordered_first();
/// Change the hash over which to iterate.
void setHash(Hash *h, bool reset_to_last_object=false) {
_hash = h;
/// Check if current item is valid and so the functions
/// key() and val() will not return NULL.
bool isValid() {
bool ret = ( _currentEntry != NULL);
return ret;
/// hasNext(): same as isValid(), only for compatibility reasons with older versions
bool hasNext() {
bool ret = ( _currentEntry != NULL);
return ret;
/// Move to next item.
void next() {
// Advance
if (_currentEntry != NULL) {
_currentEntry = _currentEntry._ordered_next;
/// Move to previous item.
void prev() {
if (_currentEntry != NULL) {
_currentEntry = _currentEntry._ordered_prev;
/// Return the key name of the current item.
string key() {
if (_currentEntry != NULL) {
return _currentEntry._key;
} else {
return NULL;
/// Return the value.
HashValue *val() {
if (_currentEntry != NULL) {
return _currentEntry._val;
} else {
return NULL;
/// Convenience functions for retriving int from a current HashInt entry
int valInt() {
return ((HashInt *)val()).getVal();
/// Convenience functions for retriving int from a current HashString entry
string valString() {
return ((HashString *)val()).getVal();
/// Convenience functions for retriving int from a current HashDouble entry
double valDouble() {
return ((HashDouble *)val()).getVal();
/// Convenience functions for retriving int from a current HashLong entry
long valLong() {
return ((HashLong *)val()).getVal();
/// Convenience functions for retriving int from a current HashDatetime entry
datetime valDatetime() {
return ((HashDatetime *)val()).getVal();
// $Id: json.mqh 4 2015-06-24 13:11:09Z ydrol $
// (C)2014 Andrew Lord
// Parse a JSON String - Adapted for mql4++ from my gawk implementation
// ( )
TODO the constants true|false|null could be represented as fixed objects.
To do this the deleting of _hash and _array must skip these objects.
TODO test null
TODO Parse Unicode Escape
See json_demo for examples.
This requires the hash.mqh ( , )
#include <hash.mqh>
/// Different types of JSON Values
class JSONString ;
/// Generic class for all JSON types (Number, String, Bool, Array, Object )
/// It is a subclass of HashValue so it can be stored in an JSONObject hash
class JSONValue : public HashValue {
int _pos, _line, _column;
JSONValue(int pos=0, int line=0, int column=0) : _pos(pos), _line(line), _column(column) { }
~JSONValue() {}
ENUM_JSON_TYPE getType() { return _type; }
void setType(ENUM_JSON_TYPE t) { _type = t; }
/// True if JSONValue is a instance of JSONString
bool isString() { return _type == JSON_STRING; }
/// True if JSONValue is a instance of JSONNull
bool isNull() { return _type == JSON_NULL; }
/// True if JSONValue is a instance of JSONObject
bool isObject() { return _type == JSON_OBJECT; }
/// True if JSONValue is a instance of JSONArray
bool isArray() { return _type == JSON_ARRAY; }
/// True if JSONValue is a instance of JSONNumber
bool isNumber() { return _type == JSON_NUMBER; }
bool isInt() { return _type == JSON_NUMBER && ((JSONNumber*)GetPointer(this)).isInt(); }
bool isIntType() { return _type == JSON_NUMBER && ((JSONNumber*)GetPointer(this)).isIntType(); }
bool isLong() { return _type == JSON_NUMBER && ((JSONNumber*)GetPointer(this)).isLong(); }
bool isLongType() { return _type == JSON_NUMBER && ((JSONNumber*)GetPointer(this)).isLongType(); }
bool isDouble() { return _type == JSON_NUMBER && ((JSONNumber*)GetPointer(this)).isDouble(); }
/// True if JSONValue is a instance of JSONBool
bool isBool() { return _type == JSON_BOOL; }
// Override in child classes
virtual string toString() {
return "";
// Some convenience getters to cast to the subtype. - this is bad OO design!
