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Created August 18, 2011 09:47
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Monkey patch padrino partial renderer to tell when partials are rendered
module Padrino
module Helpers
module RenderHelpers
# Partials implementation which includes collections support
# ==== Examples
# partial 'photo/item', :object => @photo
# partial 'photo/item', :collection => @photos
# partial 'photo/item', :locals => { :foo => :bar }
# partial 'photo/item', :engine => :erb
def partial(template, options={})
logger.debug "PARTIAL: #{template} called"
options.reverse_merge!(:locals => {}, :layout => false)
path = template.to_s.split(File::SEPARATOR)
object_name = path[-1].to_sym
path[-1] = "_#{path[-1]}"
explicit_engine = options.delete(:engine)
template_path = File.join(path).to_sym
raise 'Partial collection specified but is nil' if options.has_key?(:collection) && options[:collection].nil?
if collection = options.delete(:collection)
counter = 0 { |member|
counter += 1
options[:locals].merge!(object_name => member, "#{object_name}_counter".to_sym => counter)
render(explicit_engine, template_path, options.dup)
if member = options.delete(:object)
options[:locals].merge!(object_name => member)
render(explicit_engine, template_path, options.dup)
alias :render_partial :partial
end # RenderHelpers
end # Helpers
end # Padrino
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Line 15 was the only thing I needed to add..

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