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Created September 9, 2012 15:46
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Minimalistic Garbage Collecting Smart Pointers
#include "gc_ptr.h"
#include <new>
#include <list>
#include <stack>
// A NULL owner pointer signifies that a gc_poiner is owned by the stack
// (or a manually managed heap block)
const unsigned int SOLID_REFERENCE = 0;
// Used when parsing the gc_ptr reference tree
// Wrap all allocated blocks in a HeapBlockWrapper
struct gc_ptr_base;
typedef std::list<gc_ptr_base*> GcPointerList;
struct HeapBlockWrapper { GcPointerList list; unsigned int flags; };
// Stack to keep track of blocks allocated with gc_ptr::create
// The HeapBlockDescriptions are only alive while gc_ptr::create runs the
// constructor for the underlying data type
struct HeapBlockDescription { char* ptr; size_t size; };
typedef std::stack<HeapBlockDescription*> HeapBlockDescriptionStack;
HeapBlockDescriptionStack memBlockStack;
////////// GC POINTER IMPLEMENTATION //////////////////////////////////////////
// This wraps the construction of objects that will be garbage collected
// We have to do this because we need to track the creation of any gc_ptr
// objects that are part of the allocated heap blocks so we can mark these
// as weak pointers
template <typename T> gc_ptr<T> gc_ptr<T>::create(unsigned int count = 1)
size_t size = sizeof(T) * count;
HeapBlockWrapper* p = (HeapBlockWrapper*)operator new(size + sizeof(HeapBlockWrapper));
p = new(p) HeapBlockWrapper();
p->flags = count << 2;
HeapBlockDescription b = { (char*)p, size };
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) new((T*)(p + 1) + i) T();
gc_ptr g(p);
return g;
////////// GC POINTER CONSTRUCTORS ////////////////////////////////////////////
template <typename T> gc_ptr<T>::gc_ptr() : ptr(0) { FindOwner(); }
template <typename T> gc_ptr<T>::gc_ptr(const gc_ptr &rhs) : ptr(rhs.ptr) { FindOwner(); ptr->list.push_front(this); }
template <typename T> gc_ptr<T>::gc_ptr(HeapBlockWrapper* ptr) : ptr(ptr) { parentHeapBlock = 0; ptr->list.push_front(this); }
template <typename T> gc_ptr<T>::~gc_ptr()
if (ptr == 0 || (ptr->flags & FLAG_MARKED_FOR_DELETION)) return;
// If object has no more references to it or if all remaining references are cyclic
if (!ptr->list.empty() && FindSolidReference(ptr))
unsigned int count = ptr->flags >> 2;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) (operator->() + count)->~T();
::operator delete(ptr); // Delete the HeapBlockWrapper object
////////// GC POINTER OPERATORS ///////////////////////////////////////////////
template <typename T> gc_ptr<T>& gc_ptr<T>::operator=(const gc_ptr &rhs)
if (ptr != 0) this->~gc_ptr(); // Call destructor to cleanup previous target (gc_ptr-pointer will not be deleted by this...)
ptr = rhs.ptr;
return *this;
template <typename T> T& gc_ptr<T>::operator*() { return *(T*)(ptr + 1); }
template <typename T> T* gc_ptr<T>::operator->() { return (T*)(ptr + 1); }
////////// GC POINTER REFERENCE TREE //////////////////////////////////////////
// Follow all links back until we find a root or a place we have already been
// A root is a block with an empty Hdr list
// If we find a root the object is still reachable
// If we have reached the end in all paths, and no roots have been found, delete the object
template <typename T> bool gc_ptr<T>::FindSolidReference(HeapBlockWrapper* pInfo)
if (ptr->flags & FLAG_HAS_BEEN_VISITED)
return false; // Check if the block has been visited before
pInfo->flags += FLAG_HAS_BEEN_VISITED;
GcPointerList* reflist = &pInfo->list;
// explore all gc_ptr pointers pointing to this header
for (GcPointerList::iterator i = reflist->begin(); i != reflist->end(); ++i)
HeapBlockWrapper* pInfo2 = (*i)->parentHeapBlock;
// If referencing gc_ptr is owned by the stack or the memory block
if (pInfo2 == SOLID_REFERENCE || FindSolidReference(pInfo2))
pInfo->flags -= FLAG_HAS_BEEN_VISITED; // remove marker
return true;
pInfo->flags -= FLAG_HAS_BEEN_VISITED; // remove marker
return false;
template <typename T> void gc_ptr<T>::FindOwner()
if (memBlockStack.empty()) { parentHeapBlock = 0; return; }
HeapBlockDescription* pBlock =;
parentHeapBlock = ((char*)this > pBlock->ptr && (char*)this < pBlock->ptr + pBlock->size) ? (HeapBlockWrapper*)pBlock->ptr : 0;
// Author: Daniel Peterson 2012
// Contact:
// License: Public Domain
// This is a version of the smart pointer concept that handles cyclic links.
// It does this by keeping track of all garbage pointers created in heap blocks
// and then traversing this tree whenever a garbage pointer goes out of scope
// or is re-assigned.
// This is much slower than traditional smart pointers and weak pointers and
// also slower than traditional garbage collection with a separate thread
// doing mark and sweep.
// It is however a very small code base and does the job for lazy Sunday
// afternoon coding sessions :)
// Code is currently not thread safe. To make the code thread safe there
// must be a separate HeapBlockDescriptionStack for each tread. Also
// traversing adding to and deleting from GcPointerLists must be protected
// with a mutex.
// // Example 1:
// gc_ptr<T> p1 = gc_ptr<T>::create();
// gc_ptr<T> p2 = p1;
// // Example 2:
// // Define a struct
// struct MyStruct { gc_ptr<int> gcPtr; };
// // In main()
// gc_ptr<MyStruct> myStruct = gc_ptr<MyStruct>::create();
// myStruct->gcPtr = myStruct;
// TODO:
// * Handle virtual inheritance
// * Thread Safety
// * ~gc_ptr() performance (iterative traversal and a stack for brancing)
// * Constructor arguments
#ifndef GC_PTR_H
#define GC_PTR_H
struct HeapBlockWrapper;
struct gc_ptr_base { HeapBlockWrapper* parentHeapBlock; };
template <typename T> struct gc_ptr : gc_ptr_base
// Static function create wraps the construction of objects that will be
// garbage collected. This has to be done this because we need to track the
// creation of any gc_ptr objects that are part of the allocated heap
// blocks so we can mark these as weak pointers
static gc_ptr create(unsigned int count = 1);
gc_ptr(const gc_ptr &rhs);
gc_ptr& operator=(const gc_ptr &rhs);
T& operator*();
T* operator->();
// Internal: For parsing the gc_ptr tree...
bool FindSolidReference(HeapBlockWrapper* pInfo);
void FindOwner();
gc_ptr(HeapBlockWrapper* ptr);
HeapBlockWrapper* ptr;
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