/// If this JSONValue is an instance of JSONString return the string (or cast will fail)
string getString() { return ((JSONString *)GetPointer(this)).getString(); }
/// If this JSONValue is an instance of JSONNumber return the double (or cast will fail)
double getDouble() { return ((JSONNumber *)GetPointer(this)).getDouble(); }
/// If this JSONValue is an instance of JSONNumber return the long (or cast will fail)
long getLong() { return ((JSONNumber *)GetPointer(this)).getLong(); }
/// If this JSONValue is an instance of JSONNumber return the int (or cast will fail)
int getInt() { return ((JSONNumber *)GetPointer(this)).getInt(); }
/// If this JSONValue is an instance of JSONBool return the bool (or cast will fail)
bool getBool() { return ((JSONBool *)GetPointer(this)).getBool(); }
/// Get the string value of the JSONValue, without Program termination
/// @param val : String object from which value will be extracted.
/// @param out : The string than was extracted.
/// @return true if OK else false
static bool getString(JSONValue *val,string &out)
if (val != NULL && val.isString()) {
out = val.getString();
return true;
return false;
/// Get the bool value of the JSONValue, without Program termination
/// @param val : String object from which value will be extracted.
/// @param out : The bool than was extracted.
/// @return true if OK else false
static bool getBool(JSONValue *val,bool &out)
if (val != NULL && val.isBool()) {
out = val.getBool();
return true;
return false;
/// Get the double value of the JSONValue, without Program termination
/// @param val : String object from which value will be extracted.
/// @param out : The double than was extracted.
/// @return true if OK else false
static bool getDouble(JSONValue *val,double &out)
if (val != NULL && val.isDouble()) {
out = val.getDouble();
return true;
return false;
/// Get the long value of the JSONValue, without Program termination
/// @param val : String object from which value will be extracted.
/// @param out : The long than was extracted.
/// @return true if OK else false
static bool getLong(JSONValue *val,long &out)
if (val != NULL && val.isLong()) {
out = val.getLong();
return true;
return false;
static bool getLongType(JSONValue *val,long &out)
if (val != NULL && val.isLongType()) {
out = val.getLong();
return true;
return false;
/// Get the int value of the JSONValue, without Program termination
/// @param val : String object from which value will be extracted.
/// @param out : The int than was extracted.
/// @return true if OK else false
static bool getInt(JSONValue *val,int &out)
if (val != NULL && val.isInt()) {
out = val.getInt();
return true;
return false;
static bool getIntType(JSONValue *val,int &out)
if (val != NULL && val.isIntType()) {
out = val.getInt();
return true;
return false;
static bool isString(JSONValue *val)
return val != NULL && val.isString();
static bool isBool(JSONValue *val)
return val != NULL && val.isBool();
static bool isNumber(JSONValue *val)
return val != NULL && val.isNumber();
static bool isDouble(JSONValue *val)
return val != NULL && val.isNumber() && ((JSONNumber*)val).isDouble();
static bool isLong(JSONValue *val)
return val != NULL && val.isNumber() && ((JSONNumber*)val).isLong();
static bool isLongType(JSONValue *val)
return val != NULL && val.isNumber() && ((JSONNumber*)val).isLongType();
static bool isInt(JSONValue *val)
return val != NULL && val.isNumber() && ((JSONNumber*)val).isInt();
static bool isIntType(JSONValue *val)
return val != NULL && val.isNumber() && ((JSONNumber*)val).isIntType();
static bool isArray(JSONValue *val)
return val != NULL && val.isArray();
static bool isObject(JSONValue *val)
return val != NULL && val.isObject();
static bool isNull(JSONValue *val)
return val != NULL && val.isNull();
int get_char_position()
return _pos;
int get_line()
return _line;
int get_column()
return _column;
// -----------------------------------------
/// Class to represent a JSON String
class JSONString : public JSONValue {
string _string;
JSONString(string s, int pos=0, int line=0, int column=0) : JSONValue(pos, line, column)
JSONString(int pos=0, int line=0, int column=0) : JSONValue(pos, line, column)
string getString() { return _string; }
void setString(string v) { _string = v; }
string toString()
ushort uc;
int slen=StringLen(_string), clen=0, i;
for(i=0; i<slen; i++)
uc = StringGetCharacter(_string, i);
if(uc==0x22 /* " */ || uc==0x5C /* \ */)
clen += 2; // \" or \\
else if(uc>=0x20)
else if(uc>=0x08 && uc<=0x0D && uc!=0x0B)
/* backspace U+0008 */
/* tab U+0009 */
/* line feed U+000A */
/* form feed U+000C */
/* carriage return U+000D */
clen += 2;
clen += 6; // Unicode-Escape in the Basic Multilingual Plane (U+0000 bis U+FFFF), e.G. \u005C
return "\"" + _string + "\"";
string str;
StringInit(str, clen);
for(i=0; i<slen; i++)
uc = StringGetCharacter(_string, i);
if(uc==0x22 /* " */ || uc==0x5C /* \ */)
StringSetCharacter(str, clen++, 0x5C /* \ */);
StringSetCharacter(str, clen++, uc);
else if(uc>=0x20)
StringSetCharacter(str, clen++, uc);
else if(uc>=0x08 && uc<=0x0D && uc!=0x0B)
StringSetCharacter(str, clen++, 0x5C /* \ */);
{ /* backspace U+0008 */
StringSetCharacter(str, clen++, 'b');
else if(0x09==uc)
{ /* tab U+0009 */
StringSetCharacter(str, clen++, 't');
else if(0x0A==uc)
{ /* line feed U+000A */
StringSetCharacter(str, clen++, 'n');
else if(0x0C==uc)
{ /* form feed U+000C */
StringSetCharacter(str, clen++, 'f');
else if(0x0D==uc)
{ /* carriage return U+000D */
StringSetCharacter(str, clen++, 'r');
StringSetCharacter(str, clen++, 0x5C /* \ */);
StringSetCharacter(str, clen++, 0x75 /* u */);
for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
ushort hex = (uc & 0xF000) >> 12;
if(hex < 10)
StringSetCharacter(str, clen++, (ushort)((ushort)'0' + hex));
StringSetCharacter(str, clen++, (ushort)(((ushort)'A' - 10) + hex));
uc = (uc & 0x0FFF) << 4;
return "\"" + str +"\"";
// -----------------------------------------
/// Class to represent a JSON Bool
class JSONBool : public JSONValue {
bool _bool;
JSONBool(bool b, int pos=0, int line=0, int column=0) : JSONValue(pos, line, column)
JSONBool(int pos=0, int line=0, int column=0) : JSONValue(pos, line, column)
bool getBool() { return _bool; }
void setBool(bool v) { _bool = v; }
string toString() { return (string)_bool; }
// -----------------------------------------
/// A JSON number may be internall replresented as either an MQL4 double or a long depending on how it was parsed.
/// If one type is set the other is zeroed.
class JSONNumber : public JSONValue {
long _long;
double _dbl;
bool type_is_double;
JSONNumber(long l, int pos=0, int line=0, int column=0) : JSONValue(pos, line, column)
_long = l;
_dbl = 0;
type_is_double = false;
JSONNumber(double d, int pos=0, int line=0, int column=0) : JSONValue(pos, line, column)
_long = 0;
_dbl = d;
type_is_double = true;
/// Get the long value, (cast) from internal double if necessary.
long getLong() {
if(type_is_double) {
return (long)_dbl;
} else {
return _long;
/// Get the int value, (cast) from internal value.
int getInt() {
if (type_is_double) {
return (int)_dbl;
} else {
return (int)_long;
/// Get the double value, (cast) from internal long if necessary.
double getDouble()
if (!type_is_double) {
return (double)_long;
} else {
return _dbl;
bool isIntType() { // Is int type (e.g. parsed from 5 but not from 5.0) ?
return false==type_is_double && _long==((long)((int)_long));
bool isInt() { // Is int type or convertible lossless to int ?
return isIntType() || (true==type_is_double && _dbl==((double)((int)_dbl)));
bool isLongType() { // Is long type (e.g. parsed from 5 but not from 5.0) ?
return false==type_is_double;
bool isLong() { // Is long type or convertible lossless to long ?
return false==type_is_double || (true==type_is_double && _dbl==((double)((long)_dbl)));
bool isDouble() { // Is double type or convertible lossless to double ?
// Returns true in most cases, but for large long numbers a conversion to double may not be lossless
// since the number of mantissa bits of a double is less than 64, but a long type has 64 bits.
return type_is_double || _long==((long)((double)_long));
bool isDoubleType() { // Is double type (e.g. parsed from 5.0 but not from 5) ?
return type_is_double;
string toString() {
if (type_is_double)
string str = (string)_dbl;
if(StringFind(str, ".")>=0 || StringFind(str, "E")>=0 || StringFind(str, "e")>=0)
if(StringLen(str)>=2 && (StringGetCharacter(str, 0)=='+' || StringGetCharacter(str, 0)=='-') && StringGetCharacter(str, 1)=='.')
str = StringSubstr(str, 0, 1) + "0" + StringSubstr(str, 1); // JSON does not allow the notation e.g. .5 instead of 0.5 .
else if(StringLen(str)>=1 && StringGetCharacter(str, 0)=='.')
str = "0" + str; // JSON does not allow the notation e.g. .5 instead of 0.5 .
return str;
return str + ".0";
return (string)_long;
// -----------------------------------------
/// This class should not be necessary, but null is genrally infrequent so
/// I havent bothered to code it away yet.
class JSONNull : public JSONValue {
JSONNull(int pos=0, int line=0, int column=0) : JSONValue(pos, line, column)
~JSONNull() {}
string toString()
return "null";
//forward declaration
class JSONArray ;
/// This represents a JSONObject which is represented internally as a Hash
class JSONObject : public JSONValue {
Hash *_hash;
JSONObject(int pos=0, int line=0, int column=0) : JSONValue(pos, line, column)
_hash = NULL;
if (_hash != NULL) delete _hash;
/// Lookup key and get associated string value - halt program if wrong type(cast error) or doesnt exist(null pointer)
string getString(string key)
return getValue(key).getString();
/// Lookup key and get associated bool value - halt program if wrong type(cast error) or doesnt exist(null pointer)
bool getBool(string key)
return getValue(key).getBool();
/// Lookup key and get associated double value - halt program if wrong type(cast error) or doesnt exist(null pointer)
double getDouble(string key)
return getValue(key).getDouble();
/// Lookup key and get associated long value - halt program if wrong type(cast error) or doesnt exist(null pointer)
long getLong(string key)
return getValue(key).getLong();
/// Lookup key and get associated int value - halt program if wrong type(cast error) or doesnt exist(null pointer)
int getInt(string key)
return getValue(key).getInt();
bool isString(string key)
return isString(getValue(key));
bool isNumber(string key)
return isNumber(getValue(key));
bool isDouble(string key)
return isDouble(getValue(key));
bool isInt(string key)
return isInt(getValue(key));
bool isIntType(string key)
return isIntType(getValue(key));
bool isLong(string key)
return isLong(getValue(key));
bool isLongType(string key)
return isLongType(getValue(key));
bool isBool(string key)
return isBool(getValue(key));
bool isArray(string key)
return isArray(getValue(key));
bool isObject(string key)
return isObject(getValue(key));
bool isNull(string key)
return isNull(getValue(key));
/// Lookup key and get associated string value, return false if failure.
bool getString(string key,string &out)
return getString(getValue(key),out);
/// Lookup key and get associated bool value, return false if failure.
bool getBool(string key,bool &out)
return getBool(getValue(key),out);
/// Lookup key and get associated double value, return false if failure.
bool getDouble(string key,double &out)
return getDouble(getValue(key),out);
/// Lookup key and get associated long value, return false if failure.
bool getLong(string key,long &out)
return getLong(getValue(key),out);
bool getLongType(string key,long &out)
return getLongType(getValue(key),out);
/// Lookup key and get associated int value, return false if failure.
bool getInt(string key,int &out)
return getInt(getValue(key),out);
bool getIntType(string key,int &out)
return getIntType(getValue(key),out);
/// Lookup key and get associated array, NULL if not present. Cast failure if not an Array.
JSONArray *getArray(string key)
return getValue(key);
/// Lookup key and get associated Object, NULL if not present. Cast failure if not an Object.
JSONObject *getObject(string key)
return getValue(key);
/// Lookup key and get associated value - best for data whose structure might change as any type can safely be returned.
JSONValue *getValue(string key)
if (_hash == NULL) {
return NULL;
return (JSONValue*)_hash.hGet(key);
/// Store the value against the specified key string - Used by the parser.
void put(string key,JSONValue *v)
if (_hash == NULL) _hash = new Hash();
string toString() {
string s = "{";
if (_hash != NULL) {
HashLoop *l;
int n=0;
for(l = new HashLoop(_hash) ; l.isValid() ; ) {
JSONValue *v = (JSONValue *)(l.val());
s = s + (++n==1?"":",") + "\"" + l.key() + "\" : " + v.toString();
delete l;
s = s + "}";
return s;
/// Return the internal Hash - Used by JSONIterator
Hash *getHash() {
return _hash;
/// This is a JSONArray which is represented internally as a MQL4 dynamic array of JSONValue *
class JSONArray : public JSONValue {
int _size;
JSONValue *_array[];
JSONArray(int pos=0, int line=0, int column=0) : JSONValue(pos, line, column)
_size = 0;
~JSONArray() {
// clean up array
for(int i = ArrayRange(_array,0)-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
if (CheckPointer(_array[i]) == POINTER_DYNAMIC ) delete _array[i];
// Getters for Objects (key lookup ) --------------------------------------
/// Lookup string value by array index - halt program if wrong type(cast error) or doesnt exist(null pointer)
string getString(int index)
return getValue(index).getString();
/// Lookup bool value by array index - halt program if wrong type(cast error) or doesnt exist(null pointer)
bool getBool(int index)
return getValue(index).getBool();
/// Lookup double value by array index - halt program if wrong type(cast error) or doesnt exist(null pointer)
double getDouble(int index)
return getValue(index).getDouble();
/// Lookup long value by array index - halt program if wrong type(cast error) or doesnt exist(null pointer)
long getLong(int index)
return getValue(index).getLong();
/// Lookup int value by array index - halt program if wrong type(cast error) or doesnt exist(null pointer)
int getInt(int index)
return getValue(index).getInt();
bool isString(int index)
return isString(getValue(index));
bool isNumber(int index)
return isNumber(getValue(index));
bool isDouble(int index)
return isDouble(getValue(index));
bool isInt(int index)
return isInt(getValue(index));
bool isIntType(int index)
return isIntType(getValue(index));
bool isLong(int index)
return isLong(getValue(index));
bool isLongType(int index)
return isLongType(getValue(index));
bool isBool(int index)
return isBool(getValue(index));
bool isArray(int index)
return isArray(getValue(index));
bool isObject(int index)
return isObject(getValue(index));
bool isNull(int index)
return isNull(getValue(index));
/// Lookup JSONString by array index. NULL if not present. Cast failure if not an Object.
bool getString(int index,string &out)
return getString(getValue(index),out);
/// Lookup JSONBool by array index. NULL if not present. Cast failure if not an Object.
bool getBool(int index,bool &out)
return getBool(getValue(index),out);
/// Lookup JSONNumber by array index. NULL if not present. Cast failure if not an Object.
bool getDouble(int index,double &out)
return getDouble(getValue(index),out);
/// Lookup JSONNumber by array index. NULL if not present. Cast failure if not an Object.
bool getLong(int index,long &out)
return getLong(getValue(index),out);
bool getLongType(int index,long &out)
return getLongType(getValue(index),out);
/// Lookup JSONNumber by array index. NULL if not present. Cast failure if not an Object.
bool getInt(int index,int &out)
return getInt(getValue(index),out);
bool getIntType(int index,int &out)
return getIntType(getValue(index),out);
/// Lookup array child by index, NULL if not present. Cast failure if not an Array.
JSONArray *getArray(int index)
return getValue(index);
/// Lookup object child by index, NULL if not present. Cast failure if not an Array.
JSONObject *getObject(int index)
return getValue(index);
/// The following method allows any type to be returned. Use this when parsing unpredictable data
JSONValue *getValue(int index)
if(index<0 || index>=_size)
return NULL;
return _array[index];
/// Used by the Parser when building the array
bool put(int index, JSONValue *v)
if (index >= _size) {
int oldSize = _size;
int newSize = ArrayResize(_array, index+1, (index+(1+3)) / 4);
if (newSize <= index) return false;
_size = newSize;
// initialise
for(int i = oldSize ; i< newSize ; i++ ) _array[i] = NULL;
// Delete old entry if any
if (_array[index] != NULL) delete _array[index];
//set new entry
_array[index] = v;
return true;
string toString() {
string s = "[";
if (_size > 0) {
s = s + _array[0].toString();
for(int i = 1 ; i< _size ; i++ ) {
s = s + "," + _array[i].toString();
s = s + "]";
return s;
int size() {
return _size;
/// Parse JSON text using a simple recursive descent parser
/// Exmaple
/// <pre>
/// string s = "{ \"firstName\": \"John\","+
/// " \"lastName\": \"Smith\","+
/// " \"age\": 25,"+
/// " \"address\": { \"streetAddress\": \"21 2nd Street\", \"city\": \"New York\", \"state\": \"NY\", \"postalCode\": \"10021\" },"+
/// " \"phoneNumber\": [ { \"type\": \"home\", \"number\": \"212 555-1234\" }, { \"type\": \"fax\", \"number\": \"646 555-4567\" } ],"+
/// " \"gender\":{ \"type\":\"male\" } }";
/// JSONParser *parser = new JSONParser();
/// JSONValue *jv = parser.parse(s);
/// if (jv == NULL) {
/// Print("error:"+(string)parser.getErrorCode()+parser.getErrorMessage());
/// } else {
/// Print("PARSED:"+jv.toString());
/// if (jv.isObject()) {
/// JSONObject *jo = jv;
/// // Direct access - will throw null pointer if wrong getter used.
/// Print("firstName:" + jo.getString("firstName"));
/// Print("city:" + jo.getObject("address").getString("city"));
/// Print("phone:" + jo.getArray("phoneNumber").getObject(0).getString("number"));
/// // Safe access in case JSON data is missing or different.
/// if (jo.getString("firstName",s) ) Print("firstName = "+s);
/// // Loop over object returning JSONValue
/// JSONIterator *it = new JSONIterator(jo);
/// for( ; it.isValid() ; {
/// Print("loop:"+it.key()+" = "+it.val().toString());
/// }
/// delete it;
/// }
/// delete jv;
/// }
/// delete parser;
/// </pre>
class JSONParser {
/// Current parse position
int _pos;
/// The input string is expanded into an array of ushort (wchar)
ushort _in[];
/// Length of string
int _len;
/// The original input string
string _instr;
int _tab_size;
int _errCode;
string _errMsg;
int _line;
int _column;
int _begin_object_pos;
int _begin_object_line;
int _begin_object_column;
void setError(int code=1,string msg="") {
_errCode |= code;
if(msg != "")
if (_errMsg == "") {
_errMsg = "JSONParser::Error " + msg;
} else {
_errMsg = _errMsg + "\n" + msg;
/// Parse a JSON Object
JSONObject *parseObject()
JSONObject *o = new JSONObject(_pos, _line, _column);
if (expect('{')) {
while (_errCode == 0) {
if(_pos >= _len)
setError(5, "unexpected end of file while parsing a JSONObject");
if (_in[_pos] != '"')
if(!expect('}')) {
setError(2,"expected \" or } ");
// Read the key
string key = parseString();
if (_errCode != 0 || key == NULL)
if (!expect(':'))
setError(2, "expected : ");
// read the value
JSONValue *v = parseValue();
if (_errCode != 0 ) break;
if (!expectOptional(','))
if(!expect('}')) {
setError(2,"expected , or } ");
if (_errCode != 0) {
delete o;
o = NULL;
return o;
bool isDigit0to9(ushort c) {
return (c >= '0' && c <= '9' );
void skipSpace() {
for( ; _pos<_len ; _pos++)
ushort c = _in[_pos];
if(c == '\n')
_column = 1;
else if(c == ' ')
else if(c == '\t')
_column += _tab_size - ((_column-1) % _tab_size);
else if(c != '\r')
bool expect(ushort c)
if(_pos >= _len)
setError(1, "expected " +
ShortToString(c) + " (" + (string)c + ")" +
" got end of file");
return false;
else if (c == _in[_pos]) {
return true;
} else {
setError(1, "");
return false;
bool expectOptional(ushort c)
bool ret=false;
if (_pos < _len && c == _in[_pos]) {
ret = true;
return ret;
string parseString()
_begin_object_pos = _pos;
_begin_object_line = _line;
_begin_object_column = _column;
string ret = "";
if(expect('"')) {
while(true) {
int end=_pos;
ushort c;
for( ; end < _len && (c=_in[end]) != '"' && c != '\\' ; end++)
// According to the JSON standard, control characters like \r, \n, \t are not allowed inside
// strings. But if TOLERATE_TAB_CR_NL_IN_STRINGS is #defined, they are tolerated rather than raising an error.
if(c == '\n')
_column = 1;
else if(c == '\t')
_column += _tab_size - ((_column-1) % _tab_size);
else if(c != '\r')
if(c < 0x20)
setError(4,"Control characters not allowed in JSON strings. Found character with decimal ASCII code " + (string)c + " .");
_pos = end;
if(_errCode != 0) break;
if (end >= _len) {
setError(5, "unexpected end of file while parsing a string");
_pos = end;
// Check if character was escaped.
// TODO \" \\ \/ \b \f \n \r \t \u0000
if (c == '\\') {
// Add partial string and get more
// If end==_pos, the following statement must not be executed because
// StringSubstr() would not insert an empty string - as one could believe.
// Instead, StringSubstr() would insert the whole rest part of _instr beginning from
// the position _pos.
ret = ret + StringSubstr(_instr,_pos,end-_pos);
if (end >= _len) {
_pos = end;
setError(5, "unexpected end of file after escape \\ inside of string");
} else {
c = 0;
int nrdigit;
switch(_in[end]) {
case '"':
case '\\':
case '/':
c = _in[end];
case 'b': c = 8; break; // backspace - 8
case 'f': c = 12; break; // form feed 12
case 'n': c = '\n'; break;
case 'r': c = '\r'; break;
case 't': c = '\t'; break;
case 'u':
for(nrdigit=0, c=0; nrdigit<4; nrdigit++)
if (end >= _len) {
_pos = end;
setError(5, "unexpected end of file after escape \\u inside of string");
if(_in[end]>='0' && _in[end]<='9')
c = c*16 + (_in[end]-'0');
else if(_in[end]>='a' && _in[end]<='f')
c = c*16 + (_in[end]-'a' + 10);
else if(_in[end]>='A' && _in[end]<='F')
c = c*16 + (_in[end]-'A' + 10);
_pos = end;
setError(4,"unicode escape must be followed by four hexadecimal digits");
_pos = end;
setError(4,"unknown escape");
if (_errCode != 0) break;
ret = ret + ShortToString(c);
_pos = end;
} else if (c == '"') {
// End of string
// If end==_pos, the following statement must not be executed because
// StringSubstr() would not insert an empty string - as one could believe.
// Instead, StringSubstr() would insert the whole rest part of _instr beginning from
// the position _pos.
ret = ret + StringSubstr(_instr,_pos,end-_pos);
_pos = end;
if (_errCode != 0) {
ret = NULL;
return ret;
JSONValue *parseValue()
JSONValue *ret = NULL;
string s;
if(_pos >= _len)
setError(5, "unexpected end of file while parsing a JSONValue");
return NULL;
if (_in[_pos] == '[') {
ret = (JSONValue*)parseArray();
} else if (_in[_pos] == '{') {
ret = (JSONValue*)parseObject();
} else if (_in[_pos] == '"') {
s = parseString();
ret = (JSONValue*)new JSONString(s, _begin_object_pos, _begin_object_line, _begin_object_column);
} else if (isDigit0to9(_in[_pos]) || _in[_pos]=='+' || _in[_pos]=='-' || _in[_pos]=='.') {
bool isDouble = false;
long sign;
int i;
_begin_object_pos = _pos;
_begin_object_line = _line;
_begin_object_column = _column;
if (_in[_pos] == '-') {
sign = -1;
} else if (_in[_pos] == '+') {
sign = 1;
} else {
sign = 1;
while(i < _len && isDigit0to9(_in[i])) {
if(i < _len && _in[i]=='.')
isDouble = true;
while(++i < _len && isDigit0to9(_in[i]))
{ }
if(i < _len && (_in[i]=='e' || _in[i]=='E'))
isDouble = true;
if(++i < _len && (_in[i]=='+' || _in[i]=='-'))
if(i >= _len || !isDigit0to9(_in[i]))
setError(5, "error parsing a number");
return NULL;
while(++i < _len && isDigit0to9(_in[i]))
{ }
s = StringSubstr(_instr,_pos,i-_pos);
if(isDouble) {
double d = sign * StringToDouble(s);
ret = (JSONValue*)new JSONNumber(d, _begin_object_pos, _begin_object_line, _begin_object_column); // Create a Number as double only
} else {
long l = sign * StringToInteger(s);
ret = (JSONValue*)new JSONNumber(l, _begin_object_pos, _begin_object_line, _begin_object_column); // Create a Number as a long
_column += i-_pos;
_pos = i;
} else if (_in[_pos] == 't' && StringSubstr(_instr,_pos,4) == "true") {
ret = (JSONValue*)new JSONBool(true, _pos, _line, _column);
_pos += 4;
} else if (_in[_pos] == 'f' && StringSubstr(_instr,_pos,5) == "false") {
ret = (JSONValue*)new JSONBool(false, _pos, _line, _column);
_pos += 5;
} else if (_in[_pos] == 'n' && StringSubstr(_instr,_pos,4) == "null") {
ret = (JSONValue*)new JSONNull(_pos, _line, _column);
_pos += 4;
} else {
setError(3, "error parsing a JSONValue");
if (_errCode != 0 && ret != NULL ) {
delete ret;
ret = NULL;
return ret;
JSONArray *parseArray()
JSONArray *ret = new JSONArray(_pos, _line, _column);
int index = 0;
if (expect('[')) {
if (_pos >= _len) {
setError(5, "unexpected end of file while parsing a JSONArray");
delete ret;
return NULL;
if(!expectOptional(']')) {
while (_errCode == 0) {
// read the value
JSONValue *v = parseValue();
if (_errCode != 0) break;
if (!ret.put(index++,v)) {
setError(3,"memory error adding "+(string)index);
if (!expectOptional(','))
if(!expect(']')) {
setError(2,"JSONArray: expected , or ] ");
if (_errCode != 0 ) {
delete ret;
ret = NULL;
return ret;
int getErrorCode()
return _errCode;
string getErrorMessage()
return _errMsg;
int get_char_position()
return _pos;
int get_line()
return _line;
int get_column()
return _column;
JSONParser(int tab_size=3)
{ // tab_size is only used for counting columns when there is a TAB in the JSON code.
// The column number can be read out with get_column() in case of an error (when parse() returns NULL).
_tab_size = tab_size;
/// Parse a sequnce of characters and return a JSONValue.
JSONValue *parse(
string s ///< Serialized JSON text
int inLen;
JSONValue *ret = NULL;
_instr = s;
_len = StringToShortArray(_instr,_in); // nul '0' is added to length
_pos = 0;
_line = 1;
_column = 1;
_errCode = 0;
_errMsg = "";
inLen = StringLen(_instr);
if (_len != inLen + 1 /* nul */ ) {
setError(1, "unable to create array " + (string)inLen + " got " + (string)_len);
} else {
_len --;
ret = parseValue();
if (_errCode != 0) {
_errMsg = _errMsg + " in line " + (string)_line + " column " + (string)_column + " [" + StringSubstr(_instr,_pos,10) + "...]";
return ret;
/// Class to iterate over a JSONObject (not a JSONArray)
class JSONIterator {
HashLoop * _l;
// Create iterator and move to first item
JSONIterator(JSONObject *jo)
_l = new HashLoop(jo.getHash());
delete _l;
// Check if current item is valid and so the function
// val() will not return NULL.
bool isValid()
return _l.isValid();
// Check if current item is valid and so the function
// val() will not return NULL.
// Deprecated since the name hasNext is misleading
bool hasNext()
return _l.isValid();
// Move to next item
void next() {;
// Return item
JSONValue *val()
return (JSONValue *) (_l.val());
// Return key
string key()
return _l.key();
void json_demo()
string s = "{ \"firstName\": \"John\","+
" \"lastName\": \"Smith\","+
" \"age\": 25,"+
" \"address\": { \"streetAddress\": \"21 2nd Street\", \"city\": \"New York\", \"state\": \"NY\", \"postalCode\": \"10021\" },"+
" \"phoneNumber\": [ { \"type\": \"home\", \"number\": \"212 555-1234\" }, { \"type\": \"fax\", \"number\": \"646 555-4567\" } ],"+
" \"gender\":{ \"type\":\"male\" } }";
JSONParser *parser = new JSONParser();
JSONValue *jv = parser.parse(s);
if (jv == NULL) {
} else {
if (jv.isObject()) {
JSONObject *jo = jv;
// Direct access - will throw null pointer if wrong getter used.
Print("firstName:" + jo.getString("firstName"));
Print("city:" + jo.getObject("address").getString("city"));
Print("phone:" + jo.getArray("phoneNumber").getObject(0).getString("number"));
// Safe access in case JSON data is missing or different.
if (jo.getString("firstName",s) ) Print("firstName = "+s);
// Loop over object returning JSONValue
JSONIterator *it = new JSONIterator(jo);
for( ; it.isValid() ; {
Print("loop:"+it.key()+" = "+it.val().toString());
delete it;
delete jv;
delete parser;
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